

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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Episode 62 - Bad

On the next day, Nova Friburgo, a medium sized city in the cold and always cloudy forest mountains of the state of Rio, practically the whole city stopped to watch the party.

Around the outskirts of the city, in a giant castle-like mansion, the 7 Luminary guardians got off the helicopter and steeped on the garden.

In front of them, a lot of people and other festivity stuff like buffet, tables, etc.

All of them were wearing black tuxedos and black ties, but only Luminary and Simone's guardians were allowed to wear colored shirts under the black suits, Luiz with orange; Nana with green; Hanji with yellow; Delph with indigo; Allen with purple; Leo with blue and Paris with red while everyone else used white.

Paris: Whoa... We're going to live here if we actually succeed the current head of the family?

Delph: It's really big...

Emily and Flora were in the security staff, disguised as one of them to not call attention while Harper was inside the castle's security system.

Flora: Please, leave your weapons in the box before entering the castle.

The guests were cooperating while all Luminary guardians were looking around.

Leo: The one who attacked Jade... Is somewhere around here...

Nana: We'll definitely find them... Allen, drop the angry face, you are scaring the guests.

Allen tries to calm down.

Hanji hangs up her phone.

Hanji: Jade still hasn't woken up yet. But the doctor said they'll call once she has.


Commander: How's her situation?

Doctor: It was supposed to be severe, but we manage to stabilize her.

Commander: Supposed?

Doctor: We were able to save her life and there was a good chance she would never be able to walk again, but her powers are acting like they refuse to let that happen.

Commander: So she will walk?

Doctor: She will, now her powers are doing the rest of the work. Give her two or three days of rest.

Nana: Wait, can we at least see her?

Doctor: Unfortunately not, sorry.

The doctor goes away.

Commander: Since the situation was resolved fast, Jade's condition won't be leaked to the public, press or other agents.

Simone: And if you guys are going to the party, then you'll have to act like nothing ever happened.

Leo: Why's that?

Enlil: Luminary itself is very famous, Jade alone has her own fanbase. If what happened to her leaked, Luminary would lose some of its reputation.

Back to the current day.

Allen tries to mask his worry and anger behind a calm expression.

Hanji walked calmly to the food table as one acting normal does.

They spread out and acted normal, most of the guests were paying attention to Luiz, but the colors on their clothes always gave away they were guardians, still they were casually touching their ears to communicate with others.

Leo: Emily, how's it going?

Emily: Nothing out of the ordinary yet. But there was a person just standing near the entrance but didn't enter.

Leo: That's the entrance guard, perhaps?

Emily: That's the thing. They aren't there anymore.

Delph: Harper, everything ok in the security cameras?

She had eyes everywhere, but didn't catch anything fishy aside from the usual party stuff. Some people making out in hidden places, people talking about their family, Hanji loving the food, but still nothing weird.

Harper: Nothing, copy.

The Guardians come closer to the buffet, Paris and Hanji were having the time of their lives.

Hanji: This is actually kind of fun.

She smiles at Paris.

Paris: I know, the food is also delicious!

"Hey, Lumithrash!"

They look behind and see the 6 Fateful Guardians they fought behind Hail.

After the Honor battle was over, Fateful and Luminary were slowly becoming good friends of sorts, even Hail started to see them in higher regard.

Leo: You guys came!

Tiger: The leader's dad is actually a big client of the Escarleto Family's weapons.

Hail: By the way, where's your artist girl? I've been wanting to talk to her.

Leo: She... She couldn't come today.

Hail: Bummer...

Allen: It's nothing too bad. Just a cold is all.

Hanji: Yes, a cold.

The Luminary and Fateful guardians who fought each other started to talk, in the end the competition ended and no hard feelings remained.

Except that Hail was getting too friendly with Luiz, making a very jealous Nana and Cake forcefully break their talk.

Luiz: What is it?

Nana: I don't like her.

Luiz: We were just talking about a rematch...

Nana: Still don't like it. She's too arrogant to call herself your "rival".

After an hour and all guests arriving, it was time. Everyone started to enter, with Luminary entering last.

