
Luna : The Crescent Crest Elementalist

Fable, a company that became famous after revealing the possession of ‘The Six Great Fables’ soon to be ‘Seven’, which are portals connected to unknown places full of mana stones and others. But… the successor of Fable is missing? --- In a world where the power of elements and crests exist, she was picked up by her foster parents. They treated her as if she's their child. But happiness didn't last long, her loved ones were taken from her without even realizing it until she was at the brink of death. --- Years passed, everyone came to know a powerful elementalist with snow-white hair who always wore a white mask. People who have met this figure said he has eyes that are red like crimson and he called himself 'Luna'. One day, 'The Seven Great Fables' started to change, discovering signs of lives far in it.

C1yde · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Don't touch my kids!

"Is that the house they told us about?" a man with gray hair asked the other man beside him. Both were wearing black clothes that covered their faces.

More than ten men were with them in similar style, on a truck that stopped in the middle of the road at midnight. It was so quiet and there were no cars passing through. While looking at this house not far away from where their truck was parked, the man was concentrating on the house.

The other man replied, "Yes, I'm sure of it.".

To be sure, he glanced again at the house and continued, "See how those clothes hang outside?"

"I can see, but what does it matter?"" inquired the gray-haired man.

"You sure are stupid, it's mostly children's clothes, you idiot!"The man smacked the gray-haired man on the head.

"How am I supposed to know what you mean just by looking at children's clothing?"In anger, he yelled back at the person who smacked him. The men in the truck ignore this scene as if they have already witnessed it countless times.

"I think you ought to get your brain checked. It's certainly an orphanage full of children." The other man replied with frustration.

"Then just say it clearly from the beginning!"" The gray haired man did not give up, he continued to argue.

"Ugh!" The man sighed along with his words, "It's a waste of time explaining something to you."

"Let's just get this done!"

At the end of his words, all the men in the truck started moving in the direction of the house the two men had been arguing about.

After arriving a few feet away from the house, they stopped in front of it to get into position. Gray haired man began floating through the air. As he slowly rises, he reaches for the window on the second floor. Using his feet, he kicked the window open, shattering the glasses. However, there was no sound and the shattered glass was floating in mid-air together with the gray-haired man.

After going through the window, he found himself in what appeared to be a hallway between rooms. Glass pieces were dropped on the floor without a sound. He casted another wind barrier along the hallway then he put his head out of the window he broke in. Signaling the men waiting on the ground. 

The gray-haired man once again used the wind to lift a few men to his place. Now, five of them are inside the house and all the preparations are ready once they find them. It cost quite a bit for them to obtain that information from the teacher. There is no way they will fail this mission.

Four men except the gray haired one took out cylindrical shaped objects from their belt pockets and put them on to the floor. Green smoke began to emanate from it. But it didn't reach them, they were covered by the small wind barrier near their head. The green smoke travels from the hallway to the rooms through the slit between the doors and the floor. After hearing some coughing, the smoke and the sound dissipated as well. The men were done waiting, each man went to a room to find them, the kids who possess the compatibility with light and shadow.

The information said that the one who possesses the light element has a unique orange hair and golden eyes while the other has black hair and black eyes. Both of them were the same height. Once the orange haired kid is found, finding the black haired one will be easier for them.

"Found them!" a man yelled from a room. Others in different rooms all rushed to the man's voice. 

The orange haired kid was sleeping upside down in the bed, the boy wasn't even woken by the shout from before due to the green gas. It was a really strong kind of sleeping gas. They also found the other kid in the same room. The man took a rope from his belt bag again to use it to tie up the kids. The other did the same. When the two kids were tied, they took out black bags once again. While putting the two kids in their bags, they heard sounds coming from the hall.

"Who are you!" the angry voice shrieked. 

"Damn" the gray haired man murmured seeing the old man in front of him. He gathered the wind covering the entire hallway in his hand. Finally, it made the old man's voice audible.

"You thieves!" On the old man's palm, gray colored substances started to form. Looking at it carefully, the grey haired man could see that it looked similar to metal. It was the old man's crest power. He has the power to create metal. 

The old man had to cross the second floor to go up to the attic. During his sleep, he recalled a photo of his wife that he had taken many years ago and decided to reminisce about it. He locked all the photos of his family in the attic at the orphanage.

Even though he loved the children from the orphanage, he couldn't trust them to not go in there if the door was unlocked. During his way to the attic, there was wind covering the hallway of the second floor. This was certainly the work of an elementalist. In this hour? It was certainly not someone good but the bad ones, who live to do such things like kidnapping and stealing. 

'Don't you think I am going to stand by and watch you take my children!'' the old man thought fiercely. He was ready to take on a fight he didn't expect to win against a young elementalist as an old man in his last days.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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