
Roses and Thorns

He was gone just like that. I have no idea why I was so attracted to him, because I had seen many hot guys on the beach before but none quite like him. I saw something on the sand where he was standing. A feather. The curiosity overcame me but still I didn't see him.

Days turned into weeks and he didn't show up so I thought he was just a visitor on my little island. I mean it wouldn't surprise me, so many angels liked to visit this place it was crazy. I mean I did years ago and I still haven't left. Its like a home from home. But then I saw him as he approached me I stood camly and confident - after all I was the High Angels daughter I have to have some standards - as I waited for him to near me.

"My Lady Lavende of House Light" he said with a charming but noble voice as he graciously bowed. "My name is Lord Aaron of House Rhena" as he spoke his words I felt that he was here on more of a business matter so I felt that I had to straighten up a bit. "Lord Aaron it is a pleasure but I feel I should change attire as this is a formal conversation we will be having. Meet me on the peir in an hour" I wondered I he was just a messenger boy for my mother, it wouldn't surprise me. "Yes My Lady, in an hour then" he voice when from charming to husky and with that he was gone.

When I went into the little house I changed out of the beach clothes I was in and put in a regal blue gown with an open back I had silver, gold and white feathers embroidered on it. It was fit for a princess. I fixed my hair into beautiful curls with a crown of roses, petals, leaves, gold and Thorns. I was ready to go. Home.