Emily and Flora were patrolling with the rest of the staff while all guests stayed on the sides of a big red carpet at the entrance of the mansion.

Luiz was on the lead, with the others on lines of three at his side. On the left, Leo, Paris and Delph. On the right, Nana, Allen and Hanji.

They slowly walk to a throne where Simone was sat with her guardians at her side.

It was a complete silence.

Hanji: Why is everyone so quiet?

She whispered to the others.

Paris: I guess it's a matter of respect.

Delph: Luminary, the team that is saving the world is also succeeding the current heads...

Leo: They aren't... Intimidated by us... Right?

Nana: We killed Ran, Leo. You know, the strongest woman in the world.

Allen: Yup. They are definitely intimidated.

Delph: There's also the fact that Nana is the second dragon in the family who isn't a scientist.

Nana: You mean the purple dragons?

Delph: Yeah.

Hanji: Makes sense. But really, there's no going back, is there?

Luiz: If the ceremony ends... Yes...

They arrive in front of the throne and Simone stands up. A servant comes and gives her a box with a golden-ish Orange bracelet with the letter "E" engraved on it.

Simone: The bracelet that officially states who will be the next successor. Not a candidate for succession, but the actual future boss when I pass away.

She catches the bracelet and raises it for all guests to see it shining.

Simone: It only shines in this orange light when the one who shares the boss' blood stands here.

Luiz get's nervous, once he wears that thing, he will literally never be able to remove it.

Simone: I pass this on to you... 27th.

Before he touches the bracelet, a large screech noise takes over the place, like someone is scratching glass.

Everyone covers their ears, while Saisem enforcers break through the windows.

Simone immediately hugs her son and her guardians make a circle around them and Luminary, creating a huge shield with their elements.

Harper: They cut the cameras! I can't see what's happening! I'm basically blind here and... Stuck too?! Guys I can't leave!

They were stuck inside the circle while the mafiosos and criminals started a massive gun fight with the Saisem personnel, those with powers, Like Emily, Flora and Fateful were concentrated on taking the fight outside.

When the mayhem goes outdoors, Simone's guardians undo their shield

Nana: We should go and help...

Luiz: Mom, you can release me now.

Simone: Oh, yes, sure.

She released him and noticed that he didn't get to wear the bracelet.

Simone: Looks like you won't be the boss after all.

Luiz: So...

Simone: Yes. The Ceremony is cancelled.

However, before Luminary can go out to fight, they hear the sound of hands clapping slowly.

They look at the door and see a very familiar, yet terrifying, face.

Leo: No...

Paris: You?!

Dennis: Heeeeeello There. It has been a while, hasn't it?

Nana: You are behind all this?! You attacked Jade?!

Dennis: Why, of course. She comes into my territory, kills my officer and destroys one of my castles.

He laughs.

Dennis: An eye for an eye.

Allen: You MotherFucker!!

He goes to attack Dennis with his hidden blades.

Emily: He killed himself! Jade didn't kill the officer. He shot himself the moment he realized who she was.

Leo: Allen, wait...!

Dennis's diamond barriers appear and Allen's blades are rendered useless.

Yet he was still trying to get on Dennis. He was hellbent on seeing him headless.

Dennis: Ooooh. You have some fierce determination! However, I'm not your opponent today, sadly.

Dennis used his psychokinesis to throw Allen to the other side of the room and went outside, walking casually.

Utu: Boss, your orders?

Simone: They attacked an official Inheritance Ceremony, Saisem declared war on all the underworld doing that.

Luiz: So does that mean...?

Simone: Yes. No more secondary or hidden support, no more Innuendos and code names. All Mafia families in the world, moderate or radical, will join the fight against Saisem openly.

Leo: Since our beginning, Dennis always played games with us.

Nana: But not anymore.

Paris: We're taking him down.

Luiz: Right here.

Delph: Right now.

Hanji: But he just said he's not our opponent... What???

They get outside and Dennis makes a wall of Psychic energy to keep the Criminals and Enforcers away, only him and the Guardians could step on that pseudo arena.

A cyborg of sorts comes walking.

Paris: Dan?!

Luiz: Wait... That Dan that we used to face in our first missions?

