
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

December Tenth 1994: Thursday]

"As some of you know, there is a Yuletide Ball on Christmas Day," Professor Flitwick announced to the Ravenclaw common room. "However only fourth years and above will be able to attend. Third years will be able to attend if asked by a higher year."

Harry groaned from his spot surrounded by the girls. He had forgotten all about the Yule Ball because of how busy he was.

"I want to know how to choose a partner out of five girls," Harry asked the girls in general.

"We've already discussed this," Padma answered him.

"You're taking Hermione and Fleur," Parvati added.

"And why is that?" Harry asked amusedly.

"Hermione is the only one that hasn't fully committed to you," Daphne stressed the word fully as her lips curved up into a smile.

Hermione's face lit up bright red as she, along with the rest of the group, caught the innuendo.

With a blush still on her face Hermione said, "I think I can be ready by then."

Harry looked mildly surprised at her statement but smirked as the surprise left his face.

"Who are you three going to go with?" Harry asked.

"Pad and I are going to take Daphne," Parvati said with a small smile.

"Kinky," Harry commented, making the twins laugh and Daphne blush lightly.


[December Tenth 1994: Thursday]

"So I have to share you at the Yule Ball?" Fleur asked with an elegant eyebrow raised.

"Oh don't give me that," Harry chastised lightly. "You were the one that wanted to start the harem in the first place."

Fleur's face flushed, something uncommon on her, and giggled lightly. "If I have to share you during the Ball then you have to share her during the night."

"Deal," Harry said with glazed eyes. Fleur's light giggle turned into full blown laughter as she knew that he was imagining her and Hermione.

"Delacour!" a voice that grated on everyone's nerves.

"What do you want, little boy?" Fleur asked condescendingly. Malfoy's pale face was pasty from the tone and the swift walk over making him look like he had a skin disease.

"I want to do you the honor of having a Malfoy taking you to the Yule Ball," Malfoy said with his chest puffed out to try and make himself look more important. Malfoy then made of look that he thought was a smirk but just made him look constipated. "Then we'll have some fun after the Ball."

Fleur actually had to stop herself from throwing up at the blond boy's last statement. "You're an idiot, aren't you?"

"What?" Malfoy asked shocked at her not immediately saying yes.

"I'm a bound Veela," Fleur said very slowly. At Malfoy's still confused look she felt like screaming. "I am bound to Harry and Harry alone. Let's disregard the fact that you're one of the ugliest boys I've ever met, do you even know what a Veela being bound means?"

Malfoy's face turned a puce-like color that for some reason reminded Harry of a whale. "And what does it mean then?"

"Harry is and will be my only male lover until I die," Fleur said simply. She then turned a disgusted look at Malfoy, "Now, leave, little boy." She flared her Veela aura that sent Malfoy into a daze. Malfoy ran off, thinking that his disappearance would get Fleur to like him.

"Alright there, flower?" Harry asked as he placed his hand on the back of Fleur's neck. Fleur relaxed and leaned into the hand that was stroking the back of her neck.

"Yes," Fleur hummed out. She leant further into Harry so that she was flush against his body. "I'm actually insulted more that the idiot didn't know about bound Veela more than him asking me out."

Harry chuckled, "I think it's more of British thing then a Malfoy thing but I could be wrong."


[December Twenty-Fifth 1994: Friday]

Harry was leaning against the stone corridor wall as he waited for the girls to arrive. Even though he was only taking Hermione and Fleur, all the girls wanted to surprise him with how they looked.

The lucky wizard was fine with that, while his girls were getting ready, he was taking care of his new and growing agriculture company.

'We're coming down now,' Padma's voice sounded throughout Harry's head.

Harry turned towards the stairs and watched as Parvati and Padma came into view. The twins were wearing matching robes but with alternating colors. They also had their hair plaited.

"You two look beautiful," Harry praised. It wasn't a big change as the only thing they had done was their hair and makeup but they looked beautiful nonetheless.

"Thank you," the twins said together. They had long ago accepted that they would be grouped together as a whole. Harry however saw them as two people.

The wizard looked back and saw Daphne standing there. She had her hair up and was wearing a strapless dark green dress. The dress complimented her olive colored skin making the cleavage that showed to be even more prominent.

"Very nice," Harry complimented.

"Thank you, wait until you see Hermione," Daphne smirked.

"That good?" Harry asked to which Daphne just continued to smirk.

Next down was Fleur who was wearing another strapless dress but silver in color that matched the silver in her hair.

