

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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Episode 61 - The Guardian of Harmony Pt 3

Commander: You two know the rules and so do we. May the final round, the Harmony Battle Start! Luiz Bright vs Hail Odebrecht!

Hail floated up in the air and snapped her fingers, creating an army of flaming spears behind her.

Hail: I'll just end this circus quickly then. Your last words?

Luiz: Bring it on!

Hail waves her hand and all her spears come at Luiz at once. At first it seems they hit, making it impossible for someone to fight, so she closes her eyes in frustration.

Hail: It seems I was wrong about you... You aren't a worthy rival... You weren't even worth my time.

Luiz: Damn, girl, you are really underestimating me!

Hail opens her eyes in surprise and sees her spears clashing at something. She lands and can only watch as Luiz, with his right fist still raised, was surrounded by a blue force field. His monsters were shooting lasers from their mouths at the force field.

Enki: Incredible...

Enlil: What is it?

Enki: He's using his monster's energy to enhance and expand the dragon shield.

Gibil: Are you seriously taking notes at that...

Hail: Ha! You can't defend yourself forever!

Luiz: Nor do I plan to.

Hail: Huh?

Luiz prepares to use his guardian skill that he learned with his mom after the trial.

Luiz: ...Harmonize!

All the spears turned into pure energy that was absorbed by him.

The monsters disappear along with the visible shield, an exploding blue energy engulfs Luiz' fists and he emanates a blue powerful aura.

Nana: He... He used her power to get stronger?!

Simone: Yup. The Harmony Guardian is the sky that surrounds and accepts all others. The Harmony Guardian ability passed by my family has this property to "harmonize" with the enemy's powers and absorb it.

Nana: Do all Harmony Guardians have this self sacrificing nature and overwhelming ability to draw others to them?

Simone: Hahaha! Now that's a good interpretation.

Luiz puts on the hood of his coat.

Leo: Wait... Is that... Animal ears?

Paris: Looks like cat ears.

Delph: That's fox ears.

Leo: Fox...?

A small part of the blue aura turns into a tail like ghost with a white point at the end and he grabs a mask that was on his pocket, putting it on.

Paris: A Fox Mask?

Leo: A blue fox mask. Wait, Blue Fox?!

Commander: Ladies and Gentleman, after months missing, the super hero known as the Blue Fox is back!

The crowd goes crazy cheering.

Luiz: So, was this your strongest move?

Hail: What, no! I jus--

Luiz: Good.

Hail: "Good"?

Luiz: If, after all your reputation and big talk, that was the true extent of your power...

He raises both of his hands, one open and one closed, both surrounded by blue dragon aura.

Luiz: ...I would be very disappointed!

Hail: You...

Luiz: Didn't you say you were going to "end this circus quickly"? Or are you the clown here?

Hail: Don't get cocky, boy. You're just like a cat that bristles its fur trying to look bigger.

Luiz: Excuse me, if you are going to compare me to an animal, do it properly.

Azure: Are they... Exchanging banter...?

Fenyx: She is.

Tiger: Is she smiling or it's just me?

Cake: So she can smile...

Qilin: It's beautiful...

Allen: This is bad...

Delph: Why's that?

Allen: If they wanted to just win, they would just get the pendant or the bracelet. They don't want to win the competition, they want to defeat each other.

Luiz then charges at Hail, trying to strike twice, but both being avoided as Hail slams her elbow and kicks Luiz away to the wall.

Luiz once again tries to punch Hail, but gets his hand gripped. Hail was about to hit Luiz with her fire spears but he quickly propels his monster's lasers on his hand to avoid the attack.

He steps on the ceiling, upside down, but looking at her.

Commander: Yes... If Luiz is the sky.... Then Hail is the earth...

Hail: Your Blue Dragon aura, flame, energy or whatever you call it, is nothing compared to my pure and crystalline fire.

Paris: She's taunting him?

Luiz: Would you like to try it out?

Hail: What?!

Luiz: Your crystalline flame and my blue dragon energy. Shall we see which is the strongest?

Paris: And he's taunting her back!

Luiz prepares to fly and she summons a large spear engulfed in orange flames on her hands.

Hail: Bring it on then!

Luiz charges, concentrating everything in a punch that clashes against Hail's spear. They begin to push each other to opposite directions, their eyes fixed on their opponent, but he wins by compressing the force of his energy into one point, and punches her in the face, knocking Hail away.