It had the same face as Dan, but his body was all machine, he was more a cyborg on life support than man.

Two other people landed on the ground.

Rin: Hey there, remember us?

I2une: I don't get paid enough to be here...

Leo: The Necromancers who revived Merlin in Paris' village...

Luiz: Wait, who's that?

Yata came walking and threw Apple on the ground.

Apple: Sorry, boss...

She smashed his head with her baseball bat.

Yata: Sora sends her regards.

Another girl comes.

Allen: Yva?!

Yva: Hey, Cousin. Remember when I was sent to Saisem Academy because you failed your mission? I don't know if I kiss you or if I kill you.

Dennis stood aside and Silver came walking.

Silver: Ain't this reunions heart warming?

Dennis: Luminary! Meet the "Dark Ones"!

Luiz: Seven Enemies for Seven Guardians...

Hanji: I fear the vision might be within the year or next... We mustn't die here!

Leo: But, Silver... Why are you against us? After everything we did, after all our good times together...

Silver: Saisem needs Jade, Leo. But even if we get her, Luminary will still be a stone on our shoe.

Dennis: We ignored you, gave attention to other enemies, such as Fateful, yet you all proved to be an insufferable pest. Luminary has been on our heels for far too long.

Rin: Can we change our stipid name?

Yva: Yeah, like... "Team Obsidian" or "New Moon" or something.

I2une: How about "Acuity".

Dennis: Ugh, fine, Acuity then.

Dennis cleared his throat.

Dennis: I had a plan, a glorious plan! You guys were supposed to stay busy in Europe with the Red King long enough, but noooooo, you couldn't do that, could you?

Luiz: You used the Red King? Your own ally?!

Delph: I guess there's no such thing as allies on their side, in the end.

Dennis: I knew the Jade plan was a cowardly move, but I had to try. Had to make it legitimate. I needed to lure you all.


Silver: Oh, Allen, don't tell me you've grown attached to the girl?

Allen: Shut it traitor!

Silver: I didn't joined Saisem. Jade and her brother fusing is necessary for my goal.

Yva: I guess that failing missions is your specialty...

Dennis snaps his fingers and traps Emily, Flora, Simone and her guardians inside the mansion.

Dennis: This ends here, you will fight us or your mentors will bite the dust.

Luiz: It's not like we planned to run anyway.

Luminary get's ready to fight.

Hanji: We are happy to fight and take your ego down along with your 'dark ones'.

I2une: It's Acuity!

Leo: Let's start with a bang, then.

Leo prepared his cannon and shot at the evil group, but it's a smoke bullet instead.

Nana: Leo, you get Sora's murderer. Paris, those necromancers defiled your village, you and Hanji go to each of them.

Luiz: Delph, Dan is more machine than man now, do your magic. Nana, you get Silver. Allen, you--

Allen: I know, I know, I'll go after my cousin.

Luiz: On the contrary. I'll go after your cousin, you go to Dennis.

Allen: Wait, what?

Luiz: We may have had a feud with him for some time, but he hurt your girl. Don't worry, I won't kill your cousin.

Allen: Thanks...!

Harper manages to escape the security system and fuses with Delph, making Malware.

The smoke settles and the two groups prepare to fight.

Luiz: You all have your targets.

Nana: Stay together!

Leo: Luminary! Let's rumble!

Harper managed to escape the Mansion security, fused with Delph, creating Malware and the two teams ran to fight each other.

I2une and Rin were a pair of dark mages, with Rin even using an extravagant witch hat, but, unlike Rin's, I2une's staff could be turned into a sword, which he used to go at Paris, clashing against his Katana while Hanji jumped away from Rin's magical shots.

Paris: I still have to punish you two for that creep show you made in my village.

I2une: You're still mad about that? It was just a job.

Paris waves his Katana, showing his fangs, I2une vanishes after their Blades connect, and, summoning an illusion swirl of vines, attempts to hit Paris with more waves of dark magic which Paris counters waving his Katana and releasing waves of blood.

Rin: What are you doing, I2une? Just finish him off already!

I2une: Said the trap that is losing to a girl.

