
I Love Her (Mazikeen)

Mazikeen, she was someone who you considered to be your closest friend, someone loyal and trusted. She was someone you could rely on her for almost anything and everything but the thing is...

You fell in love with her. You fell in love with a Demon from Hell, quiet literally. She was drop dead gorgeous, tougher than nails, hilarious in her own ways, sweet in her own ways, and caring in her own ways. Depsite her abrasive ways, you grew to fall for her...

You were sitting at Lux, drink in hand, waiting for Maze to show up. She invited you out and you were feeling butterflies in your stomach. Was this a date, or was this just a girls night out? You were hoping the former, desperately and hopefully the former, but seeing how Maze is with feelings... Its just a girls night out.

It bummed you out. You've tried to hint to her your feelings, always complimenting her, and gifting her knives you find.

"Seems the love bug has gotten you bad, (Y/N)." Your other close friend, a brother figure to you, Lucifer Morningstar joined your table.

"Ha, yea I have it bad." You chuckle dryly, sipping on the liquid in the cup.

"You always hint to having a crush, but never told me who the person is? You know, I'll have to warn them not to break your heart."

"The person is Maze." You side eyed him, watching his usual smirk drop.

"Ah I see... She's um a tough one." Lucifer smiled, a sincere one as he put a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Very tough and rough around the edges," you sip your drink and let a smile slowly grow on your face. "But I love her regardless, ya know?"

"Really?" You heard Mazikeen behind you. Your eyes widened and it felt like your heart was about to jump from your throat.

"Good luck." You heard Lucifer whisper and left you alone. With Maze. Your crush.

"H-hello Maz-Maze!" You squeaked out and gulped as she made her way around you, sitting right where Lucifer sat, next to you. "It-its good to see you!" Curse this damn stutter!

"What you said, was it true?" She asked intensely, her dark eyes bore into my own eyes. "You really love me?"

"Uh yes, yes I do." You adverted your eyes to your lap, watching your hands fidget with each other. Your throat felt constricted as tried to speak again, "I u-understand if you don't feel the same way Maze. I mean, I am just a human after all-" The demons hand surprisingly gripped your chin gently, making you look back at her. The next thing you knew she was passionately kissing you. At first you were shocked, but you melted into the kiss almost instantly. Her hands were in tangled in your hair, as your gripped onto her leather jacket.

She and you broke apart the passionate kiss, staring deeply into each others eyes.

"I um," Mazikeen started a sentence, before looking almost bashful and very cute. "I love you too, (Y/N). It's... Hard for me to express feelings, but I love you and love being around you." You smiled at her confession, and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips, an almost innocent smile broke out on her face.

"Let's dance, Maze." You suddenly grabbed her hands and pulled her towards the dance crowd. It was like all care from the world was gone as you were dancing with the demon you fell in love with. The true smile on her face, the way she moved along with you made you tear up with joy.

"This is the best night of my life!" Mazikeen laughed loudly, her and your hands intertwined as you both danced to the fast-paced song.

Sitting across the way from you was Lucifer. He and you made brief eye contact as you and Maze danced your hearts out. He gave you a wink and lifted his glass while you grinned his way.

Your attention was back on Mazikeen, her and your eyes connected as the song came to a slow end. No words were said between you two, but a shared smile. A slower song came on, you knew it was most likely Lucifers doing. With no hesitation from either of you, you pulled your bodies close and swayed to the song. Her hands rested playfully on your rear end while you rested your arms on her shoulders.

"I wasn't expecting you to return my feelings, but I am glad you did Maze."

"I have to say I am a little shocked you would love a demon like me. I'm not exactly perfect."

"I think you are just right." It almost looked like Maze was about to cry as she kissed you again, this time it was a slow kiss before she pulled away, resting her forhead against yours.

"And I think you are the most perfect human."

------A/N: Maze love in the house!! I just had to write for her! I hope you guys liked :)