As Luiz was about to rush to her again through the smoke, he stopped in the air, feeling a counter coming, he prepared his shield on his forearm and Hail shot her crystalline fire at him, breaking through the shield.

Nana: It completely penetrated his dragon shield...!

Renne: But isn't the dragon shield supposed to block any attack?

Nana: The dragon shield is supposed to protect us against bullets made by humans. Him concentrating the shield in one spot is a good strategy to deflect other ranged attacks, but it's still not made for that.

Luiz' Dad: There's also the fact that Hail's fire isn't like any other fire user.

Nana: What do you mean?

Luiz' Dad: You fought against other fire users, even Empress Ran, their fire is usually destructive and wild, but Hail's is pure and clean. Almost like it's "soft".

Nana: Which makes a direct hit from it not only burn, but hurt like a truck itself.

Hail: To think I would be forced to use this on scum like you.

Hail has a psychic energy around her.

Luiz: Wait... You have more powers?! Are you a fusion?!

Hail: I'm not.

Luiz: So, how?!

Hail: Human children will always get the powers or either the father or the mother, sometimes they get from both of them.

Luiz: I know that?

Hail: You have a brain, use it. My father got his flight and psychokinesis from his parents, my mother got her spear summoning and crystalline fire from her parents, with crystalline fire also being the combination of fire with crystal from my grandparents.

Luiz: In short, your family always got powers from both parents, plus you trained for combat since you were a little kid...

Fenyx: No wonder why the princess is so strong.

Tiger: She's a monster, but like a good one.

Hail: Normally I just rather use my mom's fire and spears, but you forced my hand. Using my idiot father's psychic abilities to shoot my mom's fire...

Luiz: Still...

Hail: Huh?

Luiz: Getting the chance to face such a powerful opponent... I'm grateful.

Hail: Grateful?! I'll fucking destroy you in front of your friends and family and you are "grateful"?!

Luiz: Don't tell me you aren't having fun too?

Hail stops, speechless, realizing that she has been smiling all this time. She covers her mouth with her hand and blushes a little.

They charge against each other again, Luiz punches her face and she kicks his cheek, both moves at the same time. The camera on the big screen focuses on their face and shows they were both smiling, despite getting hit by strong attacks.

Pudim: You are right, brother.

Cake: I am?

Pudim: The only thing that our leader needed to fully use her potential and to find her smile again, was having a worthy rival that can fight against her equally.

When Luiz flew into the air again, Hail followed flying as well, she could wave her hand to shoot fire and he waved his to shoot monster lasers, both attacks negating each other.

Both land on opposite walls, ready to attack again at any moment.

Hail: You were babbling about having fun... What will you gain from that...?

Luiz' Bluey Intuition skill couldn't read her movements that well in a battle, but, stopping to just talk, he could read her like a book.

Luiz: I can see you lost the passion for it.

Hail: What do you know about me?

Luiz: I can see that you were always bored when fighting Saisem. None of them ever gave you this.

Hail: "This"?

Luiz: The adrenaline, the thrill of a fight. Of attacking your opponents without knowing who's going to win.

Hail: W-What?

Luiz: You forgot that you joined the IBi to do the thing you loved the most.

Hail: That is?

Luiz: Your love to fight. The blood, the sweat, the tears, you forgot how that feels... And I will remind you.

Luiz then chases Hail around in air, then dodged one shot, to which Hail used as an intentional distraction as she was planning another shot.

Hail quickly gets the upper hand by becoming faster and launching assaults on Luiz, who decides to use the guardian skill of harmony again, much to Hail's shock.

Hail: As if I would let you do it again, I won't allow it!

She kicks him on his chin, throwing him upward, Luiz tries to get a hold of himself in the air, but she flies to his back and shoots more of her crystal fire at him.

Luiz is then seen lying down as if he were defeated, but even after a brutal hit, he stands up.

Hail: What...? There's no honor in this, boy.

Luiz: This was never about honor for me...

Hail: Look, this has been fun, I admit it, but just give up now. You're just going to get more and more hurt.

Luiz: As if I would do something like that... My resolve won't allow it.

Hail: Your resolve? Then, tell me, what is your resolve? All of your friends seem to have theirs.

Luiz raises right fist.