And he wasn't wrong, using the abilities she learned with Utu, along with her ability to heat up gunshots, Hanji was managing to fight on equal terms with Rin's magic.

Rin: Annoying little--

A burning bullet passes through Rin's left cheek before he could finish the taunt. Feeling the pain, he grabs his staff, that was also some sort of broom, but only to keep the witch visual, and throws yellow lights at Hanji.

At first she thinks those are just magical bullets, but looking closely she notices that the bullets are actually tiny jumping spiders.

Hanji: Aaaaaaaah! Get them off of me! Get them off!

She starts to shake her torso and desperately passes her hands though her body to clean herself. Rin used this moment of distraction and zapped at her some magic beams, but it was blocked by Dan.

Rin: Hey, idiot, what are you doing?!

Rin notices that Dan had indigo "clothing" around his body, Hanji recognizes that this color meant that Malware was using Harper's ability to merge with machines to take control over the cyborg.

Dan: (With Malware's voice) Hanji, do that thing of light up your body!

Hanji did the same movement she did on the spirit battle, burning the jumping spiders. Meanwhile, I2une transformed himself into some sort of Phantom Knight.

Paris: Hey, I know this move!

I2une: So you know that you stand no chance?

Paris: No, dumbass, I know that it will consume your mind or something.

I2une: Not if I finish this fast. You underestimate my power.

Paris: Don't try it...

I2une launches an attack of his Blade, releasing a barrage of missile-shaped Spectral Waves, each coming from several high-speed slashes. But Paris doesn't flinch, just attack each projectile with his Katana.

I2une tries the move again, but this time he creates a number of illusionary clones of himself so that he can release an even greater number of spectral projectiles.

I2une: This variation leaves no room for escape. Parry this, you fucking casual!

Paris knows for sure that at least one of the attacks coming at him is real, but he would never be able to defend himself in time, but blue lasers come from nowhere and hit all the real attacks, protecting Paris as the fake ones just fade on contact.

I2une: How?!

Luiz lands in front of Paris, raising his fist in battle stance.

Paris: Of course, the Blue Dragon Intuition makes you immune to illusions!

Luiz: Go help Allen against Dennis, I'll take care of this one.

Paris: Thought you would never say that!

Paris runs to where Dennis was fighting Allen and I2une tries to attack him from behind, but Luiz pulls an uno reverse card and appears, upside down, behind the Phantom Knight,

Luiz: Oi, Where are you looking at?

Luiz gives a strong punch on I2une's nape, which propels the enemy against the ground. After that, Luiz lands in the ground as the phantom knight slowly stands up, looking at him with an enraged expression while the blue fox shows nothing but a neutral face.

Luiz: I'm your opponent now.

I2une: Where's Yva?

Luiz: She surrendered. And I suggest you do the same.

I2une: And why would I do that?

Luiz: It took me 5 minutes to defeat Yva without using lethal force. How long do you think you will last when your illusions are useless against me and I have no reason to take you alive?

Dan, still controlled by Malware, helped Hanji jump in Rin's direction. The witch boy tried to use his broom, but Hanji heated her gun and smashed it against his face, throwing him back to the ground.

Hanji uses Dan's spine as a cushion to soften her fall. While that didn't hurt Malware, that did make the cyborg cease function, objectively killing him and forcing the fusion to leave his body.

Malware and Hanji came to Rin and the girl destroyed his broom, smashing the object against her left knee.

Rin: You know that was just an accessory, right? I can still fly and use magic without it.

Suddenly, Rin's body exploded into a giant jumping spider that charged at Hanji and Malware, but they could see that Rin's witch hat itself hovered above the spider.

Malware made an indigo light appear on Harper's glasses, allowing them to see through Illusions, but the spider seemed pretty much real because Rin's normal body should be seen through the glasses.

However, the fusion remembers Pudim and his fearsome power, which makes them realize that powerful enough Illusions affect both people and machines.

Pudim: "An illusionist's illusion countering another illusion. You have already lost your own perception."

Malware touches Delph's Mind Buckle that started to shine in Indigo light along with Delph's Luminary Mind Pendant, enhancing their abilities.

Rin: "Impotent weaklings".