"Beautiful as always," Harry said with a smile. He had seen her dressed up many a time but it was always a wonderful sight to see.

Fleur gave him a smile that was reserved only for him.

Harry kissed Fleur's cheek and then turned back to the stairs. What he saw almost made his eyes pop out of his head.

"Wow," was the only thing Harry was able to say as he looked at Hermione.

She had her hair up much like Daphne's but he was surprised that it wasn't bushy like normal. Her dress surprised him as she was showing off almost more cleavage than Fleur and Daphne.

"You look stunning, 'Mione," Harry commented once he had come out of his stupor.

"Thank you," Hermione said shyly. This was the first time she had dressed for a formal occasion. She was glad she did as it had been worth it to see the smile on Harry's face.

"Milady," Harry held out his arm to Hermione. She took the offered appendage with a happy smile.

Hermione then asked Harry a question that had popped into her head, "Harry, who are you going to dance with at the opening dance?"

"You," Harry answered her.

"Then who is Fleur going to dance with?" Hermione asked.

"I decided that you could have the first dance then we would take turns," Fleur answered for Harry. "If the professors don't like it then who cares?"

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked unsurely.

"Of course," Fleur smirked. She leant over to whisper into Hermione's ear, "Of course, you will be paying me back tonight." Fleur giggled softly at Hermione's fierce blush.

They continued their idle conversation until they reached the Great Hall. The students stared at them as they walked down the stairs.

"Where are your dates girls?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Right here," Harry said while bobbing his head left then right.

"Right here also," Padma said as she and her sister squeezed Daphne's arms.

"Mr. Potter, you cannot have two dates and Misses Patil, you can't bring Miss. Greengrass," McGonagall sputtered at the atrocity.

"Says who?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not right!" McGonagall stated.

"Says the society that interbreeds with itself?" Harry asked sarcastically.

McGonagall saw that she would get nowhere with Harry so she consented. "Fine, Miss. Granger will just have to wait to the side as you and Mrs. Delacour dance."

"Nope," Harry said back cheerfully. "I'm dancing with Hermione first."

"Mrs. Delacour has to dance," McGonagall sputtered again.

"I'll dance with her," Parvati offered.

"What? You're a girl," McGonagall said shocked.

Fleur finally sighed. "Honestly, we're really all here with Harry but we felt it uncomfortable if we all showed up with linked arms."

"How are you okay with your man dating other girls?" a seventh year girl asked from the side.

"What would I care?" Fleur blinked.

"You don't care that he's most likely having sex with other girls?" another girls asked, a sixth year this time.

"I know about all the girls that Harry sleeps with," Fleur answered the girl.

"How do you know who he shags?" the first girl asked.

Fleur just stared at her. "Does no one know anything about Veela in this country?"

Everyone adopted confused looks which made Fleur sigh.

"Veela have a strong sense of smell. I can smell a girl on Harry that is months old," Fleur explained.

"But you're still okay with him shagging other girls?" the girl asked.

Fleur cocked her head to the side, knowing that what she was about to say would be scandalous and she was going to love the chaos it caused. "Why would I condemn my mate for sleeping with other girls when I'm there right beside him?"

The silence after that statement was deafening, leaving even the professors in the entrance hall speechless.

"Ah, the bluntness of a Veela," Harry commented into the silenced hall.

"Yes," Professor McGonagall cleared her throat. "It's time for the open dance even though I protest Mrs. Delacour and Miss. Patil."

The rest of the students filed into the Great Hall.

The Champions and their dates had to wait another five minutes before the doors of the Great Hall opened.

The three schools applauded as the Champions entered only to gasp when Fleur walked in with a girl on her arm.

After the first dance, which still had people shocked, Harry and his girls found a table near the back.

"The faces when Fleur and Parvati walked in were priceless," Harry chuckled as he sipped his glass of whiskey that he had 'acquired'.

"We should do it more often," Fleur agreed. She enjoyed both dancing with Parvati and the looks on everyone's faces.

Ever since Hermione had joined the group fully she had been brought into all the plans. Which is why she nudged Fleur's hand when it was clear Fleur wasn't going to speak.

"It's time, Harry," Fleur said softly to her mate. She wanted so much to go with him but knew he had to do this alone.

Harry let go of Hermione and Fleur's hands and took a deep breath. The lucky wizard entered Tunnel then travel to just the outside of Gringotts Bank.

