
Chapter 69- No more games

Nami finally regained her consciousness, and she panicked at the feeling of a sharp sword at her neck. Luckily for her, Momonga was exhausted, and the little attention he could spare was focused on the media battle going on. Nami slowly snuck her hand into her shirt, as to not alert Momonga, and she grabbed something.

Nami was scared easily, she wasn't the best in close combat or marksmanship, and she didn't have a Devil fruit. As a result, Katakuri and Luffy drilled the idea that she should always have a backup plan for a backup plan endlessly.

Hidden beneath the shirt, was a Dial. Those things were ridiculously powerful, and Nami took full advantage of that fact. The Dial she hid was an impact Dial, meaning the device stored the kinetic energy from hits it took and stacked them until the user activated it. Nami quickly jumped up and faced Momonga before he could regain his composer from the surprise, before activating the Dial.


The Dial activated, and the force blew Momonga and the entire ship sky-high. That was not the end, however. Giant, forty meters tall, waves formed after she ship, crashing against the other warships. Nami herself flew back so quickly she was seen only as a blur to the bystanders. Luckily, Robin reacted quickly and she erected a net made from countless arms between the masts of ship Nami was flying towards, who just so happens to be Sanji's. Sanji quickly jumped up and caught Nami before she could be damaged from the fall. Normally, an impact Dial couldn't exert that much force. But in her preparation, Nami asked Katakuri to hit the Dial to oblivion and back. With all that stored energy, such an effect was bound to happen.

Zoro noticed that now he was the only hostage, which meant he alone held Luffy and the crew back. Zoro couldn't accept the situation, so he did the first thing that came to mind, Zoro moved his head to the nearest sword, in an attempt to kill himself. Onigumo saw Zoro's intentions and panicked. He didn't care for Zoro's life, in fact, he was glad the pirate wanted to kill himself, but now was a horrible time to do so. If Sengoku would be the only hostage alive, the Marines would need to listen to whatever demand Luffy would put on the table. {Sometimes I forget how absolutely metal Zoro is. For example, he didn't hesitate to try to cut off his own legs when Mr.3 held him hostage at Little Garden, fully aware he will bleed to death. There's also that "Nothing happened" masterpiece.}

Onigumo moved his sword out of Zoro's way, but in doing so he created a gap in his hold, one the didn't go unnoticed. Zoro quickly leaned over to the gap, earning a moment outside of Onigumo's grasp. Onigumo realized what was happening, and quickly attempted to rectify his mistake, but he wasn't fast enough. Just as he was about to trap Zoro again, a ball flew at his head with extreme speeds.


The ball exploded in Onigumo's face, knocking him out. "Run, Zoro!" Usopp shouted as he loaded another explosive round into his slingshot. Zoro didn't miss a beat as he recovered Wado Ichimonji as Onigumo disarmed him before taking him hostage. All this happened in the span of only a few seconds, and the Marines finally noticed their predicament. The Marines charged at Zoro and Nami, but before they even crossed a single meter Luffy reminded them of their position. "Take another step and Sengoku dies," Luffy yelled. But this time he could comfortably follow through on his statement.

"Don-" Sengoku started to say something, but Luffy shut his mouth with his hand. "I'm done playing around, choose or he'll die. If not from his bleeding then from me, so you better be quick about it" Luffy said. Luffy realized something from the events that happened. 'Everything that happened was my fault. Zoro and Nami were taken hostage because I messed with time and played around, Franky turned out the way he is because I messed with time and played around, I don't even know if Coby is alive, and the list goes on. I can't even imagine what else I did, but I'm sure there were many other people I hurt. From now on, I'll take things seriously. First, I'll finish my business, only then I'll have fun with the crew.' Luffy made up his mind as determination filled his eyes.

"...Fine, we'll retreat if you give us Sengoku." Aokiji, the highest commanding officer after Sengoku, agreed. "here you go," Luffy said as he tossed Sengoku like a rag to Aokiji. Aokiji gritted his teeth, but he ordered a retreat. He couldn't attack them as Morgans was still filming. The Marines would have their image ruined enough by now, they didn't need to fuel the fire. And so, Water-7 was officially declared the territory of the Straw Hat pirates.


"Luffy, another envoy is here," Paulie reported. After Water-7 was declared the territory of the Straw Hat pirates, countless organizations attempted to form relationships with them. Water-7 being privately owned was massive news, and it was clear that anyone who wanted a quality ship needed the approval of Luffy. Many tried to make contracts with him, while others tried to casually come and buy. Luffy wasn't interested in those small matters, though. He was busy contacting Whitebeard, Shanks, and Dragon. Luffy made up his mind during the last battle. The World Government needed to go, or at least be reformed. It was corrupt beyond redemption, and it only brought misfortune. If he wanted to enjoy life with his crew, he couldn't allow them to continue acting like they are now.

Luffy arrived at the conclusion that there still needs to be a larger organization to govern countries, but it needs to be way more passive, only acting when necessary. Following his train of thought, Luffy began to plan the downfall of the World Government. The Marines are its combat branch, but it has secret forces of its own, as well as countless treasures. So Luffy contacted all of his big allies to form a plan of action.

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