
Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

[ON BREAK. WILL OFFICIALLY BE BACK BY FEBRUARY] ----------------------- [THIS BOOK IS NOT SLOW BURN] Alexander is the country's most powerful businessman. Sabrina is the rising star of her generation. When Alexander met Sabrina, it was love at first sight. He was immediately captivated by her humble personality and her smiles. Wanting her for himself, he did things to make her fall for him. Both Sabrina and Alexander had a painful past. Sabrina was left by her long time boyfriend, Jacob and Alexander had his mom killed right in front of him when he was 7. Their pasts will come haunt them in the future along with other problems that will arise on the way. Will their love for each other be enough to overcome the obstacles that awaits them? Or giving up will be the best option? *************** [EXCERPT] "Stay there! D-Don't come near me!" she said, but it was too late. Alexander had already trapped her between his arms. His hands on both sides of her head. "Look at you denying, so cute," he teased her and Sabrina's face turned redder. "What do you want Alexander!?" she complained, facing side ways, he was being too close! "Simple," he held Sabrina's chin and turned her face towards him, "Tell me you like me," he said while looking straight into her eyes. "Who likes you? Let me go!" she said while trying to push him, but he was too strong for her. "Just tell me if you want to hold my chest," he leaned closer to her ear, "I'm more than willing to let you touch me," he whispered. "You! You're corrupted!" Sabrina accused him then threw punches at his chest. Alexander grabbed both her wrists and pinned it on both sides of her head. "I'm only like this with you, don't worry," he smiled at her, "Now where were we? Oh right! You're confession," he said. "But I have nothing to confess!" Sabrina still tried to escape from this situation. "One more denial Sabrina and you know what's next, I'll count one to ten," he threatened her. He was really eager to hear it. "One," "Two," "Hey! I already said I don't have anything to confess!" "Three," "Alexander let me go!" "Four," "Are you freaking serious!?" Sabrina raised her tone. "Damn serious Sabrina, Six," Alexander continued to count. "Hey there's still number five!" "Eight," "Alexander!" "Nine," "Fine! Fine! I like you!" she blurted out, turning her head down due to embarrassment. Then suddenly she felt a hand cover the back of her neck and pull her. She felt Alexander's lips on hers. Alexander couldn't control himself anymore. The past 2 days he was away, Sabrina was the only person on his mind. He missed her so much. Yes, call him crazy, but it was how he felt. ------------------------------------------------- Instagram: @wn_bbrightvcs Discord: bbrightvcs #3450 PS. I don't own the book cover. Credits to the rightful owner.

bbrightvcs · Urban
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170 Chs


Sabrina looked at Alexander and said, "But you don't know me well Alexander, we just met 2 days ago. And same goes for me, I don't know you that well. All I know about you is that you own a big company and you're a very powerful person. That's all. Period."

"We can get to know each other on the process," he said then opened his bottle of juice to drink.

"But courting is supposed to be a mutual decision, you can't just decide on your own. I am involved, therefore my permission is needed and I say No."

"As I've said, I don't need your permission. It doesn't matter because I already got your dad's approval."

Sabrina's mouth opened wide and said, "What?! Since when did you know my dad?" she askes him surprised.

"We met on several business events," he answered.

"But how did you even know I was his daughter? My identity was kept hidden!"

"I have my ways," he shrugged.

"But he's not the one you'll be courting, it's me! His approval doesn't count," she complained.

"Really? But according to your dad I'm already his potential son-in-law, which makes me your potential fiance. The courting is just something I wanted to do, but if you don't want to, I can just marry you right away," he said then smiled at her.

"You can't do tha---,"

"3 months, give me 3 months to court you. If you don't feel anything for me after 3 months I will leave you alone," he interrupted her.

"I don't approv---"

Then suddenly Alexander leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, "You complain too much," he said.

Sabrina's eyes grew wide. She was silenced by Alexander using a kiss!

Her face suddenly heated up.

"Y...youu! How dare you kiss m--"

And once again, he kissed her.

"Complain more and I will kiss you again. I don't mind doing this all day," he said looking at her seriously.

