

Ara's entire world is shattered when her use of illegal magic leads to the death of her family. Fleeing her homeland as a wanted fugitive, she arrives in the midst of a brutal war in the nation of Dantas. In this unforgiving landscape, Ara discovers that her magic is not a curse, but a powerful gift. As she learns to wield it with deadly precision, she must confront the demons of her past and embrace her true identity as a child of magic. But as the lines between friend and foe blur, Ara realizes that her newfound power may come at a cost she cannot bear to pay. Will she use her abilities to seek vengeance, or will she find the strength to forgive herself and fight for a better future?

ItsDumi · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 - An Exchange of Ideals

The pillars in the auditorium candorus extend to such heights, that the gods may trial the echoes. The gold and royal blue patterns in the hall are dressed in a way that breathes the Valantian religion.

An architectural marvel designed to amplify the voice of an emperor or empress that takes the stage.

"The next question will be directed to Irilene." says the mediator.

"What steps will you take to regulate the illegal trade of Dahai and Al'chem across Luná?"

"Syndicates and black markets are a common theme in the poorer nations of Luná. Nihil and Dantas are the primary sources of this trade and its regulation shall be a part of our military presence in said nations." She pauses, looking at the audience as they listen attentively.

"Additionally, Dahai will remain illegal. The effects of such a hallucinogen are unknown and potentially dangerous. Thus we will also be researching to get an understanding of what Dahai is truly doing to one's mind."

"Do you have any questions?" The moderator asks Falan.

"No, Sir," he responds

"Very well, then you may proceed to answer the question."

"Thank you," Falan says before pausing in a moment of deep thought.

"I believe it necessary to fully legalize this drug."

The crowd murmurs in response. Whispers and gossip are being passed along the rows of viewers.

"Silence please." requests the mediator. Prompting the audience to relax.

"There is no true regulation to Dahai or any other narcotics derived from Al'chem," Falan adds.

"If they were to be legalized, the rate of research would soar and the threat of exposure, addiction, and overdosing will be minimized."

"How are you sure these syndicates will be interested in you taking a share of their income?" Asks Irilene.

"These 'syndicates' are business minded. I'm certain they are willing to undergo regulation and oversight to engage in the market legally."

"You're quite the optimist, Mr. Greyeul." She giggles.

"Please no further comments Irilene."

"Yes, sire."

"A question has been drawn from our senate, and it will be directed to Falan at first."

"How do you intend to strengthen the relationship with our allies?" The announcer directs to Falan.

"We need to shift the idea of what it means to be an ally," He responds.

"We are all neighbors sharing a common home, and we've named her Luná. I believe it is time we make larger efforts to find common ground amongst our enemies. We must learn how to live peacefully."

"And what do you intend to tell the high born of East Nihil? That they should simply cease their games?" Irilene queries.

"Yes. We can show them a better way."

Irilene nearly responds in frustration, biting her lip to avoid overstepping.

"Irilene, the same question has been posed to you." Says the announcer.

"Every individual on Luná is of a unique soul. We need to align with those of whom have souls similar to our own. If we expose our souls to the wrong ones, then we are at risk." Irilene says.

"Our relationship with Gelida Terra and Bada wang-gug is stronger than ever. We will continue to share more resources and research as a means of collective improvement. At the same time, we will protect each other from those that seek to harm us."

The crowd applauds her response, and her way of connecting to the Valantian spirit continues to serve as her political advantage.

"Falan, do you have any questions for Irilene?"

"No, sir."

"Then we shall continue to the next question. It will be directed to Irilene- The Valantian youth has lately been disinterested in national or regional politics. How do you intend to attract their interest to the future of Valantis?"

"This predicament has been at the forefront of my mind as of late. To my understanding, the spirit of the youth has progressed to spreading this Valantian spirit to the rest of the world in the form of aid. My concern with this is how quickly it can turn to colonization."

"I believe the best course of action would be showing the youth results. They want evidence that the state of these nations is improving and we intend to provide this in every way they desire."

"Viewing our neighbors as enemies or allies may be a poor start." Adds Falan.

"The youth desires a change that should take decades to happen immediately. It will take time and I have every intention of showing results."

Falan follows up immediately.