Now Malware could see perfectly through Rin's fake transformation with Harper's glasses.

The fusion grins and waves his hand, releasing an illusory indigo electrical current at the real Rin that didn't see it coming due to his overconfidence.

As the jumping spider, well, jumped, Malware's ability to downgrade hits him, making the transformation fade and Rin falls on his face in the ground.

Rin: Owwwwww... This will hurt tomorrow...

The impact seemed to hurt a lot on the frail body of the boy witch, so he just kept laying down in pain.

Malware: I miiigght have downgraded too far.

In another fight, Nana was fighting Silver. She had her horns covered by green lighting and Silver was using his Excalibur to attack her, but with no luck.

Nana: We fought together for a long time, Silver, I know all your moves.

Silver: Do you?

Silver pulled his sword and tried to thrust Nana, but she dogged and jumped, opening her wings and levitating.

Silver waved the sword again, shooting waves of light and darkness at Nana, who landed and pretended she would take the attack.

Nana: Electrical Reverse!

Nana smashed her hand against the ground, releasing all of the electricity stored inside her horns into the ground, causing a massive electric current that used Silver's waves to enhance itself and electrocute him.

Nana: Thunder Set!

She stored more lighting at her horns again and dashed at Silver. He didn't know that Nana upgraded her move to be long range, so he arrogantly pulled his sword, thinking that the attack still had very short range, but Nana stretched the lightning, making it into a mid-range attack, hitting Silver point-blank range.

Silver falls unconscious on the ground, but not dead. Nana dismisses him and goes to help the others.

Meanwhile, Yata started the battle with an initial strike, running at Leo. However, he dodged with relative ease, but this only enraged Yata, who attacked once again, this time disappearing, indicating that her speed was so great that Leo couldn't catch up with her movements. Yet, in the nick of time, Leo was able to defend himself by just raising his cannon, which blocked Yata's surprise attack.

Leo: Why did you do it...?

Yata: Sora? She was my prey, another job that I failed to complete. The Bounty Hunters may be dead, but we always finished our job, and so I did.

Leo: Another job...?

Leo laughs a bit, much to Yata's confusion. He stops laughing after a few seconds and looks at her dead in the eyes.

Leo: You have no chance of salvation! I'll end you here and now!

Yata: Just go ahead and try it!

Leo: Wolven Bullet!

Leo shoots a massive Bullet that creates a large light-cyan whirlpool of water energy and Yata goes ahead with her diamond bat, thinking she will be able to block it, but her bat is taken away and her body is taken into the whirlpool, turning into a bubble.

Yaya feels like she was going to drown, but Leo thinks that would be too tame, too easy, compared to how she killed Sora.

Leo: Water Maiden!

All the "walls" of the bubble created multiple sharp spikes and all of them closed in on Yata at the same time. The blue bubble turns quickly into a red orb that pops into a pool of blood and human remains in the ground.

Leo: Ah yes... To square away conflict and wash away the blood spilled. The Requiem of Rain...

Leo looks at that wet carnage, making sure he avenged Sora, and goes away.

Leo: Good riddance.

In the main battle, Dennis could only watch as all his allies fell to Luminary. He couldn't help them due to Paris and Allen's fearsome attacks.

Paris: Stop looking away, freak.

Dennis knew that, if he got too distracted, the two Luminary agents would break through his Diamond Barrier. Yet, he couldn't attack either. If he attacked Allen, Paris would parry. If he attacked Paris, Allen would counter.

Allen: Don't want this fight to get boring, do we? I still need to return the favor of what you did to my Jade.

Dennis: So you own her now? That's weird coming from the guy sent here to kill her.

Allen: Shut up! You fucking knew what I meant!

Dennis laughed as enraging Allen is exactly what he wanted, making his movements more predictable and allowing Dennis to hit his knee against Allen's belly. Allen is knocked back a little and Paris goes for the head, but Dennis holds the Katana with his hand, making it bleed a little.

Allen growled and attacked with his hidden blades. Dennis got ready to defend, but Allen actually ran to Paris and they fused.

Allen's Chaotic Energy and Paris' Blood Magic, a fearsome combination. The fusion focused on the "negative" characteristics of both Allen and Paris' powers, bringing out the worst in them, making him a powerful and intimidating opponent.

