
In the Future, Her Matters are None of your Business.

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

He swiftly carried her up in his arms and frowned.

Then, he looked up and swept his gaze across the entire living room—Gu Zhendong, Chen Peifang, and Gu Shijie stood there.

When she saw the stranger that had actually trespassed in, Chen Peifang, who stood by the staircase, acted like a female owner should.

"Who are you! How did you get in?!?"

Qin Sijue swept his cold eyes over to Chen Peifang. When she met his threatening gaze, she felt subconsciously pressured. She instantly kept silent, and her gaze was shifty.

Who exactly is this man? Why does it feel as if he is an emperor?

Or am I being delusional?

Gu Zhendong was confused for a moment when he saw his daughter being carried by an unknown man. He asked, "Who are you?"

Qin Sijue swept his eyes over to him and did not speak up. Instead, he carried Gu Qiangwei and turned around, heading straight out of the door.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Meng Qi followed along tightly.

"Where are you bringing Qiangwei?!"

Gu Zhendong caught up with them. After all, his daughter was injured. He felt that Qin Sijue was a little familiar, but he did not know him well, and neither could he remember who he was.

When Qin Sijue heard Gu Zhendong's voice, he paused. Then, he turned and stared at Gu Zhendong with a cold look in his eyes.

"In the future, her matters are none of your business."

Gu Zhendong was startled.

"Who exactly are you?"

He did not remember his daughter having a boyfriend, and neither did he know any powerful figure.

From his attire and his charismatic aura, it was clear that he was no ordinary man.

Qin Sijue was silent for a few seconds. Suddenly, he spat out the words. "Her boyfriend."

"…" Gu Qiangwei was speechless.


Gu Zhendong raised his brows. Even Luo Chen, who stood aside silently, found it really strange.

Meanwhile, Chen Peifang smiled unconsciously and replied in a sarcastic tone. "So, you are the shady man that she is in contact with? No wonder she didn't return last night!"

With that, Chen Peifang glanced contemptuously at Gu Qiangwei, who was in his arms.

Being called a 'shady man' for the first time, Qin Sijue darkened his frosty eyes.

Luo Chen, who was at the side, was shocked.

This is the first time someone dared to insult Master Jue.

With Gu Qiangwei in his arms, Qin Sijue walked over and forced himself close to Chen Peifang. "You got a problem with that?"

Chen Peifang was startled. The man had a very cold aura, and it sent a shiver down her spine. It was as if she had fallen into an icy pool.

"She… She is a member of our Gu Family. I…"

Chen Peifang looked up and wanted to fight back, but she could not squeeze a single word out in front of that aloof man.

Qin Sijue glared at her. Then, he carried Gu Qiangwei out of the Gu Manor at last.

Gu Shijie's gaze was fixed at the long back of Qin Sijue. He squinted darkly.

Where had he seen this man before? He could not recall at the moment.

As for the fact that Gu Qiangwei was leaving, no one was happier than Chen Peifang.

She had wanted to kick her out of the Gu Family in a long time. She never thought that luck would be on her side; she did not even have to waste any effort.

"Mr. Qin, where are we going now?"

"Jue Court. Get Li Yuan over."


The black Lincoln left slowly. Half an hour later, it arrived at Jue Court.

Just as they got out of the car, Li Yuan arrived too. Li Yuan saw the woman in his arms and mocked him uncontrollably.

"Hey, Master Jue, you are so powerful in City Jing. Why can't you even protect your own lady well?"

Qin Sijue glared at him. Li Yuan spoke again before Qin Sijue could respond. "Oh, right. You just returned from abroad. It's normal that you can't protect her."