
Are You Going to Trespass the Villa?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Qin Sijue paused when he was getting onto the car; even Luo Chen felt that the growls were unusual.

He looked at the direction of the sound, and Meng Qi was nowhere in sight. The barks had come from inside the house.

Qin Sijue stopped and stood by the car, and his deep eyes were staring straight at the Gu Manor.

"Mr. Qin, something seems to be going on in there," Luo Chen said.

"You heard that too?"

Qin Sijue switched his gaze and scorned at Luo Chen.

Luo Chen paused, knowing that he had asked the question on purpose.

"Break this door."

"Are you going to trespass into the villa?" Luo Chen was astonished.

Qin Sijue threw him a cold look. "You've got a problem with that?"

Luo Chen replied. "…No!"

Luo Chen turned around, took out a pistol with a silencer, and aimed it at the combination lock on the door. There was a quick 'biu' sound, and Luo Chen put the gun away. He walked to the door and pushed it open.

"Mr. Qin, please."

In the living room, Gu Zhendong panicked for a moment upon seeing his daughter lying on the ground.

He looked up at Chen Peifang, who was standing beside her. "What are you standing around for? Hurry! Call the ambulance!"

Indeed, he was the kind of person who favored boys over girls, but the person before him was his own child. Clearly, he would not just stand there and do nothing.

"Qiangwei, how are you feeling?"

Her forehead was already wrapped with gauze. After rolling down like that, blood seeped through the gauze, staining it bright red.


Just at that moment, Gu Qiangwei suddenly regained consciousness. Her body was aching so badly that she frowned.


Seeing that his daughter was awake, Gu Zhendong finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Sis, how are you?"

This time, Gu Shijie walked over as well.

Hearing the way he called her 'sis' made her want to puke. The moment Gu Qiangwei opened her eyes, she saw her father and Gu Shijie.

"Get lost!"

She struggled to get up, not wanting Gu Shijie to touch a single part of her body.

"Qiangwei, you are hurt. I am sending you to the hospital."

Seeing that she was struggling to get up, Gu Zhendong was a little worried.

"There's no need for it."

She pushed her father's help away. Her heart was cold.

She stumbled, and bearing with the overwhelming pain all over her body, she dragged her luggage and walked towards the door. Gu Zhendong did not know what she was going to do.

"Qiangwei, what are you planning to do?"

Gu Qiangwei dragged her luggage tightly. Her vision was getting blurrier from tears.

"If you asked my mother this question ten years ago personally, would she… still be here in this house?"

Her words startled Gu Zhendong. But he did not reply at all.

And his silence, to Gu Qiangwei, meant that he was cold and heartless.

She dragged her exhausted body towards the main entrance step by step. Her body was hurting really badly, and her ankles were in so much pain that she broke into a cold sweat.

Eventually, she could not bear with it any longer. Her legs turned to jelly, and she toppled over.

Just as she thought that she was going to fall, a strong arm grabbed hers suddenly.

Woof! Woof woof!

Only at this moment did Gu Qiangwei hear Meng Qi.

Meng Qi is home?

She looked up, and her eyes matched with a pair of deep and dark pupils. Those eyes were deep like the night—so profound and unpredictable.

When the man looked over her unkempt face and especially the wound on her forehead, his expression became more pronounced. His eyes darkened, and it felt really cold.

"What's wrong?"

Why would he be here?

Gu Qiangwei was puzzled by his appearance here.

But as she had no strength to hang on, she lost consciousness before getting the chance to answer his question. Everything before her went black as she slumped into his arms.