
Luna of Silvermoon

Mariannaux is an Alpha Daughter.A wolf-less warrior and a healer to the Primordial Moon Pack.Her wolf is still sleeping inside of her.His Father trained her so hard to become a warrior of their Pack. Alpha David.Known for his cruelty and ruthlessness.He is one of the strongest Alpha in the world.His Pack is conqueror, he conquers and kills his enemy without mercy.He is bound to be Mariannaux's mate and he hated it, for him love is a sign of weakness. Because of the contract made by their ancestors.Mariannaux and David were forced to be mates for each other. will they love and like each other?will the contract will be break?

Hikari_Zones · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Arrangement

"This is not acceptable"I shouted inside of my father's office.Many of the elders and high-ranking wolves gasped in my reaction.

His Dark Aura was looming inside the room but i didn't care!it's my future that we're talking about here.He should fight and the pack, We were wolves for Moon sake!

"Maria, this arrangement was made by our ancestors,I can't say no to them.It's our duty to Protect our pack at any cost."Alpha Elliot said

He is my father, the Alpha of Primordial Pack.We were discussing the contract sent by Silvermoon Pack yesterday.This contract contract is the living proof of our grand ancestors making allies to Silvermoon.They helped us a long time ago in a war.The Alpha's made a sealed contract binding the third generation to marry each other,Potential mate or Not.

"This is my life! How can you force me to mate that blood thirst monster? We know them they have a very bad reputation especially the leading alpha now.I will not marry him!"i said firmly

Alpha Kayden was know for his cruelty and prestige.He made them even stronger when he acquired the Alpha title five years ago.They became conquerors and destroyed their enemies packs.He was living proof of hell on earth.

I didn't know why the Moon Goddess let this happen.This was too much for all of us to handle.We, the Primordial Pack.We're known for being white fur wolves plus the snowland we have.We were strong pack for a long time now and that was the Silvermoon Pack helped our previous alpha and the continues alliance since then.

"If you don't do this Maria, our pack will be shattered.They will kill us all if we break the contract"Alpha Elliot said.

"Do you want to see us all dead before you agree with this? We are wolf maria! We are leaders of this pack.You are the one of the best female warrior and healer here, even though you still can't shift.Do you want us all to fight for you? For your life? Is your Life more important to our pack?"Alpha Elliot said

I almost broke down when i heard his question.Could i risk their lives in exchange of mine? Could i start a war for the sake of my own freedom? My family, Family of our pack members, was i really going to sacrifice the mall?

"Maybe try to get to know him first before you decide.He doesn't even know about this contract either"My father said

"Okay Fine,I'll do this.But i want all of you to know this is not easy, i will not find my mate!"i said half smiling and a sad tone.

"Thank you Maria, this is a big sacrofice for you but you made the right decision for the Pack"First Beta Martin said

"were counting on you maria"my brother dexter said

"Father, did he know that i can't shift?" i asked my father maybe i can made him withdraw the contract

"Yes, but he wants to continue the contract"my father said Alpha David assures me he will follow the arrangement.

"You should prepare now First Beta of Silvermoon will arrived tomorrow"My father said i looked at him he looks sad ad defeated

I looked at Dexter his face is looks Sad"Don't cry big boy.You're not a baby now"I said to Dexter

"Fine, I will not"he said with a defeated tone.

After my Mother Died giving birth to Dexter i took care of my brother, I treated him as a baby.So it's new to him that were can't be together all the time.I smiled and hugged my baby brother.I'm sure, Im going to miss them a lot.They were my best buddies since my mother died.He would be my Baby forever.

I sat in my room looking at every corner of it.I had lived here for eighten years and now i will leaving because i needed to pay off our backpack debt.

I still couldn't accept that this is happening now.I sobbed while hugging my favorite pillow.It was given by my father he said that my mother made it when i was a baby.

I wished you were here mom.

The door slowly opened and my best friend tyler entered my room.He was the son of First Beta martin and soon to be First Beta of our Pack.He was also friends with my brother.

"Hey Piggy, Stop crying"he said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.That is was always he do when he saw me crying.

"i will leave tomorrow ty, and it hurst me, It's really hurts"i said hugging him.I wish were mates.

We talked about it before but he said he couldn't feel any potential bond between us.Man knew when they found their right she-wolf for them.It's the scent of women that made them crazy, and turned the motion of the earth to them.

While us, Women could sense the prestige of a man.That attracted us to them until they courted us and we accept them as our mates.I ready in bookd that when they turned eighteen they will find easily their mate and fall in love.That's a lie!

" I know Piggy,Dad told me.I told him to fight for you but the safety of our pack comes first."He said.

"That's true, i hate the consequence of their life.It's like binding our life forever" i said slightly pulling away from his hug.

"Then run, you can run from this and lived your own life" he suggested.

"Alpha David will kill all of you if i do that!"i said picking my bag and Start Packing my clothes as i put my clothes one by one my tears coming out, and then he comforts me.