
Luck is always on my side

You know, the usual mc, shit, death, void, god, wish-WAIT WHAT THE FUCK? I GET NO WISHES? I GET 3 GACHA ROLLS? AND WHY IS MY WORLD FUCKING FULL OF SPANDEX?

daoistofeverything · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

I am waiting inside a room with metal handcuffs holding me attached to the table, not like I can't snap out of them in a second, but causing more damage than I had already done would be an error.

After discovering that I am 4 years old the heroes didn't try to fight me anymore and instead "suggested" me to follow them so that the police could understand what happened.

Kuro:'They will either put in Tartarus or I will be put under straight observation, if they can control my power they could have an All Might number 2, if the first one were to happen, then I guess I will have to fuse with my shadow and become a villain or a vigilante, if the second happens I might as well accept, they will most lily put me under the supervision of All Might, which currently works at UA, so maybe he will ask help to Nezu, which means Nezu will know my story, most likely become interested in me, or to be more precise in my power, and maybe I become a UA student, they did the same for Eri, and her power was way more dangerous then mine, this is also way more possible since the orphanage I lived is now destroyed, thank you, random-police-officer, for ruining my day and mood even more.'All of this went through my head in just 0.7 seconds, having high Intelligence seriously helps predict the possible future.

Now you might ask how I know that All Might works at UA, easy.

First, among the heroes some heroes would be at the beginning of the plot, for example, Mirko and Hawks should have been near 16 if it was the beginning of the plot, but instead, they are way older.

Second, Both All Might and All for One, are weaker, so the incident already happened, and he must have been searching for a successor, or he already found Mydoriya.

Third and Last, While I was being taken here, I saw the last piece, I saw a kid that should be from 1-B helping heroes, so both the USJ, and sports festival must have happened, and they are currently in the training arc, or to be more precise, the arc called Vs hero killer Stain.

While waiting for anyone to arrive, I checked my new power, called Gluttony, both Chronokinesis and Hemokinesis were easy to understand, the only one that leaves me doubts is this one.

Gluttony Lv.Max

A demon brings 3 things darkness, doom, and hunger, you have darkness, you will bring doom, you are hungry.

Effect: Absorb 1/10 of killed being highest stat, and fuse them with host stats, 1% chance to steal the highest level skill or highest level power, the stronger the being you fight the higher the possibility of stealing the being skill or power.

Side effect: You will easily feel hungry, turning you into an eating machine.

And thanks to the 4 kills I had gotten while in my master form my stats had risen a bit.


Name: Kuro Surname: Kurayami

Age: 4 years

Race: Evolved Nephilim (Quirk type)

Strength: 192=>202




Intelligence: 234=> 250( due to mental strain not stats absorption)

Kuro:'It's a good quirk but this will cause me to both become a have a Saiyan hunger, and the edges of an Uchiha, I am here to eat your power... cringe.'

My train of thought is suddenly stopped by the entrance of a very particular being, a mouse/bear/dog entered the room.

With a lot of strain, he gets on top of the chair in front of me and begins to speak.

Nezu:'' Good morning or should I say afternoon? It's already pretty late, what do you think?''

Kuro:'So you wanna play the goofy part? Keh, I am 4 I can be as goofy as I want.'

Kuro:'' You should say, Greeting my followers of the sun, our sun is continuing to shine like never before let's all show our gratinating to both the sun and Gwyn.'' I say while trying to take a sun praying pose, but the handcuffs are in the way.

Nezu gets stunned from both my no sense words, uncultured being, and from my calmness.

After a second a small laugh comes out of his mouth.

Nezu:'' You are funny, I guess you know why you are here, what I would like to know is what your quirk is and what happened.''

Kuro:'No more jokes? But I still want to play.'

Kuro:'' Are you sure? All for One might get angry.''

His face shifts completely from the previous expression a serious almost feral face appears, from out of the room some voices can be heard, and suddenly both All Might, in his skeletal form, and also Tsukauchi, the lie detector detective, enter the room.

Nezu:''... Continue.''

Kuro:'' Fine, All for One tried to steal my quirk, fortunately, my powers had already manifested since birth, or I would have been asleep while he was trying to steal it, I was able to escape his grasp, and when the hospital exploded one of my dear ones that were inside died since he was the nearest to the area of the explosion, my power then manifested and it went rampage, I didn't know how to control it and it took over me.''

Both Nezu and Yagi looked at Tsukauchi and he nodded. which meant that my use of the words power instead of quirk worked.

Nezu:'' Are you now able to control it?''

Kuro:'' Completely even though it left a side effect of making me way hungrier, the horns and tail, and my emotions being 50 times powerful than before.''

All Might:'' How are you able to keep up, with the emotions and the death of your dear one?''

Kuro:''... Because they would be angry if I do the wrong thing.''I say while a tear falls from my eye.

Tsukauchi nods again, it's not a lie they would be sad if they knew what I did.

Kuro:'AHAHAHAH GIVE ME AN OSCAR, the truth is that my mental fortitude has reached level 71, making me almost numb to emotions, now don't get me wrong, I am angry like never before, I want All for One death like nothing else, but blinding anger has never brought anything good, unless you are an Mc, in that case, anger brings power-ups, good for you.'

Silence then feels in the room, but it gets interrupted by me.

Kuro:''Now what?''

Nezu:'' you can choose, or you go in a mac security psychological ward, where people will help you to get better...''

Kuro:'Hell no, I will end up like Doctor X son.'

Nezu:'' Or you can come to my school and become an honorary student, you will receive a house and you will live with a teacher, your face won't be shown when we talk about the incident and you will live a normal life.''

Kuro:'I love when plans end I predicted.'