With a snap of his fingers his dress robes became a basilisk armor suit that Rebecca and Hermione had made for him.

The suit was made of thousands of shrunken scales that could stop modern weapons and even some of the most powerful spells. Harry had no intention of testing the armor in a combat situation just yet. It was only a precaution that Rebecca and Hermione had insisted on.

His footsteps echoed throughout the dimension as he walked up the white marble steps of the Goblin bank. As the lucky wizard entered the bank, he saw that it held only a handful of wizards.

Harry quickly and skillfully reached out with his powerful mind to all of the goblins on the lobby floor. The information took a second to process but now he had a basic schematic of the underground world of the Goblins.

The powerful young wizard figured it would be best to start underground in the Goblin city that no one in the outside world knew about. Harry quickly made his way to the outskirts of the city. He and the girls figured that it would be less protected then the tunnels leading to the city.

"Ironic," Harry spoke to himself as he drew a Goblin crafted dragger he had purchased from the greedy bastards.

After a while, Harry had to turn off his emotions via his Occlumency, as, while he had no problem killing the adult goblins, the little ones were a different story.

Once he was sure that he had killed every single goblin, the wizard began looting the city.

"Hmmm, what to do with the dragons?" Harry asked himself. The goblins had kept over two dozen dragons of varying species. He decided in the end to send them to a warded storage room on the island.

The looting of the city took the longest as Harry had to sort through tens of thousands of minds to make sure he got everything. When the city was silenced and barren, the lucky wizard moved on to the surrounding tunnels.

Harry found that there was actually more treasure in the tunnels than in the city itself. When he was done with the tunnels, he moved onto what he really wanted, the massive cavern that was filled with giant stones of every rock type.

Even the powerful wizard had to whistle at the sheer size of the room. It had to be ten stories high and went further than even he could see with his contact lenses.

After a painstaking removal of all the stones to Neon Island, Harry moved to the last thing on his list, sorting through the vaults.

While Harry had a list of all the vaults the Goblins maintained, he still had to individually check if he was going to rob or send the vault to its owner.

The green eyed wizard had a few things that would automatically mean he would rob the vault, serving the Dark Idiot, rape, murder and unjusticed torture. Other than those four things, he made personal judgments.

Harry found many rare items and books in the Death Eater vaults and surprisingly a lot of antique Mundane items, like paintings. He didn't look at them and sent them to Neon Island where he would look at them when he wasn't as busy.

With all of Gringotts, minus the innocents' vaults, transferred to his island, Harry Tunneled back to the Ball. The wizard sat back into the exact position between Hermione and Fleur he was in before he left, where he exited Tunnel.

Fleur noticed how tense Harry was and knew that he had finished his task. She leaned into Harry, giving him silent support.

'How did it go?' Fleur asked mentally.

'It's finished,' Harry replied simply.

"We'll talk more after the Ball," Fleur murmured into Harry's ear, making him nod.

The girls kept Harry busy and for the rest of the night Harry just enjoyed dancing with his girls.

It was almost midnight before Harry and the girls left the Ball. Once they were back in his room, he Tunneled them to his bedroom on Neon Island.

"Are you alright, love?" Fleur asked, concern laced throughout her voice.

Harry gave her a small smile. "I'm fine, Flower."

"You sure?" Fleur stressed.

Harry chuckled softly, "I'm fine. Really, Flower, it was just more difficult that I thought it would be but I'm fine."

"Alright," Fleur accepted his answer. "General idea of everything you took from Gringotts?"

"I could build a duplicate of downtown London out of gold and still have some left over," Harry deadpanned.

"That's a lot of gold," Daphne admitted.

"I also have so many ward stones it isn't even funny," Harry commented. He smirked at Hermione, "I also found some rare books that someone might like."

Hermione perked up at the mention of rare books. "They can wait," she told Harry.

"Hermione doesn't want to see the rare books?" Harry fake gasped and clutched his heart like he was having a heart attack.

"Prat," Hermione huffed out. Harry just grinned charmingly at her.

"I think we should leave these two alone," Padma commented as she stood up.

"Yes, they need some alone time," Parvati smirked out. She and her sister escorted Daphne out of the room. Just as they were about to leave, Parvati turned back and said, "Call us when you're done so we can join you."

Harry felt Hermione straddle him and turned from the door to her biting her lower lip.

"I'm ready," Hermione whispered to Harry.

Begin Smut Scene

Harry kissed Hermione deeply, letting his hands wrap around her to grab her bum so that he could pull her closer.