Luiz: There's no mountain high, there's no valley low. No matter what life keeps throwing at me, I won't give up.

Blue Dragon energy begins to glow out of his fist like a wild flame.

Luiz: I will keep moving forward, or die trying!

Hail: Willing to put everything on the line... I'm going to shoot fire at you until you turn to ashes!

Luiz: Then, make sure you aim well.

Hail: Stop, just stop... There's no way someone can be that confident!

Luiz: This is not confidence. All of my cells are ready to die for the sake of defeating you.

Hail releases her power, an intense ray of psychic and fire energy power and Luiz concentrate his natural shield on his forearm again

Azure: What an idiot, that didn't work last time.

The power of this technique was such that the earth around Luiz seemed to get crushed, yet he remained unscathed.

Luiz: Harmonize... Mixsys!

Luiz imbues his fist with the Blue Dragon Shield, instead of harmonizing Hail's flames to himself, he absorbs them exclusively to his fists.

Meanwhile, back at the Blue Dragon Mountain, everyone was watching that battle.

Saru: Concentrating such power on his fists, wouldn't they explode?

Dana: Who do you think I am? I personally created his hands and did some tweaks on it while he was staying here.

Saru: Tweaks?

Dana: Yup. Before he could only summon his monsters' hands around him to punch, but now he just stores and uses our energy with them, all thanks to my brilliant design.

Back to the fight, Hail stepped back, thinking Luiz would shoot a laser, but he just punched the air.

Luiz: Mont Blanc!

All the stored energy stored on his fist comes out in a massive wave of brute force, hitting Hail, who slowly stands up bleeding a bit.

Nana: They both look so exhausted...

Cake: How long will they keep this on...

The two flew, charging against each other and matched each other blow for blow, managing to counter each other's moves, and both landing a few hits on each other. After battling for a few minutes, they both land on the ground, ready to continue.

Once again the two rivals clash, her kick against his punch, but it ends in a tie and both are knocked back. They prepare to charge again, but both get on their knees, realizing that they were at their limit.

Hail: Hahahaha!

Luiz: Hehehehe...

Hail: So? The show must go on, don't you agree?

Luiz: I do, but the ending credits must also roll.

Hail and Luiz get ready for a final attack.

Luiz: Sky Boost!

Hail: Fiery Dance!

They both charge and clash against each other, Luiz is covered by a strong blue aura and Hail is covered by her flames.

The crowd watches in amazement, right now only the one with the strongest determination would win.

Hail's Flames took the form of a Lion while Luiz' energy took the form of a Fox, roaring and attacking each other.

Hail: "(I... I can't... Go on anymore... His resolve... His determination... It is stronger than mine's. But, why? Is it because he's ready to put his life on the line for it?)"

She looks at Luiz' eyes.

Hail: "(Yes... In the end, I was the one who didn't stand a chance. Your will is certainly stronger.)"

Hail smiles while feeling her Flames getting overwhelmed by Luiz' energy.

Hail: "(I am completely defeated! But... It's not so bad. Why am I not angry? Why am I not disappointed?)"

Hail flies across the arena with Luiz on top of her. When she lands on the ground, everyone sees that he's grabbing her bracelet on her wrist and she is grabbing his pendant on his neck.

Everyone watches in silence and in suspense, the first who pulls the other's accessory would be the winner.

Hail: Take off that mask... I want to look in your face.

Luiz removes his mask and hoodie with his other hand and the energy tail fades.

Hail: I was wrong. I underestimated you and your team.

Hail releases Luiz' pendant and her arm falls on the ground.

Hail: I accept my defeat.

Luiz removes Hail's bracelet.

Commander: The Blue Fox wins the Harmony battle! With 4 points against 3, the victory goes to Luminary!

The crowd goes crazy and all Luminary agents come together to celebrate.

Delph: Looks like we'll be the main strike team to save the world.

Harper: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Leo: We did it! We actually did it!

Paris: Of course we did!

Emily: So, if our team defeated the best team in the IBI, we're the new number one team?

Leo: Yeah!

Hanji: The number one team in all IBI... That really means we are on a whole new level!

Allen: Hmph, this victory should have come sooner.

Jade: I second that.

Nana: That was a rather great performance.

Luiz slowly walks to Nana and kisses her in front of everyone.

Nana: You know we're like, the TV and stuff...