Veigas: What a displeasure to meet you Dennis...

Dennis: So fusion is really as powerful as Dr Karma said...

Veigas: You can call me Veigas, a name that will haunt you in your grave..

He charges an attack, Allen's chaotic eye-sphere, but crimson red, while being quiet, focused and Dennis prepared to use his own psychic powers.

As the fusion shot the spheres at Dennis, he didn't show anything emotion to him.

Dennis: You're not going to need this, right?

Dennis used his psychic power to bring Yata's diamond baseball bat to his hand and hit the spheres.

Dennis: Hooooome Ruuuuuun!

When Dennis was messing around hitting the spheres Veigas attacked from behind. Dennis prepared a diamond barrier, but it was too late, Veigas decked him to the ground.

Dennis quickly reacted, kicking Veigas' belly with his leg covered by diamonds, but the fusion also reacted quickly and pulled some of Dennis' blood from an open wound and choked him with it.

Dennis did the same move, using his hand to concentrate psychic energy around Veigas' neck and choking him.

They were pretty much in equal power, but will they be equal in pure determination?

Veigas used Paris' blood magic to blood bend Dennis' body to a stand still, forcing him to stop his attack.

Dennis: You can stop my body... But not my mind!

Dennis concentrates his Psychic powers around Veigas, freezing him too.

Veigas: Looks like it's a waiting game now...

Leo: Mind if I join it?

Leo jumps in and hits his cannon against Dennis' head, throwing him back, releasing Veigas.

Veigas: Thanks Leo, I'm Veigas by the way.

Leo: Hey, Veigas. How about we finally end things with that absolute dipshit, huh? For Jade!

Veigas: I think Allen would want that honor more.

Leo: No, the honor is all yours. He can't defend forever. Let's force his hand and create an opening, then you unfuse and Allen get's the opportunity for the final blow.

Veigas: Sounds good to me.

Both charge up a finishing attack.

Dennis stands and prepares a massive diamond barrier. Leo and Veigas both shoot at the barrier with everything they got.

Leo: Artillery Nova!

Veigas: Brandish Totentanz!

The attacks are strong, but not enough.

Moonlight lands behind the two and aims the palm of their hand at Dennis.

Moonlight: Chaos of Love and Thunder!

Moonlight fires their devastating ranged attacks and Hanji comes with Malware as well, with Malware merging with Hanji's guns.

Hanji and Malware: Outbreak of Wrath!

Hanji's body shines and sends an incredible heat to her improved guns, charging them, and unleashes a barrage of fire shots simultaneously that, because of their density and grouping, appear to fuse together into one large super-powerful blast.

Leo: This is it, guys! Everyone ready?

Moonlight: Ready!

Veigas: As I'll ever be!

Hanji: It's now or never!

Malware: Let's go!

All members scream at the same time:

Luminary: New Eden!

All of their attacks fuse together into one single rainbow colored super massive shot that breaks through Dennis' barrier.

He is hit with full force, making all his barriers vanish and freeing everyone. But no one interferes, every person, no matter the side of the battle, stops there to look at that super powerful attack.

When they finish, only silence is heard, until all the Saisem enforcers are brutally murder by gunshots.

Paris and Allen walked to Dennis.

Leo: Yata is dead, the necromancers and Silver escaped.

Hanji: Dan is scrap metal and Allen's cousin is safely trapped.

Dennis was down on knees and bleeding heavily, his subordinates all dead. Simone, her guardians, Fateful and all other mafia people made a circle around the dying villain.

For the first time, Dennis knew true defeat.

Paris prepared his sword and Allen replaced his broken blade's with his cousin's, she didn't deserve to have that weapon anymore.

They both pointed the blades at Dennis who, at this point, knew that if they didn't kill him, his wounds would. That would pretty much be just the mercy shot.

Allen: Any last words?

Dennis: Remember me... When your team burns to ash... When Rainbow ends all of you...

Allen: Sure buddy.

Allen rolls his eyes and slashes the blade against Dennis' neck and Paris finishes with his Katana, throwing the head off.

