
Bloody Lips


You dragged your feet along the ground as you walked along whatever street to whatever destination. It was a simple walk home from work, after a long shift due to over time, but then someone tried to mug you. You fought with all your might against your assailant; punched, kicked, scratch... You name it, and you faced just the same from the mugger. You were able to keep your backpack that contained your work uniform, house keys, and wallet thankfully, but you were also left dazed and confused.

You finally spot a bench you could rest on, maybe some kind-hearted person would at least call 911 on your behalf, since your phone died while working. Your body ached as you sat down and the cool breeze nipped at the cuts on your face. Your breathing felt labored due to all the blood from your nose starting to harden. You lick your lips in desperation to keep them from feeling cracked, the taste of copper invaded your mouth from the still bleeding cut on your lips. The taste made you cringe.

In your dazed state, you noticed something familiar about the view in front of you. Were you near-?

"(Y/N)?" You heard a familiar voice. Glancing over with tired eyes, you saw you best friend and crush, Lucifer Morningstar, approaching you. "Bloody hell, what in Fathers name happened?"

You swallowed thickly, "Someone tried to mug me." Your voice was hoarse and your throat felt raw. You watched Lucifer quickly kneel in front of you, his eyebrows were furrowed as he looked over your form. His face had a look of shock and disbelief.

"Lets get you up to the penthouse, I'll call Chloe and Ella." You could tell by the tone of his voice he was trying to keep his anger down. The King of Hell helped you to your feet, wrapping one arm around your waist while he used his free hand to dial up Chloe and Ella.

"Thanks Luci."


You sat at the edge of the bed, still slightly out of it while wearing Lucifers pajamas. Chloe came and asked for your statement and Ella was able to collect some DNA from under your nails and took your clothes for testing too. Lucifer was currently walking back from wherever in his pent house with a first aid kit and a damp towel.

"How are you feeling, dear?" He asked, stiffly sitting down next to you.

"I feel like I got into a fight." You weakly chuckle. "But fine despite what happen... I think."

"You think?" He gently grabbed your chin to face him properly. "This may hurt." As gently as he could, Lucifer started wiping the towel under your nose. He wiped every where was blood on your face, neck and limbs. You could see his jaw clenching and unclenching as he cleaned off your face. You could tell this was bothering him deeply.

"What's the matter, Luci?"

"I will make sure this...this disgusting excuse of a human pays for harming you." He threw the rag down and pulled out ointment and started applying it to any cuts or scrapes. "Seeing you so bloody on that bench genuinely scared me."

"Lucifer..." You placed your hand on his arm, stopping him from placing a band-aid.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I just wish I was there to stop that filth from harming you."

You smiled at his concern. "I'm glad you're here now, taking care of me. Without you I may have died out there."

"I-" Lucifer stopped his sentence, pausing in thought. "I'm not exactly a professional with feelings yet, Linda says-"

You interrupted him with a hug, squeezing him tight with only a slight wince. You couldn't see Lucifers face but with his still disposition gave you the idea he was either shocked or uncomfortable. You go to move away but Luci pulled you back in close, his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"I hope this tells you how I feel, darling."

"It does, and I hope you understand how I feel." You and Lucifer held on to each other like this for a few minutes, nothing was said in these minutes, but you and Lucifer felt comfortable in the silence. You tried to stifle a yawn but it slipped out.

"Lay down, darling." You nodded and took his recommendation, laying down on his extremely comfortable bed. He laid down next to you, with one arm over your body. "Try sleep, rest will help with healing."

"Thanks Lucifer, for everything." You smile and sleep took over almost instantly.

Lucifer smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. He wasn't entirely sure how to explain his feelings for you, but he knew he felt love. He closed his eyes and wiggled himself closer to your body. He didn't necessarily need rest, but around you he felt at peace. And that sense of peace lulled him to sleep.


Heyo! hope you enjoy this one shot~ I tried to make it fluffy and soft for yall at the end