Luiz: Since when do you care for that?

Nana: Oh, come here you...

And they kiss one more time. After that, the Fateful and Luminary Guardians stood in line with the two teams in front of each other.

Hail: Luminary, we're... Sorry.

Qilin: We're the number two now, but we'll still not lose to you next time.

Tiger: Let's try to work better together from here on.

Fenyx: Yeah, you guys aren't that bad.

Cake: For the first time, we're glad we were proven wrong.

Pudim: Hmmm...

Azure: Yeah, let's not fight again, ok? We're allies, after all.

Hail: Luiz.

Luiz: Hm?

Hail: When the IBI save the world, when Saisem finally turns into ash... Let's have a rematch. You and me!

Luiz is surprised by Hail's request, but smiles and offers her his hand for a hand shake, which she gladly accepts.

Luiz: I would love it.

Hail: So get ready to lose!

Luiz: In your dreams, Hail!

Hail: So my dreams will become reality!

Cake: Looks like the rivalry between those two is far from over....

Nana: Unfortunately...

After the celebrations were over, Luminary reunited in their room, all of them, except Luiz.

Leo: Wait, where's Lulu?

Paris: He went to the hotel where his mom and our mentors are staying.

Nana: He will give her the answer to her question?

Paris: Yeah. Regardless of his choice, we'll stand by him, right?

Everyone agrees, but were also a bit nervous and Allen walked to Jade.

Allen: So, remember that I told you that I needed to talk to you when the competition was over?

Jade: Si, I remember. What did you need to tell me?

Allen: Outside. Get your cold clothes, I'll meet you at the HQ entrance.

Allen left ahead walking and closed the door. Jade was a bit anxious, despite Allen's slow change, they still haven't talked much, especially after she returned.

Nana gently laid her hand on Jade's shoulder and nodded.

Nana: I guess Allen is ready to give you his "dead ball".

Jade: I guess so.

She goes to get her cold clothes and meet him outside.

Allen and Jade met and he took her to the beach. They walked on the cold sand, feeling the cold ocean breeze under the moonlight. The sea was cold, but still having wave crashes. Some people were running to lose weight, some were couples on dates and some were fisherman.

Allen: Never ceases to surprise me how this place can be so cold at night despite the intense heat in the morning. Well, it's almost like the deserts from my homeland.

Jade: Same here with my hometown in Mexico.

Allen: Emily and Harper told me about your little revolution, I wish I was there to see it.

Jade: To be honest, I wish you could too. I wouldn't have messed up so much....

Allen: I highly doubt. Yes you messed up, but it was still totally in character for you.

Jade: I guess so.

She smiled at him.

Jade remembered the last time she and Allen walked in the sands of a beach.

Allen: After my test... I realized that there was something I should do. No, that I must do.

Jade: And what's that?

Allen stopped and grabbed Jade's hands, she blushed a little and looked him in his eye.

Allen: I'm sorry, Jade. I've hurt your feelings, over and over again, and due to my stubbornness, I never realized how it must have been hard for you, how it must have been painful... I was arrogant, selfish and an ass hole.

Jade at first thought that this was some kind of joke, it was too good to be true, but then realized that Allen was being genuinely honest with her, for the first time since they met.

Jade: Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend? But for real. Si... I forgive you if you are really willing to better yourself and change for good reasons.

She then gave him her loving smile.

Allen laid his left palm on Jade's left cheek.

Allen: I promise that I will never hurt you again. You are my equal, my partner, my friend... My l-lo...

He was too embarrassed to finish that phrase and hid his blushing on his hood.

Jade: It's ok if you don't feel ready to use that word yet.

She gave him a small kiss.

Luiz arrives at the hotel where Simone and her Guardians are staying. He is intimidated by the Guardians together in the same place, but moves on as Enki, the Soul Guardian, leads him to the boss' room.

Simone was on a couch taking a sip of her beer and Luiz took a seat on the couch opposite to her. The other six guardians all leaned against the wall, some with crossed arms, but in silence.

Simone: Welcome, son.

Luiz: Mom...

Simone: I'm happy you still call me that. Beer?

Luiz: I don't... Drink alcohol...

Simone: So, you thought about what I asked?

Luiz: I did... Before answering, I must ask... Why me?

Simone: You are my first born, succeeding me is your birthright.

Luiz: Why now?