Emily: Good riddance.

Leo: He wasn't a big bad villain... Just a loser with a big ego.

Delph: To think that he wanted to steal Nana's first kiss.

Nana feels an intense physical cringe hearing that.

Hanji: He wasn't just a loser with a big ego. He was a creep too.

Thankfully there weren't too many casualties, so the party, or what's left of it goes on until round nighttime.

While everyone was having fun outside, Luiz came out and took a sit close to his mother, who was at the entrance stairs looking at the stars.

Simone: So, you are not staying?

Luiz: If I had taken the bracelet, then maybe.

Simone: You and your team... Surely would be the perfect next generation.

Luiz: Didn't you say I wasn't fit for the role of Mafia Boss?

Simone: Yes, you aren't. But, maybe, you will be a great boss of something else.

Luiz: So, what about your successor?

Simone: Meh... Renne already refused my offer anyway, but we're still young. You and your sister can give me a grandson or two before I bite the bullet.

Luiz: M-Mom!

Simone: Hahaha! I was only 18 when I had you, you know.

Luiz: Yes, I ruined your youth, I know.

Simone: Perhaps. But at least you and your team are going far.

Luiz: I'm sorry for judging you, for thinking you abandoned me.

Simone: It's fine.

Luiz and Simone look at Luminary, Fateful and the Escarletto Guardians interacting, even Allen seemed more relaxed now.

Simone: You found a good group. Your own family. I'm really proud of you.

Luiz: You're what now?

Simone: I'm proud of you, son. I love you.

Luiz didn't know how to reply. He just started to tear up and stuffed his face on his mother's large breasts, which she replied with a warm hug.

Some days later, Luminary was in Jade's hospital room. She was still tired, but feeling well, sitting on her bed with her legs under the sheets.

Paris: ...and after kicking some bad guy ass, me and Allen finished Dennis off.

Jade: Did he have anything to say before dying?

Allen: Some villain nonsense about someone named Rainbow.

Jade looked at Luiz and Nana and they both shrugged.

Leo: Still, we're glad that you are ok now, Jade.

Flora: And you guys suspected me.

Delph: You are a suspicious person.

Flora: Say that to my face.

The group starts laughing.

Jade: Hahaha- Ow.

Flora: What type of monster looks at a baby's face and calls it Rainbow?

Hanji: Did they have Rainbow hair?

Harper: Or Rainbow is a fusion.

Flora: Or a very stupid nickname.

Paris: Like Flora?

Flora: Your name is literally the same as the capital of France.

Paris shrugs.

Jade: It still hurts a small bit... But I'm ok. I didn't see Dennis though... Just a white ghost.. I think

Luiz: Yeah, it was totally him. White hair, coward, knows the language of the fairies.

Allen: He admitted the crime tho.

Jade: I'm glad you found me when you did... I could have bled out...

The group told her about her powers refusing to let her die, curing her from her disability

Jade: Oh... Heh... More.. Sage stuff...

Allen holds her hand

Allen: At least you are better now.

Paris: Luiz made amends with his mom, so it was like a triple win

Jade: True.

She gained a smile on her face.

Hanji: Saisem is still after Jade...

Luiz: Well, it's a good thing that we killed the White King then.

Leo: Draco and Fateful led the Liberation Army in North America after our victory.

Jade realized that she kinda lost a lot, basically the whole world was freed now, except Russia.

Jade: Why didn't you guys go with them?

Delph: To stay with you, Silly.

Jade: Thank you.

Emily: Why wouldn't we stay with you?

Jade laughed.

Jade: Ow.

Leo: So, we got the underworld and the dragons on our side along with all IBI agents.

Paris: Sounds like an invitation to party .

Hanji: Funny.

Paris: Still... Why did Silver... Joined them...

Everyone, except Jade, recalled Silver's words.

"Silver: I didn't join Saisem. Jade and her brother fusing is necessary for my goal."

Paris: No matter how he says that he didn't join them... If he was on their side...

Jade: Why does he need me to fuse with my brother...?

Flora: You saw Karma's video.

Jade: I know... That would mean....

Paris: Yes?

Jade: He has something to do with project Excellar...