Alexander patted Sabrina's head when he saw her cover her mouth, "Good girl," he said.

Sabrina's face heated more after he said that. She was sure she's as red as a tomato right now.

Alexander suddenly stood up and went behind Sabrina. He leaned forward and whispered to her ear,

"Starting today I'm courting you whether you like it or you like it, I don't want to hear complains okay?" he said.

Sabrina had no choice but to nod her head in response. She didn't dare of say another word. Of course she didn't want Alexander's lips to shut her up again.

What a bossy person! So bossy!!

After talking, both of them went back to the room and there they saw Kenzie sleeping and Grey sleeping on Kenzie's bedside. He was sitting on a chair and his head rested on the bed.

Sabrina and Alexander who saw this looked at each other meaningfully. They were both thinking the same thing.

Grey who sensed some presence in the room lifted his head, "Sir you're here already," he stood up then walked towards Alexander and Sabrina.

"You can go home now," Alexander said.

"I'll see you tomorrow then Sir," Grey excused himself and left the hospital.

"Go to sleep now," Alexander ordered Sabrina who immediately hopped on her bed without saying a thing.

When she lied down on the bed she suddenly remembered, "Oh right! We have a shootinf tomorrow, but Kenzie is sick. What should I do? I should call the Director," she said.

"I'll accompany you to your shoot," Alexander answered her then sat beside her bed.

"But no one is going to look out for Kenzie," she said. She was worried of leaving her alone again.

"I'll get Grey to look for her. Any more issues?" he asked her.

Sabrina shook her head. She knew her manager will be more delighted with Grey looking out for her rather than her.

"Sleep now, you need to rest," Alexander said then fixed the blanket for her. He suddenly leaned forward that made Sabrina automatically cover her mouth.

Alexander chuckled upon seeing her cute reaction. He moved his head upward and kissed her on the forehead, "Goodnight," he whispered to her. He stood up and went to sit on the sofa to read the reports Grey handed him earlier.

After several hours, it was already 2 am. Sabrina who was on her bed had a very hard time trying to sleep, turned around endlessly finding the right position to sleep.

Alexander's declaration of courting bugged her mind. Also him kissing her to shut her uo continously repeated on her mind.

She's completely confused by everything right now!

She had a hundred questions running on her mind that she wanted to ask him. Alexander who was still up and reading reports sensed Sabrina's movements so he asked, "Can't sleep?"

"Mhhmm," she answered and then sat up.

"You know you can ask me anytime if want to," he suddenly said closing the folder on his hands.

Sabrina was surprised. Was he a mind reader? Geez.

"Uhm can I ask you some thing?" she said clearing her throat.

"You're already asking," he asnwered. Sabrina just rolled her eyes upon hearing Alexander's sarcastic words.

"What is it?" he asked her.

"Why do want to court me?" she asked him seriously.

"Why do you think men court women?" he answered her question with a question.

"Uhm.. because they like them?" she answered innocently.

"Bingo," Alexanded said.

"But it's not like you like me," she said and then she remembered something, "And you said you had someone you liked. Then why do you want to court me instead?" she asked him.

"Think," he answered her.

Then Sabrina fell into a deep thought.


Is it possible?

That she was the one he..

"Yeah, whatever is on your mind. Yes," he interrupted her thoughts.

"Excuse me Alexander if you don't mind me asking, are you a mind reader?" she asked him which made him chuckle.

"I'm not," he answered her, "If you don't have any other questions, sleep now. You don't wanna look haggard tomorrow don't you?" he told her.

Sabrina obediently followed Alexander and laid back on her bed. But before she slept she told him, "3 months, just 3 months."

A smile formed on Alexander's lips.

Sabrina thought before she slept, is 3 months enough? She thought that it was more than enough.

Right now she knew that there's a part of her that is starting to feel something for this man. But at the same time she was afraid.

What if she gets abandoned again?

It will surely break her so much!

Hi i just want to give a big shout out to the comment squad! I enjoy reading your comments and I hope to get more soon! I hope you guys will continue to support this novel. Rate and Vote! Lovelotsssss :-*

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