
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

A raging bull

As the laugh echoed, Luffy's grin widened. A punch to the gut sent Luffy flying a couple of meters in the air, and he landed almost ten meters from Ryokugyu. The punch that sent him flying was different than the others, and worried voices were heard among the crowd. Whatever happened, they knew things are going to become messy.

A creature stood up. his lower half alone was bigger than most men, reaching a height of a little over two meters. his legs had clear muscles in every place the eye could see, and even places where it couldn't. His upper half was different. His torso, arms, and neck, were riddled with muscles. The though, thick, skin was a dark shade of brown, with green, short, fur covering his upper half completely. He had the head of a giant, green, bull, with gigantic horns that curved upwards. His tail was the thickness of an arm and reached the ground behind him. Ryokugyu activated his devil fruit and turned into the mythical creature, Minotaur.

"Hahaha! This is going to be a good show!" Garp exclaimed as he found a place to sit and pull a bag of rice crackers. "Just be careful, we need to make sure his rage isn't directed at us." Aokiji's attention was drawn back to the fight as he noticed the transformation. Fujitora nodded, but one Vice Admiral couldn't understand their cation towards one of their own.

"Why must we keep an eye on him? Surely he won't attack his own team?" The women asked. "Normally, you'd be right. But Ryokugyu's ability is different. The Minotaur, different from other Zoan types, immediately enters its user into a rage-induced state without their control. The trade, however, is an incredible power that not even Kaido's fruit can normally match." Fujitora explained with patience while observing the fight.

"But if his fruit is superior to Kaidos' how come we don't launch attacks on the emperors?" The Vice-Admiral questioned. "The reason is quite simple. Ryokugyu, as loud as he can be, has a very caring heart. He knows the potential of his own power, and the destructive capabilities it has if released in a town or populated area, so he wishes to limit it." "How can he do that? I don't see any special equipment?" The Vice-Admiral asked again. "Why do you think he starves himself?" Fujitora simply replied.

Back in the fight, Ryokugyu charged at Luffy with frenzy dominating his eyes. Each one of his punches held a tremendous force. After a number of small exchanges, a right hook the size of Luffy's torso hurled itself at Luffy's head, and Luffy raised his arm to block the punch in the nick of time. a loud sound was heard as the punch collided with Luffy's forearm.


Cracks appeared all across the ship starting from Luffy's legs and spreading to his left. The air pressure caused huge waves to be born, but that wasn't a concern of the parties involved. Ryokugyu clenched his huge arms together above his head and brought them down as an overhead smash on Luffy. With quick thinking, Luffy jumped back to avoid the hit. Ryokugyu noticed Luffy's intention, however, and lunged forward as he opened his palms mid-strike.

Ryokugyu managed to grab Luffy's head, and he instantly slammed him into the ship. Luffy's head penetrated the solid wood, and without giving him time to recover, Ryokugyu grabbed his legs and ran forward, dragging Luffy across the ship before throwing him into the main mast of the ship. Luffy flew violently in the air, crashing against the mast with brutal force. Unfortunately, even the mast was not enough as Luffy skid back with the ship's wooden planks braking and flying under the force of his feet. The ship couldn't contain Luffy, and he flew in the air hundreds of meters before stopping himself with his flying technique.

Luffy charged back at a ludicrous speed, using the space he gained to speed up continuously. He took a fraction of a second to return to the ship, and charge straight at Ryokugyu with a Haki-covered fist. His fist hit Ryokugyu's undefended face, sending Ryokugyu flying through another mast as he did to Luffy. Like Luffy, Ryokugyu tore the ship apart under his legs, but eventually found himself at sea.

Ryokugyu bounced on the water surface like a skipping stone, and he eventually crashed into another Marine ship's hall a couple of hundred meters away. A blood-curdling roar was heard as a green blur shot in the air. Luffy dashed to the destroyed main mast, and he forcibly sank his hand deep into the wood to get a good grip. The roar neared this ship, and just as the giant, green, minotaur was about to land, Luffy made his move. Luffy covered the mast in his Armament Haki, and then he swung it like a baseball bat.

The mast hit Ryokugyu in the chest with a beautiful counter hit, using the minotaur's own momentum against him to harden the hit even further. Ryokugyu flew back, thousands of meters this time, and finally, he crashed against the last Marine ship in the enclosing line.

"Whew, that should put him out of commission for a while. That was good!" Luffy felt satisfies with his clash against Ryokugyu. "Hahaha! Haven't seen a fight this good in a long time. I'm excited to be in one even grander!" Garp got up as he finished his rice crackers, cracking his knuckles. The other Marines surrounded Luffy in an instant, leaving no easy accessible escape route. The two admirals, Garp, and a couple of elite Vice Admirals were in the center with Luffy, and the other prevented him from escaping.

"You sure put in a lot of thought into your strategy," Luffy said in a surprisingly impressed and happy tone. He wasn't taking them seriously, which both angered and worried the Marines. "But going hundreds against one isn't fair, how about I call some backup for myself?" Luffy's words sent a shiver down every Marine present.


Hey guys, I have an English test in a couple of days so wish me luck! It won't affect my upload schedule since the required level is way below what I'm using to write this story. Not to mention the grand challenge is a 140-word essay, and I can do that in like 10 minutes thanks to writing for so long. It also doesn't hurt that I can do the test on a computer since my handwriting is complete shit. Anyway, I'm still not sure about Ryokugyu's character since I have to build his reasons and motivation for various things so tell me what you thought, please. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!