
Luna Ivy Rose

My mate is Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He has gorgeous blue eyes, brown hair stands about 6'6" tall, and has a tattoo of a wolf on his back. Ivy could have any mate that she wanted, but the moon goddess mated her with Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He could have chosen a mate if he wanted, but she his. However, the Blood Moon Pack wants to go to war with the Black Moon Pack and then tragedy strikes. Alpha Thorne must find a way to cure his precious mate. Join Alpha Jackson Thorn and Ivy Rose on their journey to becoming the most powerful Alpha and Luna.

Mara_5559 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Two More Years

Before you go any further she is still in high school and hasn't got her wolf yet. Oh no, hold up I'm sorry, but I didn't mean it that way. I just thought it was a very pretty name. Besides, I play for both teams and she's young, pretty, with beautiful eyes, and a great shape, but I don't date jailbait. After that, we left Steve with his roommate to unpack. Now are you both going to tell me what happened, before mom became your mate dad? Nope, now is not the time. We need to get back home, but First Baskin Robbins. Well can't say that I didn't try to get a good story about how you two met? We head back home and before you know it I am starting my junior of high school. I tell my parents that in two years I'm thinking of going to the Art Institute of Fashion and Design. Yes, we know honey that time will fly by. On the way home can we stop and get ice cream? It is still kind of hot for it being fall. Yes, we can stop and get ice cream. Baskin Robbins here we come. We drove thirty minutes before we finally found a Baskin Robbins. We get there and Dad parks the car in the compact parking space. We head inside, oh it has been a while since I've had ice cream from Baskin Robins. Hello, what kind of ice cream can I get for you today? I just know that I'm going to regret this, but I would like a scoop of strawberry shortcake and a scoop of banana split ice cream and what I can get for you two. I will have a scoop of rocky road and a scoop of vanilla my dad tells the lady. My mom decided to go with a scoop of butter pecan and a scoop of pecan praline. You love pecans don't you Mother? I sure do she says. My dad pays the lady and leaves a nice tip, then we are on our way home. Oh honey, can you believe that our little Ivy Rose is going to start school in a couple of weeks as a junior? Yep, I know it seems as if it was yesterday when I was holding her small little body in my hands. Was I really that small and cute when I was born? I asked my parents. Yes, you were the prettiest baby that we ever did see. Oh I know I am pretty, you both couldn't help but conceive me. Oh no, we couldn't help it at all since it is in our nature to do what we do, especially when a female wolf goes into heat. What Mom we go into heat as wolves, yes honey we sure do. That is the time when you're most fertile to get pregnant and have pups. Say what now, but I want to go to college. I don't want to have heat while I'm in high school, let alone have it in college as well. How am I supposed to handle that? Don't want to be going up to some random male wolf, just to ask him to help me with my heat. Well honey there are always heat suppressants, but using those too much could prevent you from becoming a mother. As for right now let's just focus on your junior and senior years of high school. Oh yes, I can't wait either. I wonder what kind of classes I am going to have this year. Maybe ones that will give you a good career choice. Are we back to this again? Dad I already told you what I wanted to be and that is a fashion designer. I know what you told me sweetheart, but I just want the best for you. Don't want you to struggle as your mother and I did. Dad's part of being a fashion designer is starting from the bottom and working your way up. I have a feeling though once I get my degree in Fashion with a minor in Marketing. Marketing well that is a nice field. Yes Dad it is so if I don't do well with fashion. I will have that degree to fall back on. Here you probably thought that I didn't think this through. You're right, honey no I didn't think you would. Had no idea that you had put some thought into not just the fashion design. Well with marketing Dad, I can advertise and market my designs. Therefore, I don't have to worry about someone stealing my ideas when I can work for myself. This girl of ours is very smart Evelyn, my dad said. I know she is and I believe that she gets it from me. She gets it from me as well, but I'm smarter my mom says. Oh my goodness, Mom, Dad please you're both smart. You both have two smart children and can we just leave it at that, please? I only have about a week left before I start my junior year. Can we make the most of it? I asked them. You're right honey, let's just make the most of this week because before you we know it you will be in your cap and gown graduation schoolroom. The following week school started and I was a junior. I had got my schedule, books, and locker combination. I get to my locker, open and put my books that I don't need in there. Then all of a sudden. I hear someone saying to me at my longer. Hello, my name is Stephanie Baton. Hi, my name is Ivy Rose, oh I know who you are. You do I asked her., Yes, I do Stephanie says, you're into fashion design, just like,e m,e and that out had made last year the was the ire. The outfit with the midriff top, with sle, eves buttoned up at the wrist, but part of the sleeves are cut out and then you below-the-knee knee skirt with a pair of white sandals. What is your secret? if I told you it wouldn't be a secret now would it? How do I know that you wouldn't want to do it for yourself? I promise that I will not give anyone or use your secret for myself. Alright then, I whispered in her ear and told her they use the old clothes that I don't wear anymore and make them into outfits using a sewing machine. That is the smartest idea I have ever heard of Stephanie says. I know thank you very much. Who's your first-period class? Mine is Math with Ms. Marshall, that's good because that is where I am going too. How nice we both have the same class. Alright, let's go before we are late on the first day. Well, it is a little late for that the bell just rang. Come on let's go. We walk fast to class and open the door as quietly as we can, without the teacher seeing us. Well, you two are late for my class. Here is the syllabus, please find a seat. You two are lucky it is the first day of school or else it would have detention.

How do you feel about Ivory giving her secret about designing her clothes to Stephanie?

Do you think that Stephanie might steal her idea and use it for herself?

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