"I have no intention of trying to persuade the youth. When it is their time to rule the nation, they will step up. I trust that… What we should be doing is implementing systems and cultural changes that will guide our youth to achieving their ideals once they take the reins."

"Five percent of the Valantian youth leaves the nation now," adds Irilene

"This is an increase of four percent since you started campaigning. Could it be a part of your strategy to encourage the youth to leave Valantis?"

"No. I encourage the youth to do what they want. If what they want is to leave Valantis, it is your duty to understand why." He responds.

"False! You encourage the youth to provide aid to these decrepit nations. Of all the youth that leaves, two-thirds are killed thanks to your motivation!" She rebuttals, passionate about the topic and infuriated by Falan's response.

"Irilene, that is enough." Says the Announcer.

"You parade yourself as a pacifist whilst encouraging the demise of our immediate future!" She adds.

"Irilene!" The announcer's voice rings through the hall.

"You are overstepping. Continue, and you will be eliminated from the debate. This is your final warning."

Irilene nods to the announcer, taking deep breaths to calm herself before looking over to Falan who seemingly remains nonchalant.

"The next question will be directed to Falan. It is as follows: In your mind's eye, how will the future of Valantis appear?"

He takes a moment, flipping between the notes on his podium before taking a short read.

"Ah yes, the future of Valantis. I imagine it being the mother of Luná. A place that provides all others with the guidance required to live a positive experience."

"It is easy to dream of power in a nation that already has it. I believe Valantis needs to challenge itself, and this challenge comes in the form of providing all of our neighbours with the greatness we have achieved."

"Upon providing our neighbours with power, what will your strategy become if they use it against you?" Irilene queries.

"The right discussions can prevent such an outcome." He adds.

"And Irilene.How does the future appear to you?"

"The future is unknown." She states boldly.

"We exist within the present, and it is the present that will guide us. Valantis is the greatest nation we've known, my duty is to simply maintain such an achievement. While progressing Luná is a noble cause, whether or not others will think likewise is uncertain."

"Thank you both for your candor." Says the announcer.

"This discussion is the first of three that will take place during the campaign of these two representatives. People of Valantis, please lend your hand to Empress Irilene Adire and Falan Greyeul.

The crowd rises to their feet to applaud the both of them as they make their way to the center of the stage and shake hands.

"I think that went splendidly, Ms. Adire." Says her assistant as Irilene makes her way backstage.

"Thank you, Tahira. We developed an excellent strategy." She responds.

"I will always be in awe of how you discuss the Valantian spirit." States Falan as he makes his way backstage.

"I now understand why your family has been our guides for over a millennia. And yourself for nearly a century now."

"Thank you, Falan. I appreciate your interest in the people. Regardless of the outcome, I'm certain the nation will be in good hands." She responds nodding as he shows his respects before talking to his team.

"Tahira, what are my next arrangements?"

"Mr and Mrs. Morcos would like to meet with you regarding their kin. Additionally, we have an airship ready to take Ashera and yourself to Bada for a meeting with the collective governance."

"She hasn't left?"

"No ma'am, she said she would like to wait for you at the castle."

"Then I will be making my way to the castle. When shall the airship be leaving?"

"It will need to leave any time within the next 10 hours, ma'am."

"What will we be discussing with the collective?"

"It would seem the Cao have information regarding a line of recent executions and prisoners, ma'am."

"They continue to prune their history."

"It would seem so ma'am."

"What of the Morcos kin?" Irilene asks.

"It would seem their son was on trial in Aagar earlier today."


"Yes, ma'am."

"And what of the outcome?"

"He demanded a life trial, ma'am. He faced his bond, D'aliah. Of whom he subsequently disarmed before demanding they both be exiled. Which they were."

Irilene laughs in amusement, shocked by such a result.

"I don't think there's ever been such an outcome to a life trial."

"To my surprise ma'am, there has been. It was over six centuries ago in which a prince of the Adire family had himself and his Dantian bond exiled."

"Interesting. It must have been out of fear of harming Dantian royalty I presume."

"I also believe that to be the reason, ma'am."

"I would like to read whatever you have on both instances. D'aliah and Kalan have grown to be quite unpredictable. We will have to keep an eye on how their behaviour develops."

"Better to die a martyr, than to die a politician." - Prophet Ta'alo