Hermione broke the kiss and spoke, "Wait, can Rebecca be here?"

"Of course, if you want her," Harry agreed. He felt movement from Hermione's thigh and felt Rebecca in her small form slide out from under Hermione's dress.

"Kinky, Hermione," Harry commented with a laugh and he enjoyed her blush. "Fleur can keep Rebecca busy while I take care of you." The lucky wizard brought Hermione's head back down and kissed her.

Hermione once again broke the kiss but to Harry's surprise it wasn't to speak, it was to slide down in between his legs. Harry smirked as he felt Hermione unbutton his dress pants and fish out his semi-hard member. The brunette wasted no time in taking Harry's member into her mouth.

"Bloody hell, 'Mione," Harry breathed deeply. "Horny much?"

Hermione didn't answer and just kept on with her oral assault which pretty much answered his question. Harry glanced over to see what Fleur and Rebecca were doing and smirked when he saw Rebecca riding Fleur's face rather hard while only teasing the quarter Veela. His veela did have her submissive moments.

"Rebecca, when you're done, come prep Hermione for me," Harry told his sex slave.

"Yes, Master," Rebecca moaned out as Fleur's tongue hit a particularly nice spot.

Harry leant back and enjoyed the blow job he was getting from his only brunette girl. After a minute or so, he heard Rebecca moan deeply, signaling that she had cum. The wizard felt a wave of magic and saw that Hermione's dress had been vanished and hung in a corner.

"I see you have that lightning bolt now," Harry commented at the flash he caught of Hermione's sex.

"But of course," Fleur commented from behind him. "I allowed her to grow one when she committed fully."

"You should really clean your mouth when you're done eating," Harry mock scolded Fleur whose face was smeared with Rebecca's juices. Fleur pinched him lightly for the remark.

Any further conversation was cut off as, when Rebecca finally got Hermione to start moaning, it transferred over to vibrations on Harry's cock that in turn were very pleasurable.

"Hermione, I'm about to cum," Harry groaned. He could see that Hermione wasn't going to pull off and that gave him a wicked idea. As the wizard felt himself cumming, he grabbed the back of Hermione's head and pulled her off his member.

A torrent of cum erupted from his cock and onto Hermione's face, ruining the perfect makeup job the girls had done. Harry counted nine spurts before he finished, which was above average for him.

"Harry," Hermione whined when he finished. "I wanted that in my mouth and you ruined my makeup."

"Sorry, 'Mione," Harry laughed. "I couldn't resist. I'm sure Fleur will clean your face though." Fleur immediately nodded and started licking Hermione's cum covered face.

"Harry tastes good but this makeup is kind of nasty," Fleur said while smacking her lips.

"She's ready, Master," Rebecca said as he popped up from behind Hermione, her face also now smeared with female juices.

"Come on up here, 'Mione," Harry said to the brunette girl.

Hermione complied and straddled Harry. She lined his very hard and very big member up with her slick quim. The head of Harry's cock speared open her quim and Hermione found herself wide-eyed as she felt herself stretch wider than she had even been stretched before. She eased herself down until the head of Harry's cock was bumping against her hymen.

Harry cast a healing charm with a wave of his hand and nodded to Hermione. She in turn shoved down forcefully and buried half of Harry's member in her cunt. The young wizard marveled at the tightness of Hermione, to him all his girls were tight but there was nothing like a virgin. What really caught his attention was the sheer heat that Hermione was putting out of her core that surrounded his cock.

"Bloody fucking hell, Hermione," Harry breathed out. "You're cunt is so damn hot it's unreal."

"Even hotter than me?" Fleur asked from her position behind Harry which she had reclaimed after she was done cleaning Hermione.

"Oddly yes," Harry answered. "I know Veela have a higher body heat which means your cunt is hotter than most but Hermione's is just unreal." Hermione blushed at the crude way they were talking about her.

"Do you feel full yet, Mistress?" Rebecca asked from behind Hermione. The Basilisk hybrid reached around and played with Hermione's nipples.

"Very," Hermione admitted to the girl.

"Well," Rebecca whispered into the brunette's ear, "You still have a lot of cock to go." Hermione shuddered at the breath on her ear and the fact that she would be even fuller.

"Come on, Hermione, don't be shy," Harry grinned at the girl half stuffed with his cock. Hermione gave him a half hearted glare but started to slowly move herself up and down the hard pole inside her.

