
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

November Sixth 1994: Friday]

Harry took a deep breath, anything going wrong now could have unforeseen consequences. He slowly drew on his power and fed it into the runes that were carved into the rat's bones. With a flash, the bone fused together and Harry saw the runes activate and couldn't help but let out a triumphant shout.

He had finally done it, he had recreated a runic array sealed and activated by his own power. The lucky wizard quietly called for one of his house elves, one that was skilled in healing magic.

"You know what to do," Harry told the house elf quietly. The little being nodded its head at his master and handed him a potion.

Harry chugged the potion and felt his right arm go numb. "Alright, get to work."

The house elf slowly and carefully drew its tiny little finger on Harry's upper arm. It took over two hours for the house elf to finish its work.

"I's done, Master," the house elf spoke quietly. Harry nodded and drew on his power. With a flash the runes that were etched into his bones sealed and activated. The young wizard arched his back as he felt new sensations rush through his body.

The lucky wizard glanced down at his arm and saw that unlike his lower arm, his upper arm was marked with what looked like runic tattoos.

"Thank you," Harry told the house elf. He traveled to one of the exercise rooms to test the new runes.

Harry walked over to the weights and lifted one up and found that it was light as a piece of paper. He turned the object over to see the weight and his face twisted into a deep smirk when he saw the number one hundred written on it.

'Harry? Where are you?' Fleur's voice sounded in his head.

'In the exercise room. Why?' Harry asked back.

'You're an hour late for training,' Fleur said back.

Harry tunneled to Fleur's presence and saw that she and the other girls had already warmed up without him there. Fleur went to hug him and he quickly stepped out of her reach.

"Don't touch me," Harry said quickly. Fleur adopted a very real hurt look so he hastily explained, "I don't want to hurt you."

Fleur's hurt look changed to one of confusion, "Why would you hurt me?"

A gasp took her attention she turned to Hermione who was pointing at Harry. Fleur followed Hermione's finger and was shocked to see a tattoo on Harry's upper arm.

"What is that?" Fleur asked incredulously while pointing at his arm.

Harry glanced down, looking at his arm. "A runic array."

Fleur slowly walked up, she saw him about to back step, "Stay." She traced her finger over the runes and shivered as she could actually feel the power coursing through them. From a distance they looked like two black lines wrapped around his bicep. However, up close she could just barely make out that runes made up the lines.

"I thought you were going do to do them on bone?" Fleur asked as she traced the runes.

"I did," Harry told her. "I think the runic tattoo was just a side effect from how much power went through the runes."

The other girls by now had walked closer to him. They kept their distance and allowed Fleur and Harry to talk.

"What do they do?" Fleur asked.

"They're body oriented," Harry explained. "Strength, speed, senses and healing. They've all been enhanced to beyond super human."

"Beyond super human?" Hermione parroted. "Just how much did you get enhanced?"

"What are you talking about, Hermione?" Fleur asked.

Hermione tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear self consciously when she saw everyone staring at her, "Well, if he would have just made himself stronger he would say 'super human', meaning better than a normal human by several times. However, he said 'beyond super human', meaning that he enhanced himself to a ridiculous amount."

"I was hoping to explain but Hermione as usual can pick apart my speech," Harry said dryly.

"How much stronger are you, Harry?" Fleur asked quietly.

Harry was quiet before speaking clearly, "I could snap your wrist literally like a toothpick if I'm not careful."

Fleur stood on her tip toes and kissed him lightly, "You would never do that." She stepped back, "You have all day to control you're new body because tonight you're giving me a massage, so I would get to it."

Fleur walked away to the other side of the room and started casting spells Harry had taught her yesterday.

The other girls walked over to do the same but Hermione said over her shoulder, "Maybe you should find your limit in order to find a better understanding of how to control your strength."

For the entire day Harry tested his new strength like Hermione suggested and found his limit. He was also beginning to control his strength.

"I see you're controlling your strength pretty well. Have you found your limit?" Hermione asked as she sat next to Harry. He was currently tossing a light bulb from hand to hand.

