

I opened my mind as my wings grew from my back. They were beautiful the feathers lined with silver and gold as they started to beat I was lifted into the air. It felt good to follow the breeze as it fuffled my feathers and my elongated brown hair. I drew closer to the peir as I landed on the end the water rippled around me. When I turned to see a stunning man before me I was taken aback when I saw his auburn hair catch the sunset as it glistened. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green-blue with a sparkle in them. The wings from his back were pure white which reflected him in all ways. A light material which was the shade of the sky became a open shirt and trousers as a long white fur coat was draped over him. I quickly recovered "Lord Aaron of Rhena. What is you business here? " my voice boomed this for all to gather at the shore. "My Lady Lavende of Light" he said with a elegant bow "I have been sent by you mother to escort to back to the Kingdom of Gold and Silver. The Kingdom of which you call home. I am here to take you back to Sky Stone."

I know this is a short one. I really wanted to get this out and hopefully the chapters will be extended in the future.

LEclipsecreators' thoughts