
Luca Lombardi

Vanessa has always lived with her parents in luxury, not rich but wealthy. When her father dies, his best man stops at Vanessa's house. Vanessa and her mother are forced to move to New York with him. Vanessa feels hot around Mr. Lombardi, her father's best friend. She can't help but fall for him, even though she's only 17 and he's 24. Secrets are revealed that can destroy Vanessa's relationship with Mr. Lombardi, and they can also destroy Vanessa's relationship with her mother. Can Vanessa forget about the past and love Mr. Lombardi, a man who claimed Vanessa as his 9 years ago? -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• "Did you just roll your eyes at me," he growled. I almost pooped myself. I was so scared. "Uh-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to Mr. Lombardi," I whimpered. He looked into my eyes and nodded his head. "This whole 'sir' and 'Mr. Lombardi' shit needs to stop," he said sounding frustrated. "Uh, um okay," I said shakily. I thought I was being polite by formally talking to him. He put his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. "My name is Luca Lombardi. Either call me Luca, or don't. I guess you'll see what happens," he whispered into my ear. He nipped my ear lobe then went back to the stove.

MazeyZ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Part IV

I tossed and turned in the white bed. I can't sleep. Was my mother angry with Luca and I? We were just going to watch a movie! She has such an attitude with everything I do. I wish she was more like my father.

I looked at the clock and groaned. 1:38 A.M. I've been rolling around for almost three hours. Maybe I should ask Luca about his conversation with my mother. Yeah, that's a good idea.

I threw the thick comforter off of me and jumped out of the bed. I slipped and caught myself on the edge of my bed. "Stupid fuzzy socks," I muttered as I stood back up straight.

I was going to leave my room, but I saw a shadow of a pair of shoes at the crack at the bottom of my door. It reminded me of when that nasty man took me from my room. I stood silent and listened.

The shadow wasn't moving and I didn't hear any noise. Maybe it's just the shadow of something in the hallway. I slowly crept to the door and put my hand on the handle. I slowly cracked the door open and jumped when I noticed the figure in front of me.

Luca was standing in front of me with only loose grey sweatpants on. I could feel myself getting aroused and I clenched my legs together. I could feel my face heat up from embarrassment.

"Principessa, I can't sleep," he said softly in his deep voice. "Me neither," I whispered. I looked into his eyes and he was looking at my shorts. I was again wearing my pajamas that consisted of my silky short shorts and oversized white T-shirt.

"Um," he licked his bottom lip and reached his hands out. He stopped his movements, like he was restraining himself. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my waist. He looked into my eyes and I smiled at him.

"Would you like me to accompany you tonight, principessa?' Luca asked. I nodded my head, scared I would stutter if I spoke. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he interlocked his arms around my waist.

Luca walked us into my room and kick the door closed. He laid me on the bed and laid down next to me. He pulled my leg to his waist and started touching my foot. "Ew, what are you doing?" I laughed at him.

Foot fetishes really creep me out. "I love your fuzzy socks, principessa," he muttered into my neck. My eyes lit up with an idea and I smiled widely. "Would you like a pair?" I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows and then spoke,

"Principessa, I don't wear fuzzy socks. I'm a man and only little girls wear fuzzy socks." His words upset me, but I didn't care what he thought. I reached into my bag and pulled out a grey pair of fuzzy socks.

"Here," I handed him the socks. "Anyone can wear fuzzy socks. If you think they make you less manly, here's a grey pair. A more manly colour," I smiled at him. He took the socks and set them on the side table.

"Principessa, they'll be way too small. You have little tiny baby feet," he chuckled. "I'm size 8," I pouted. "You're baby feet are adorable, principessa," he caressed my cheek.

"Anyway, the socks are female sizes 10-12. I got them too big, that's why the socks come halfway to my knee," I told him. He just smiled and rolled over to face me. "I love the socks, principessa."

He grabbed me by my waist and smashed me into his body. His bare chest caused me to clench my thighs together again. He interlocked his arms around my waist and put his head in my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on top of his. I decided that I might as well try to get some rest.


My eyes fluttered open and I looked at the amazing man in front of me. He was still sleeping and I looked at our position. The comforter was completely thrown off the bed, our legs were tangled together and his sweats were pulled down a bit.

I could see the top of his Calvin Klein underwear and the 'v' down to his pelvis. My shirt rose up a bit, a lot actually. My shirt was above my belly button with Luca's hands now around my bare waist. My shorts scrunched up and my lacy underwear was slightly on display.

I liked waking up like this. With Luca holding me and us being intimate. I swear I started drooling when I was looking at Luca's torso. Mmm, abs. I began poking his cheek, trying to wake him up. His nose twitched and his eyebrows furrowed. His grip tightened and he groaned.

"Principessa, stavo facendo un sogno bagnato. Why wake me?" He grumbled. "I, I was bored and missed you," I said sheepishly. "Trust me, principessa, I missed you to," he smirked as he pressed himself more into me.

I could feel his stiff member rubbing against my stomach and I blushed. A knock sounded at the door and Luca groaned. "What?!" He yelled, but not before shielding my ears.

"Sir, may I come in to explain your trip to LA?" A voice asked. "Yeah, sure," Luca grumbled, shoving his face into my chest and inhaling. I could feel my face heat up. My chest wasn't even that big. My boobs were actually small while my butt was pretty big.

The door opened and in walked Jackson. He blushed and looked at my exposed stomach and my butt that was exposed from my risen shorts. "Hey!" Luca yelled at Jackson. He jumped in front of me and yelled, "turn around!"

Jackson immediately turned around and muttered a 'sorry, sir.' Luca grabbed the comforter and covered me up with it and kissed my forehead. "Jackson, continue," Luca ordered.

Jackson turned back around and began speaking. "Sir, your flight leaves in an hour so we should probably leave in thirty minutes," Jackson said. Luca nodded his head and Jackson left.

"Luca, why are you leaving," I pouted. "Oh, principessa, I don't want to leave. But there's this very very important conference in LA from Monday to Friday. I should be back home Saturday," he said.

I couldn't help but feel very upset that he'd be leaving me for a week. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. He leaned in and so did I. He softly pecked my lips and smiled at me. I wish he would have kissed me longer.

"Se bacio troppo a lungo, finirò per fotterti e perdere il mio volo," he whispered. "I understand," I nodded. "You do?!" He asked frantically. "No," I giggled. He smiled at me and muttered "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled back at him. He looked shocked by my words, but so was I. He got up and left the room. I went and waited by the front door. I wanted to say 'goodbye' when he left. Finally, he came down the stairs in a suit that made him look super sexy.

"Principessa, what are you doing down here?" He asked. "I wanted to say goodbye," I whispered. "Goodbye, principessa. Text me everyday," he looked at me sternly. He gave me tight hug and smiled at me.

"Trust me, I will," I smiled. He went to walk out the door but he stopped. He bent over and lifted up his pant leg. He was wearing my fuzzy socks.