"Yes," Harry answered. He felt the presence of Fleur and the other girls behind him. "A ton is what I can bench before I start to strain."

"A ton," Hermione repeated blankly.

"Impressive," Fleur said. She knelt behind her mate and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Am I getting my massage tonight?"

"I think I have enough control," Harry smiled out.

"Do we get these runes?" Daphne asked with a gleam in her eye.

"When I've fully mastered the changes then yes," Harry told her. "I want to be able to teach you efficiently."

"And when is that?" Daphne pouted at him.

"Most likely Christmas," Harry answered. He rolled his eyes as Daphne tried to pout harder, "It's only a month and a half."

"I want my massage," Fleur breathed into Harry's ear. Harry smirked at her and tunneled them to his bedroom in his castle on Neon Island.

"You girls go take a bath while I give Fleur her massage," Harry suggested to the girls. They grumbled about wanting massages but knew Harry would make it up to them.

"Come on, my little Veela," Harry said as he picked Fleur up with absolutely no strain. He carried her to his personal bathroom that housed a small pool instead of a tub. He stripped her out of her training outfit that consisted of a sports bra and a pair of small shorts.

He eased both of them into the water, with Fleur sitting in his lap, and proceeded to gently give her a massage.


[November Thirteenth 1994: Friday]

Harry and his four Hogwarts girls were walking to their potions class when Malfoy decided he would grace them with his annoying presence. Malfoy was flanked by the two goons that were always with him.

"Check out the new badges, Potter," Malfoy boasted as he stuck out his chest. The three Slytherins wore a badge that said 'Cedric Diggory' with a picture of his face in the center of the badge. The badge then spun around and now said 'Potter Stinks' with Harry's face in green.

Harry rolled his eyes at Malfoy, "What are you? Seven?"

"What are you talking about?" Malfoy sneered back.

"Potter stinks?" Hermione asked with a giggle in her voice. "That interbreeding is really working its magic."

Malfoy's face reddened at the insult and ignored the brunette. He turned to Harry and sneered, "You're not a real Champion, Potter."

"If you were actually paying attention then you would know that Harry didn't enter the Tournament," Hermione spoke as if she was talking to a small child.

"We also keep Harry too busy to even worry about the Tournament," Daphne added with a smug smirk.

Malfoy started laughing, "Who know you were so whipped, Potter."

"He isn't whipped," an accented voice said from down the corridor. Everyone turned to see Fleur walking towards them in her powder blue robes.

"Greengrass just said you're keeping him busy," Malfoy sneered out.

Fleur giggled at the naivety of the blond pureblood, "By busy she means that Harry keeps us busy in bed."

Everyone's eyes widened at the blatant statement.

"Harry wears out a Veela and four girls every night," Daphne pointed out. "Can you say the same just about one girl?"

Malfoy sneered out at the crowd that was laughing at him and drew his wand. The blond idiot shot a curse at Harry. Harry reacted on instinct and flicked the curse back at Malfoy with just his hand. The curse slammed into Malfoy and blew him into the wall face first.

"Potter," a voice shouted from the end of the corridor. "Detention Potter!"

"For what exactly?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fighting," Snape said looking very satisfied.

Harry cocked his head, "No thanks."

"Do what, Potter?" Snape asked stunned.

"I said no, Snivellus," Harry said slowly. "Champions can't get detention as it interferes with training."

Snape looked like he wanted to start foaming at the mouth as Harry and the girls walked away.


[November Thirteenth 1994: Friday]

"What a charismatic quartet. Hello!" a blonde woman dressed in colorful robes said in a fake cheerful voice as she clapped her hands together. She walked over to the four Champions that were standing together in a group except for Fleur who was sitting.

"I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the Daily Prophet but of course you know that don't you. It's you we don't know, you're the news." The woman went to stroke Fleur's cheek and was rebounded when Harry smacked her hand away.

"Don't touch her," Harry said with deeply narrowed eyes and a frown on his face.

"Yes," Rita cleared her throat and tried to get back on track after Harry's interruption. "What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a Champion tick. Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm? Shall we start with the youngest. Lovely."

"No thanks," Harry said. He leaned backward to dodge the older woman's hand that tried to grab his arm.

