
Chapter 7

It hurts. Yes, it hurts to tell her those days then she won’t remember. It hurt even more because in a flash she left me because she loved another man. I once asked myself, what was wrong with that man and why he fell in love with my girlfriend.

"Sssshh ..." she hugged me, "That's enough. Don't cry anymore. It's really like that, there are people who will be lost in our lives. We don't even know when but I believe we will be happy one day too."

Hopefully, Bebsie.

I love you so much, even if I say it is full of lies we have I will try to be true. If I had to kidnap you or take you to Rust I would. And this marriage of ours, it doesn't mean kidnapping because you're really mine isn't it? I've owned you since we met.

"GOOD EVENING, Darling." Mommy stared at Bebsie, "Bebsie." At the same time, she showed a beautiful smile and hugged her.

"Good evening, aunt."

"Ops, don't call me aunt."


"Mom, call me, Bebsie."

"Ah, it's okay, I'm sorry if ..."

"Don't apologize. Let's go to the kitchen for dinner." I tapped my arm. "Let's talk." I let Bebsie go to the kitchen first and mom left us.

"Why is my older brother like that so often in KU as well as in the Office."

"Let me be brokenhearted," she said laughing.

"Why? I thought he didn't like anything?"

"Can it be nothing? Your Brother Tolits is just a secret but he also likes it."

"But I hope he doesn't let himself down."

"I'm fine, brother." My older brother came near where we were.

"Oh, Tolits, did you get home early?"

"Because the youngest promised to go home so I finished all the work in the office right away." Look at me.

"I'm really strong in you." I speak.

"You're my only brother so I have to be nice. Also, I'll just stay at home when you get married."

"Am I not allowed to come here when I'm married ??"

"Not the youngest." Mommy's answer.

"Yes, it's forbidden."

"Brother!" My nose calls.

"Haha, just kidding. Oh wait, where's Bebsie, are you with her?"

"It's in the kitchen."

"Let's eat earlier, my stomach hurts."

We happily shared dinner with mommy. The older brother also told a lot about the office. He said that the situation is good and Mommy has nothing to worry about but in KU it looks like he will give up because of the stubbornness of the students.

"Is our Lucifer Kingdom even more reprehensible?" I asked laughingly.

"No one can beat all of you. Your stubbornness and chaos, but the truth is that when KU disappeared, the other gangsters inside the University also disappeared. Maybe you were the only inspiration to make trouble."

"KU is only idolized because they are handsome." Mommy winked at the same time.

"Sus, mommy is like a child." Fight my brother on mommy.

"Why? if I were younger I would actually date one of his friends."

"Mom, you're so shy."

"Haha, especially if Peps came to me really ----" Brother just gestured because Bebsie was quietly listening to our conversation.

"I'm sorry, Bebsie, I'm just happy to be with KU."

She just smiled and continued eating.

"Let's talk about your wedding. Where will we hold the reception ??" My brother is curious.

"Even in simple places." My defense was, "That's what my fiancé wants."

"Do you just choose to go?" Mommy checks on Bebsie.

"I hope so, but if you want to invite someone, it's up to you."

"Oh, no. That's okay. I don't want to interfere in your decision. Just give me an invitation so I can reach out to the select guests."

"Really mommy?"

"Yeah, you're strong on me."

"Thank you, tomorrow I will deliver invitations." I said, "Honey, we shouldn't lose Thania at our wedding, right?"

"Of course,"

"Speaking of Thania, she went to the University the other day with a paper but I didn't know I was in class at that time but inferness with Thania is getting better." Explanation by the older brother.

"I hope so, I hope so what? I hope it's that easy to find your future girlfriend." Mommy has a joke here.

"Pass me first,"

"You're an old child. You should get married first but because you don't want to take care of yourself. It's hard to be alone as you get older. It doesn't matter to me whether you're young or older as long as you're happy."

"I'm sorry, mhi but nothing really."

"Your teacher earlier I wanted her for you beautiful and really educated." I replied.

"Ah is she? I don't type."

"Who did you type? What did you type to a woman to find you?" Mommy hurriedly inquired of him.


"Hurry up,"

"Marriage has never been considered."

"You're young."

"It will come automatically for me, Mhi. Let me marry her right away when she comes."

"You said that, son, I'll count on your promise." We laughed because of what Mommy said. She is already pushing older brother because he is getting older.

HERE we slept at home. They arranged a room for us. Since we are about to get married, we can set it aside.

"It's a pity your brother doesn't get married."

"Hmm, why did you say alas?"

"He's handsome, he must be smart at the age he already has a wife and children."

"He'll find it too and at the right time."

"Maybe let's go to sleep." She lay down on the bed and then covered himself with a blanket.



"You told me before when we get married we'll have a child right away."

"Did I really say that ??" Look at me. I nodded. "How many do I want?"

"You said nothing but you wanted a lot."

"Ah that's a dozen probably." I hugged after speaking. "Sleep."

"I'll watch over you first until you fall asleep." I caressed his arm.

"I hope it's the end of the month for you to be my husband. I don't know how I feel for you so I'm excited about our upcoming wedding. Maybe I loved you so much before because I feel like I don't want to lose you now. I'm alive. Sometimes I cry when I think we're apart. "

"Uhmmm, you just thought that. I can't bear to lose you, Beb."

"I know, I hope I'll see you tomorrow so I won't be confused by how I feel."

"Even now I can be your husband anytime, anywhere I'm willing to pretend to be your husband for your enjoyment."

"Pretend really? I don't want to be a real bad wife so pretend."

Did my conscience touch me? Why am I so affected by what she said because am I just pretending? Is that so?

"Hey, are you asleep yet?"

"I'm sleepy." I said last before closing my eyes. Maybe it's better to avoid such conversations. It's hard for me to pretend it's okay even if it's not.