
Luna Ivy Rose

My mate is Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He has gorgeous blue eyes, brown hair stands about 6'6" tall, and has a tattoo of a wolf on his back. Ivy could have any mate that she wanted, but the moon goddess mated her with Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He could have chosen a mate if he wanted, but she his. However, the Blood Moon Pack wants to go to war with the Black Moon Pack and then tragedy strikes. Alpha Thorne must find a way to cure his precious mate. Join Alpha Jackson Thorn and Ivy Rose on their journey to becoming the most powerful Alpha and Luna.

Mara_5559 · Fantasy
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When fall had finally arrived . We were back to being the quiet family that we are. My parents and I followed Steve behind his car to Lincoln, Nebraska where he would be attending college. It took us only 53 minutes to get to Lincoln, Nebraska. All of us actually thought that the University of Nebraska was far, but no it isn't. The college is only about an hour away. See Steve I told him you have nothing to worry about. Home is only an hour away. That way you can come and visit us during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, Memorial Day and Fourth of July. Yeah, that is only if I don't have plans with my classmates. However, I will try to make time for all of you. Well what about my birthday? I asked him. You're not going to miss that are you? You know I only turn sixteen once. I don't know squirt. Hopefully my professors won't keep me bogged down with school work. I just sit there pouting looking out the window. Then he turns to me and says I am just kidding. I would not miss your birthday for the world. Then I put a smile on my face knowing that he meant every word he said. Did you know that Lincoln, Nebraska is known for their Political hub, a foodie haven and a center for culture. The three things that they are known for is Agricultural Production, corn, beef and Warren Buffett. They are also known to be the home of the College Baseball World Series. It even says that they make these great sandwiches called the Runza sandwich, which consist of seasoned beef, cabbage and onions all in a fluffy bread. You should try Steve in case you have a hankering for some beef. Okay Ivy you learned some of the facts about Lincoln, Nebraska can we just enjoy the ride now? I'm sorry I didn't mean to be a buzz kill. Before I know it we are in front of The University Of Nebraska. Oh my goodness I can't believe we are here, my mom says. Yep, we finally made it to the University of Nebraska even though it was only an hour drive. Well at least you'll be close to home my father tells him. That is true, but I still doubt that I will be visiting every weekend or holiday. Are you sure you packed everything that you need? My mother asked Steve. Yes, mom I believe that I have everything that I need for the next four years. Aww, look at my baby, he's all grown up now. Mom really, it is only four years. Well son a lot can happen in four years, but you just make sure to study hard. Then maybe Alpha Thorne will take you on as his financial advisor. Let's just hope dad and he takes my financial advice seriously. Oh Alpha Thorne the most handsome man you have ever seen I say. Tall, fair skin, ice blue eyes, brown hair and a tattoo of a wolf on his back. Hmm...now who wouldn't love that? I couldn't agree more, my mother says. Then my dad growled, oh honey give it up. It wasn't as if all the she wolves weren't throwing themselves at you. Let's not forget how one she-wolf was always trying to get her claws into you. What was her name? It was Shelby Richards, my dad said. Yeah, funny how you remember your name. Who is Shelby Richards? I asked my mother. Oh she is just someone that thought your dad was her mate and it turned out he wasn't. Ooh can I hear the story? I ask. There is no need to rehash the past now Evelyn. Oh why not James don't want your daughter to know that she wolf tried to do everything she can to break our bond. Can we just let it go. Our bond wasn't broken and she has found her mate, my tells her. That is good now she can keep her claws off of you. Honey, that was eighteen years ago before I knew that you were my mate. Well she still did try though. Yes, I know honey but we are together now and that is atl that matters. Okay can we stop with the mushy stuff and go to my dorm room. I really just hope that my dorm mate is a wolf? What if your dorm mate is human? I ask my brother. Then I will just have to get used to having a roommate who is human. Hello there, I am Brian Williams and I will be your resident advisor this year or maybe two years. Who knows? Anyways let's see, may I have your name please. Oh yes, it is Steve Michaels. Now where are you? Oh yes, here you are Steve? Your room is on the second floor and your room is the third door on your left. Alright, let's go everyone the faster we get my stuff in, the faster all of you can leave. My goodness someone is anxious for us to leave, I said. Can you blame me, you all have been hovering over me since we got here. We just want to make sure that your transition to college is an easy one Steve, my dad said. Thank you, but I think that I can handle it from here. Now he said the third door on the left, oh yes here we are. I open the door and I see my roommate for the next four years. Hello, I am Kevin Reynosa, your roommate, hi I am Steve Michaels and it is nice to meet you and you're not human. Oh no, I'm a wolf just like you, he says. Who might these lovely people be? This is my mom and James and Evelyn Michaels, oh and that person there, the pain in my side is my little sister Ivy Rose. It is nice to meet all of you. Ivy Rose is such a pretty name. I will definitely remember it from now on. Before, you go any further she is still in high school and hasn't gotten her wolf yet. Oh no, hold up I'm sorry, but I didn't mean it that way. I just thought it was a very pretty name. Besides, I play for both teams and she's young, pretty, has very beautiful eyes and has a great shape, but I don't date jailbait.


Alright, you all have walked me to my dorm and met my roommate. Now, can you all leave so I can unpack. Yes, honey we will go, mom said. We need get going anyways before it gets late and we saw a Baskin Robbins on the way into town. We just might stop there and get some ice cream. I can not wait Ivy says. Alright, son just call if you need anything. I will make sure that I will call if I need anything. Okay, we are off now, bye. It was nice meeting you Kevin. It was nice meeting you too, he says. Then they left, finally.

What do you think of Steve's roommate? Did anyone get that vibe from him too, about being bisexual?

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