"Come now, my readers deserve an interview," Rita smiled sweetly as she tried to grab Harry's arm.

"I said no," Harry said as he quite forcefully smacked the woman's hand away. "If you try to touch me again I'll defend myself with my wand."

"Please, my dear Champions," Dumbledore's voice said grandfatherly from the entrance of the room. Everyone turned to see Dumbledore walking into the room followed by McGonagall, Snape and Ollivander. "Mr. Ollivander is here to check your wands to make sure they are in top condition."

"Mr. Diggory, if you please," Ollivander said as he held out his hand, which had long pale fingers.

The pretty boy took out his wand from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

"Yes, Ash, twelve and one quarter inches, unicorn hair," Ollivander said as he examined the wand. "Polished last night, if I'm correct."

"Unicorn hair?" Harry asked amusedly. The pretty boy turned to Harry and glared at him as he accepted his wand back from the wand maker.

"Now you, Mr. Krum," Ollivander said. The wand was handed to the man. "Not one of mine," Ollivander spoke out. "Hornbeam, ten and one quarter inches, dragon heartstring core. In good quality, yes."

"What about you, Miss. Delacour?" Ollivander asked. Fleur handed her wand to the man even though she didn't want to. "Rosewood, nine and a half inches and oh my," Ollivander exclaimed, "Veela hair core."

"Yes," Fleur answered. "One from my grandmother." She accepted her wand back and ignored the stares from Pretty boy and Rock.

"And last but not least, Mr. Potter," Ollivander said.

Harry took his wand from the wand holster on his left wrist and handed it to the creepy old man.

"Holly wood, eleven inches and a Phoenix feather core," Ollivander said as he waved the wand around. "In remarkable condition but I would recommend you polish your wand more often, Mr. Potter."

"The one that matters gets polished six or more times a day, Mr. Ollivander," Fleur smirked out. Everyone had different reactions to the statement but most were very amusing. "You're right though, Mr Ollivander, Harry should go polish his wand and I'll help."

Fleur grabbed Harry's wand from Ollivander's hand and dragged Harry out of the room while giggling.


[November Twenty-Fourth 1994: Tuesday]

Harry woke up on the day of the first task with a naked quarter Veela wrapped around him. He glanced down and saw that Fleur was out cold still from the previous night. The runic array that Harry had put on his upper arm had increased his stamina almost double and that wasn't to mention his strength and speed, it gave a whole new meaning to hard and fast.

"Wake up, Fleur," Harry spoke softly as he nudged her.

"Go waf," Fleur mumbled into Harry's chest.

"I will not go away," Harry chuckled. "It's already nine and the task starts in four hours. You have to get up so we can have lunch and to do a final preparation for the task."

"After last night you expect me to face a dragon?" Fleur whined.

"Aww, it'll be okay," Harry teased. "When you limp into the stadium just say you fell on your bum."

His tease was met with an intense glare as she knew that she was most likely going to be limping slightly, even with her Veela nature.

"Don't glare at me like that, you're the one that asked for it," Harry chuckled.

"Well," Fleur's glare became a blush. "We're not doing that again until I have the runic array as well."

Harry pouted at her, "But do you have any idea what it does for my ego?"

"Ass," Fleur muttered. She stood up and walked towards the bathroom. The quarter Veela then looked over her shoulder, "You coming, my mate?"

Harry smirked and followed the quarter Veela into the bathroom.

After an hour long soak in warm water, Harry and Fleur got dressed and Harry Tunneled to his bedroom at Hogwarts.

"Come on, the girls are already downstairs," Harry spoke to Fleur. A short walk down the stairs and the couple saw the four girls sitting down in the common room waiting for them.

"Bout time you showed up," Hermione huffed out.

"Sorry," Fleur said unashamedly. "I had to take a soak before we came down."

"His new runes?" Daphne smirked out. The other three girls giggled at Fleur when they noticed how she didn't move as gracefully as she usually did.

"I know what Harry is going to be doing to you four before he gives you the runic array," Fleur glared. The four girls stopped giggling and gulped.