Simone: Don't worry, the inheritance ceremony serves only to show the family and its allies who will be the next boss. You aren't taking over now, it's just a formality to make my successor official.

Meanwhile, back at HQ, Jade got a message on her phone.

Jade: Wait, the commander is asking me to meet with him.

Allen: Oh, he's still in HQ? Weird.

Jade: He's saying that it's about the revolution in Mexico and how we took down the castle...

Allen: How did he discover that?

Jade: I don't know, but he wants to meet me alone...

Allen goes back to the Luminary's team room while Jade goes to the commander's room.

Back at the Hotel.

Luiz: Still... I really did give some thought about the idea.

Simone: Go on, you can tell your mommy everything.

Luiz: ...I was always some kind of outcast, even among normal people. It was only after getting my powers that I finally found my place among people who truly liked me...

Simone: I see.

Luiz: But I think the underworld and business worlds are way too big for me... I don't know where I would fit in... I only got so far because I wanted to help save the world.

Simone: And?

Luiz: ...and because I wanted to treasure the time I spent with my friends.

He sighs and looks down.

Luiz: Luminary, guardians or not, are all precious to me... I don't want to get them involved in dangerous things...

Luiz looked at his mother.

Luiz: I would like to... Refuse the title of 27th boss of the Escarleto Family.

Simone: ...

When she looked at him saying those words, it was like the day she left to be the boss, when his dad refused to go with her and condone her Family's criminal business.

Simone: I see.

She crossed her legs.

Simone: When I watched your battles, all of them, I understood that the main candidate to succeed me, Luiz Bright, was truly not meant to be a Mafia Boss.

Luiz: Huh?

Simone: There's too much of your father in you.

Luiz: I don't... Understand...

Simone: You might have this tough exterior, serious demeanor, dead fish eyes and some edgy lines here and there...

Simone smiled and looked at him.

Simone: ...but you have a good heart. You are kind and care for your companions too much.

Luiz blushed a little bit from hearing those words.

Enlil: She's not praising you.

Iah: Not in the slightest...

Ki: Hahaha...

Gibil: You are hopeless.

Enki: A rebel without a cause, lost without a purpose...

Utu: Enough.

Back at HQ, Jade went to the topmost floor, where the higher ups usually worked. However, it was dark and empty.

Jade: Um... They must have left already... Why did the commander want to talk now and just to me...?

Jade knocks on the commander's door and it opens.

Jade: Excuse me--

Before she could even close the door, a white shadow stabs her as it covers her mouth to avoid her screaming. The thing didn't attack too deep, just enough to make her pass out, as if he deliberately tried to not kill her.

Jade passes out as the white ghost thing runs away.

Back at the Hotel.

Utu: Should we cancel the ceremony, then?

Luiz: Ah! The ceremony...!

Simone: What of it? We can just cancel it easily. Not to worry. After all, it was something I kinda pressured upon you.

Luiz: Are you... Really ok with that?

Simone: Do as you wish. It's your life after all, my son. Being the boss or not, I am sure that you will do well in life.

Luiz: Mom...

Luiz smiled, this may be the first time he had a normal conversation with his mom, feeling a weird sense of happiness, until Iah came to them.

Iah: Sorry to interrupt, but I have a call for Luiz Bright. It's Commander Rosweel, he says it's an emergency.

Simone: It's gotta be for him to call my personal room.

Luiz: Hello? Jade? What happened to Jade?

Luiz gets pale as his eyes widen and his body stiffens.

Luiz: Yeah... Yeah... Central Hospital... Got it... I'll be there...

He slowly puts the phone back on the wall.

Enlil: Jade? That's Allen's girlfriend if memory doesn't fail me.

Ki: What's wrong? What happened?

Luiz jumped through the Hotel's window and took flight in the Hospital's direction. Arriving there, he met with all members of Luminary and the commander.

All of them were in casual cold clothing and in shock, especially Allen, who was looking down in the chair close to the room where Jade was being treated, he was so devastated that was even refusing water that Delph and Paris were offering him.

Luiz: What happened?!

Nana: Jade was attacked.

Paris: Allen said that the commander called her to talk about something, however the commander was long gone.

Delph: Allen and I ran to Rosweel's room... The door was semi open and Jade was lying in a pool of blood.

Nana: The wounds weren't deep, but were enough to render healing powers useless.