"Hmmm, that's it," Harry breathed into Hermione's ear. He reached around and grabbed her bum to give himself leverage so that he could thrust up. His thrusts were met with shrieks of pleasure. Finally, after a few minutes of Hermione riding Harry, she had his entire cock buried in between her cunt lips.

"How's that feel, Hermione?" Harry asked as he slowly teased her body.

"It's so big," Hermione said in a daze. The brunette was sure that Harry was bumping into her cervix every time he thrust up.

"Imagination what Daphne must have felt when she took his cock two years ago," Fleur giggled out. That was such an erotic sight, seeing Harry's monster cock disappear into Daphne's small frame.

"I don't think I could have taken it then," Hermione admitted. She swirled her hips around and smiled when she got a groan from Harry. "He's already stretching me so wide."

"Ah my ego is fully stroked now," Harry laughed. It never got old hearing things like that, especially not from six girls, one being a Veela.

"Less talk, more making love to Hermione," Fleur commented.

"Well alright," Harry smirked. He rolled Hermione and himself over and then set a slow but steady pace into Hermione.

"Oh Harry," Hermione moaned out deeply. "It feels so good." Harry was drawing everything but the very tip of his cock out of Hermione then driving all the way back in. Hermione was going from empty to stuffed over and over again and it felt wonderful. She wrapped her legs around Harry in order to try and shove him deeper.

With the slow pace, Harry was able to last well over an hour before he came. At that point Hermione had already cum multiple times. "I'm going to cum, Hermione."

"In me, Harry," Hermione murmured softly into her lover's ear. "Fleur did the spell on me when we were getting ready."

With a grunt, Harry came forcefully into Hermione. Hermione herself could swear that she felt Harry's hot cum splashing inside of her. When he was done, Harry rolled off and to the side of Hermione.

"That was wonderful," Hermione said contently.

"Should we call the other girls?" Fleur asked. She saw Harry's nod so she sent the mind message.

A few minutes later, the rest of the girls came into the room. They took one glance at Hermione and smirked.

"I get to clean Hermione," Daphne said quickly before the twins or anyone else could open their mouths. The twins pouted at not being able to lick Hermione clean.

"Come here girls," Harry chuckled as he opened his arms to which the twins dived into. He then whispered into the twins' ears, "Whoever I fuck gets cleaned by the other."

Harry had to laugh loudly as the twins didn't know what position they wanted to be in.

End Smut Scene


[December Twenty-Sixth 1994: Saturday]

Harry and the girls, along with a glowing Hermione, were at the Ravenclaw table the next morning. Anyone taking one look at Hermione could tell what she and Harry had been up to last night and this morning.

There was a clapping heard throughout the Great Hall and everyone turned their heads to see Dumbledore standing up.

"I have a grim announcement to make," Dumbledore said gravely, an expression that Harry and the girls knew was fake. "Last night the entire Goblin nation was slaughtered while we were enjoying the Yule Ball."

Gasps were heard throughout the hall as no one could think of an entire race being wiped out.

"Now, I've been informed that whoever did the deed also robbed the bank," Dumbledore grimaced, as his main vaults had been emptied along with all his reserve vaults. The student body started yelling questions until Dumbledore held up his hand which instantly quieted them.

"Sheep," Harry muttered which only the girls heard.

"But my dad sent me a letter this morning saying that our vault contents appeared in our living room," a student from Ravenclaw told the Headmaster.

"Do you know anything, Harry?" Susan asked from the Hufflepuff table. She didn't like putting him on the spot but she figured he would know and her aunt hadn't sent her a letter.

"According to Dad, people who committed no crime in their life had their vault sent back to them," Harry explained, his father had actually called him about what happened so it wasn't a lie. "Anyone who had permitted a crime had their vault contents stolen."

"How did they know who committed a crime?" a student asked.

Harry shrugged, "I'm sure they had some way. Dad also said that if you were a Death Eater your vault was seized on principle."

Many students from Slytherin and others from the remaining Houses paled at that statement, they knew what their parents had done.

"How could someone kill the entire goblin race and rob them in one night?" a student asked.

"We do not know," Dumbledore answered the question. "However, the goblins all died a quick death by a knife to the spine and there were also no signs of a battle. It still remains a mystery."

"Well, if you didn't commit a crime then you should have your vault," Harry shrugged to the students. "And if you didn't get your vault back, then complaining will just draw suspicion." Harry grinned as he saw the Death Eater children take that seriously.