
Chapter 6

"Erdem, I guess you're awake, what happened?" Cedric teased as I left the room to have breakfast. It's been a while since I've seen Bebsie in bed.

"If you see that I'm in a good mood, don't be upset."

"Wow, wow, that young man really is ---"

"It's been a long time since I've been able to have a child."

"Really oh! It's really different when you taste what?"

"Master, you're annoying. I think you're getting worse."

"That's probably when you're excited about what --- hahaha."

"I do not know about you."

"Eat that they're just on the beach to get clams." He would shake me leaving me on the long table full of food.

"Erdem, Zayn." Peps handed me the cellphone. I immediately took to talking to it.

["How are you?"]

["Is it okay to call you?"]

["I just remember the youngest of the Lucifer Kingdom maybe because it was stressful."]

["Inevitably mistress if you talk to me,"] I heard laugh out loud at my joke.