
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

chapter 22- the calm before the storm

"What's haki?" Zoro asked the next day when I started teaching him. "haki is a power that allows the user to utilize their own inner energy for various uses" I started to explain. "It can be used to sense people's locations and predict their actions, this is called observation haki. It also gives the user a protective coating of their inner energy that allows the user to hit logia types and drastically improves the user's attack power and defense, this is called armament haki. But for a certain group of chosen ones, they have a third type of haki that allows them to overpower their opponents with their willpower and also affect the environment to their liking at a high enough level, this is called conquerors haki". "So if I learn armament haki I can boost my attack and defense, plus hit logia types all at the same time? I want this one". "I already guessed so I integrated it into your training program, but you will still need to train in observation haki. Now call Sanji and Brook, I need to give them their new training program too". After that was done I located and Flew to Whitebeard's ship.

"YOU EXPECT ME TO WHAT?!". An ear-piercing shout was heard across the new world as Whitebeard got angry, "if you want me to sit back while my son is being executed then you are going to have to make me!", a shock wave blasted the sea as Whitebeard released his conquerors haki. "First of all, calm down" I said as I released my own conquerors haki to a degree that made him know his place, "second of all, you think you're mad? the only reason Marineford still exists it so that I can kill all of the admirals in one shot instead of searching" my haki's might grew as I got more furious. "The only reason I'm telling you to leave is that every one of your pirates will die from my haki if they are near Marineford", black lightning began to appear as the Moby Dick started to show cracks.

"You better not forget that Ace is my brother before he is your son. If the marines are attempting to execute him I call the shots for his rescue, and currently, I'm out for some blood" I finally managed to calm myself. As I retracted my conquerors haki, the sea was left with huge whirlpools with diameters of hundreds of meters from the insane currents my haki cased. "F-fine" even Whitebeard felt threatened, as he should, from my haki. And that was just a glimpse of me being a little serious but he'll find that out when he watches Marineford. "Remember, don't come near Marineford, and spread the word your allies, If you don't I'm afraid you will lose a lot then only one son", I said as I began to fly away. *Sigh* 'now it's Sabo's turn, this is going to get ugly, isn't it?' I thought as I flew to the revolutionary army's secret base.

"Who are you?!" the voice of some souldiers came from the speakers as I stood in front of the hidden base and asked for permission to get in. "I'm Luffy, otherwise known as Dragon's, your boss, son. Could you let me in?", "what are you saying? Dragon doesn't have a son!", the soldier spoke. *Sigh* "well, guess we're doing it the hard way", *BOOM* a loud sound was heard as I punched through the wall to make an entrance. "Stop the intruder" the guards shouted as I walked casually while avoiding all of their attacks. "What's the pro-" Ivankov yelled while running but she stopped as soon as she saw me, "oh Luffy, why did you blow a hole in the wall? you could've called and we would let you in" Ivankov questioned me. "Funny story... my den den mushi fell into the sea while I flew from Whitebeards ship" I explained while scratching the back of my head. "Anyway let's get to business, where's Sabo?".

Ivankov's face darkened a little, "I can guess the reason you're here, take it easy on him. he took the news hard and if you approach this the wrong way it could leave lasting damage". "Yea, I'm not that happy about this either, but he can't come with me. He's not strong enough yet, and if even Whitebeard can't come he can't either". "I see, he's down the hall" Ivankov pointed at a red door before leaving. As I entered the door I saw Sabo and Dragon talking about something, I haven't seen him in a long time since he was busy with his "work" so it was a surprise to see that he's taller than me 'maybe a little accident needs to happen' I thought.

"hey, Sabo", I said while leaning on the wall, scaring him and Dragon a bit. "Luffy I can guess why you're here, but I won't give up on helping Ace!" Sabo said with determination in his eyes. "So I can't get you to stay here unless I beat you?" I asked, desperately wanting to avoid this situation. "Unfortunately, yes. I'll meet you outside in five minutes" Sabo left the room to prepare for our fight, "go easy on him Luffy, he just wants to help his brother" Dragon talked to me with a sad look in his eyes. "Don't worry Dad, I'll make it quick and precise" I said while following Dragon to the training ground.

"Start!", Dragon yelled as Sabo came charging at me. "I'm sorry Luffy but you can't stop me from saving Ace!", Sabo yelled as he covered his metal pole in armament haki and swung it down. With a sad look in my eyes I catgut it with my bare hands and crushed it immediately, I had to teach him that while he is strong, he isn't at the level that he can come and help me with the marines. "Ugh" Sabo groaned as he tried every attack in his arsenal to take me down, but to no avail. "Damn it! damn it all!" Sabo began to cry and curse, he didn't want to accept the fact that he wasn't strong enough to save Ace. "Enough" I released my conquerors haki, and pressured Sabo to the point where he was on the verge of being knocked out. "Sabo, I'm going to go against all of the marines, and that includes all three admirals and fleet admiral. You are strong, but in a fight of that level, I would have to babysit you all the time and may get myself killed. You need to accept the fact that you can't help Ace right now, a few years in the future? yes, but the execution is in two weeks and you aren't ready" and after speaking I knocked Sabo out.

"You did well" Dragon comforted me, "it didn't feel well". I felt terrible about having incapacitated Sabo, I knew he wouldn't stay otherwise but it still felt terrible. But at least now I just have to wait.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The next chapter will be Marineford, I just had to set some stuff so Luffy will be able to let loose.

I have a test in English tomorrow so I would appreciate it if you could tell me how's my grammar.

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