Allen was silent, just continuing staring at the door.

Emily: Allen hasn't said a word since she entered the operating room.

Luiz: Rosweel...?

Commander: I was at home when your team called me, when I got there, your team had already taken Jade here on Hanji's van.

Luiz: Someone impersonated you and attacked an agent in the HQ...

Nana: Indeed, that's a massive breach of security... Which means no one is safe...

Harper: Hopefully Jade can remember what her attacker looked like...

Hanji looks to Allen, who still didn't take his eyes off the door..

If anything happened to her there... He'd never forgive himself, for once things were perfect, he was happy. But then this happened.

Hanji: I'm worried about Allen...

Paris: Dude, drink some water at least. You are as pale as a baby's ass.

Allen: I'm not thirsty...

Delph: To think she would let her guard down like that... Worse, this was deliberately planned.

Leo: I agree, only Luminary knew about Jade and the girls taking down the officer in Mexico. Which means that it was either one of us, or someone from Saisem infiltrated here.

Paris: The first option isn't just ludicrous as it is impossible. With the exception of Luiz and Allen, we were all together in the team's room.

Luiz: So a Saisem Enforcer or an IBI Double Agent...?

Nana: Considering they were strong enough to take down Jade...

Delph: No... By her wound, she was attacked by surprise. She was lured to an empty place where she knew she would be safe and attacked before even being able to defend herself.

Commander: In my room, no less...

Leo: The coward...

Allen: I'll kill them... Who ever hurt her... I'll kill them.

Emily: Where's Flora?

Delph: She's sleeping in Hanji's van.

Emily: Oh ok. I got worried.

Allen: I'll kill the bastard... He or she could have killed her... I want to return the favor.

Leo: So we have no clue?

Commander: The amount of blood left on my room will be the playground of the coroners for weeks...

"No, there's a way to dig out the culprit."

They looked behind and Simone, along with her guardians, were standing there.

Nana: Mom?

Simone: We just returned from the crime scene where Jade was attacked.

Enlil: I used my fairies to systematically search for any clues there.

Delph: And... Did you find any?

Ki: We did.

Hanji: What did you find?

Harper: Yes... What can you say about your findings?

Allen looked at them.

Commander: Wait just a second, why did you guys get involved? It isn't like you to help like this.

Simone: Simple. In these 7 days of battles, my guardians created bonds with Luminary. Besides, Jade is a friend of my son.

Enlil: And the girlfriend of my student.

Leo: Go on, please.

Enlil: Almost as if the culprit was mocking us... He or she left a message on Jade's blood.

Gibil: The coward personally touched the blood and wrote a message on the ground with his finger.

Commander: What? We didn't see any blood message!

Enlil: It was written in the language of the fairies. To you it could look like random forms or drawings, but the spirits understand it.

Leo: What was written?

Enlil: "See you at the Inheritance Ceremony".

Luiz: ...?!

Harper: Strange...

Emily: Did you get a fingerprint?

They shook their heads.

Utu: Whoever did this, done this before.

Nana: That was an obvious challenge.

Leo: A rival mafia family? Like those who are messed up and evil?

Paris: Even if it was, there's no way they would know Jade destroyed the White King's castle.

Delph: So Saisem is using the Mafia to attack us.

Commander: Regardless, there is no mistake that the culprit will come to the Inheritance Ceremony.

Simone: That would be the case if the ceremony was going to happen.

Luiz: ...

Paris: "Was" going to happen? What are you talking about?

Simone: Luiz turned down the title of Escarleto Boss. The ceremony is cancelled.

Hanji: Meaning her attacker will get away...

Allen: Test the blood message for Dna. More than Jade's will show up. Bastard can't clean up skin cells from the blood.

Commander: Alright, I will call the investigation crew right now. It will take some time with so much of Jade's DNA, but it will be done.

The commander prepares to get his phone.

Luiz: I...

Everyone looks at Luiz.

Luiz: The ceremony is still happening.

Simone: Excuse me?

Luiz: The culprit is bound to... Attack another one of my friends again if the ceremony doesn't happen...

Leo: True...

Luiz: And I won't simply forgive that... Whoever did that to Jade... We'll catch them, no matter what it takes!!

He looks at his mom.

Luiz: I'm going to the inheritance ceremony! If that's what it takes to get the bastard!