"Come on, we need to have some lunch before the task," Harry told the girls.


[November Twenty-Fourth 1994: Tuesday]

A roar echoed through the tent that held the four Champions. Harry smirked as he watched the other two male Champions pace back and forth nervously.

"I'm nervous," a voice next to Harry said softly. Harry glanced at the girl next to him that was dressed in a blue shirt and pants.

"You'll be fine, Fleur," Harry told his Veela mate. He then leaned to whisper into the blonde's ear, "I'll be watching through your eyes and if it looks like you're in mortal danger then I'll step in."

"Thank you," Fleur said as she relaxed completely at Harry's reassurance. She grabbed his hand and drew it into her lap to stroke his hand.

"Ah Champions," Barty Crouch said cheerfully. "Gather 'round." Once everyone was up and standing in a semi circle around the man. He held out a bag that was moving, "Ladies first."

Fleur reached into the bag and pulled out a small green dragon.

"The Common Welsh Green," Barty said.

"Aww, he's so cute," Fleur gushed as she tickled the little dragon's chin. It gave a burp of fire that made Fleur coo.

Barty held the bag out to Krum who put his hand in the bag.

"The Chinese Fireball," the man said.

It was then Diggory's turn to draw out his dragon. The boy took his closed hand out of the bag and slowly opened it to reveal a yellow dragon. The boy winced when the dragon bit his finger.

"The Swedish Short-Snout," Barty said to everyone. He turned to Harry, "And last but not least, Harry Potter."

Harry reached into the bag even though he already knew what dragon he was going to pull out.

"Ahh, the Hungarian Horntail," Barty said in a hushed tone.

"Now," Barty started. "The order of the task will be Diggory, Delacour, Krum, then Potter."

"If you will, Mr. Diggory," Dumbledore said as he gestured his hand to the tent's exit. Diggory walked shakily to the exit.

"I'm getting very nervous," Fleur admitted to Harry as they stood together. There were sounds of roaring and cheering in the background as Pretty faced his dragon.

"Don't worry, Flower," Harry assured his Veela mate. "I'll be there if you need anything."

"Miss. Delacour," Barty said as he stuck his head into the tent. "You're up."

"Good luck," Harry said as he kissed her lightly.

Harry watched Fleur through the tent wall with his contacts that he rarely used. He watched her use her Veela charm to put the dragon into a deep sleep. The sleep lasted long enough for Fleur to nab the golden egg and make it out of the arena.

'Good job, Fleur,' Harry congratulated Fleur through their bond.

'Thank you, Harry,' Fleur said with immense relief.

Soon Krum was called and completed his task even though Harry had to wince when the dragon smashed most of her eggs.

"You're up, Mr. Potter," Barty spoke cheerfully into the tent.

Harry heard his name called out from a magically enhanced voice. He slowly made his way out of the tent and into the rocky arena. As soon as he stepped out into the arena a tail shot out at him. Harry dodged the tail gracefully and made a break for the golden egg.

The lucky wizard dodged a tail and claws but he finally reached the egg. The slight pause that he used to pick up the egg gave the dragon enough time to throw a plume of fire towards Harry. Harry felt the worry from his girls and looked up to see the fire coming towards him.

A neon blue shield formed around Harry just as the flames reached him. Harry could hear nothing but the roar of flames around him. He looked around and noticed that while the rock outside the shield was melting, it was cool inside the shield.

The flames soon stopped and it seemed like he was standing in the middle of a pool of shallow lava.

"Well that wasn't nice," Harry admonished the dragon, whom looked very shocked that Harry was still alive. Harry walked out of the arena, leaving a shocked audience in his wake.

"Harry!" Fleur shouted out as soon as he entered the tent. She hugged him tightly and didn't let go.

"A little dragon wouldn't hurt me, Flower," Harry told the Veela wrapped around him.

"Mr. Potter," Dumbledore's voice came from the other side of the tent. "Would you mind telling me what shield you used to protect yourself."

"No thanks," Harry said. "I'm going to be to be reassuring my girls about how I'm safe." Harry turned and walked out of the tent with Fleur still wrapped around him.