
The library

After a few minutes of locating and finding the stairs towards the 3rd floor of the library. The guards blocked them from passing and said "Kindly present your librarians approval pendant before we let you through." The two of them casually showed their pendants respectively and one of the guards asked Chris to reveal her face as she was wearing it on the whole exploring inside of the library, so that they could recognize her and let her through without pulling the pendant as they were informed on what that pendant is and how to obtain it. As the guards moved aside they saw a man in his early 20s behind counter next to the stairs in the 3rd floor that leads to 1 floor below which were they came.

'Oh this is just like when we entered inside of this library but i guess its either they sell books or rent them since it's kinda similar to a grimoire on what I've seen in anime and how they're describe in novels i read.' Chris thought as they walked on the massive stairs leading towards the third floor

"Here we are the 3rd floor I hope you can find anything useful to you. Ill go on ahead see you tomorrow." Nick gave his farewell and went ahead towards the counter.

Chris did the same but on the other part of the counter where there is a clerk where she can ask about something.

"Excuse me sir..." Chris asked in a low voice as she was shy but the thing is she wasn't really shy. She acted like that so the clerk would notice her.

'Omg this girl is cute and it looks like that i was too handsome that makes her uncomfortable when talking to me' The Narcissist guy thought to himself.

"Yes little girl what can I do for you?" The clerk said with a braggish tone as he was amused on Chris' embarrased face.

"Hey Steve cut it out! You're scaring the girl!" One of the other clerks said.

However when Chris heard it she acted even more embarrassed as she was making fun of him.

And finally the clerk gave up and apologized to her. Chris chuckled and smiled a bit then asked while touching her chin with her pointing finger and looked up a bit like she was thinking. "Ummm...Do you know where i could find a book about and for the Invoker class?"

Steve who was one of the clerk and the one Chris asked turned his facial expression from happy to sour as it was really rare for someone to have that job class.

"Uhhh...are you sure about that? and can I take a look at your pendant?" Steve asked. As Chris nodded in Agreement. She pulled the pendant casually and showing it to him and then he spoke once again. "I see then but Im not surprised by it. Yes it's really rare for someone to be compatibile in that job class but knowing you that 'The Hero Cardo' was your father. Then its really not surprising at all that the esteemed hero would have a son or daughter that can surpass his prowess. However there is no such thing as a book for it or even theories in these spots try to go to the 6th or 7th floor I know its high but i guess the librarian from below forgot to tell you about this."

"Huh? About what?" Chris was puzzled.

"About the levitating floor room." Steve smiled a bit as he said it.

"what's so special about the 'levitating floor'?" Chris asked. 'Wait...don't tell me its like the elevator in malls hotel and such on earth.' She said in her mind.

"You see its an easy way to go up or down without walking through the stairs which would make you tired and all. But in this one it doesn't, although it is only available to the Officials, VIPs, and staffs. And your family is part of the VIPs here and probably everywhere." Steve letted out a sigh as he said his last statement.

Chris nodded and said "Hnn...Then I'll just use that and go to the floor you just said."

Steve nodded and said "By the way you can find it by going on that part then turn left you should see two doors with a sign saying 'Levitating room'." while pointing on the direction on her right.

"Thank you" As soon as she said it Chris walked towards the direction he provided.

"Your welcome."

Then Steve continued on what he is doing.

As Chris managed to get to the room Steve was talking about there were two guards in front of it. When she was about to go through it the two block her and asked in a serious but polite manner "Who are you and are you a VIP here in the library? or are you a noble or part of it or... part of the family of a hero?".

Among the bombardment of questions, Chris answered it confidently. "My name is Christie Bautista, an adventurer." Then she whipped out the pendant that the librarian gave to her.

The guard nodded and said in a polite tone while bowing. "I apologize for being too ignorant. This humble guard should take punishment for taking too much of your time."

Chris shook her head as she went inside if the room.

As the two guards closed the door. Chris felt like she was going upwards and after a moment the doors went open. One of the guards who was besides the door said "You've arrived on the seventh floor M'lady."

When Chris got outside of the "room". She realized that even in the last floor of the building in a cylinder shaped is still humongus. "Wooow this library sure is big." She murmured.

"Indeed Young Lady. As the matter of fact this floor belongs to your mother...my daughter. And all of the information you need should be in this floor." The guy that just releaved his presence and spoke to Chris was rather old around his 90s but he's still looks strong despite his age.

"Grandfather?!?" Chris was shocked about her grandfather to be in the library. "I thought you were in journey in search of an ancient relic or treasure."

"Grandpa is enough Chris. And I just got back from my expedition hehehehe." He was smiling with joy when he saw that Chris is doing fine and paid a visit to the library.

"In just a week? And how far was it?" Chris asked as she was Intrigued about it.

"Yes, Indeed and its just 100 miles. Its not that far."

"But its so far grandpa."

Chris's Grandfather scoffed and said. "Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you about this but I and some of my men can summon a Wind gryphon...although its kind of small like a size of a Donkey and can lift 2 people all at once but its faster than a regular gryphon or any other mount. BTW, what is your occupation Chris I might help you understand about it?"

Chris snapped out of it and answered calmly "Its Invoker grandpa."

The old man pinched his chin lightly while nodding and thinking about something and said. "I see... you're really my granddaughter eh? As I also an Invoker."

I apologize about the lack of correct grammar. and also that i rushed this chapter as I was busy and cannot write in a while. So mention it if found some wrong grammar or something in any way. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night.

ps. Im gonna edit this chapter from time to time.

MrAntukincreators' thoughts