
Loving Is Difficult

Jennifer Morgans is a successful 26 year old woman who had gotten her heartbroken in three previous relationships. She was about celebrating her third year anniversary with her current boyfriend Dave, when her heart got broken for the fourth time and that was when she concluded that love wasn't for her and decided to give up on love. She became very cold and rebuilt her walls, vowing never to let any man into her heart again. Andrews Zander is a multi-billionaire and well known notorious playboy . He happens to run into Jennifer at a night club and had a bad encounter with her. After that night he strikes a deal with his friends to get even with her by getting her to date him and then dump her when she least expects it. What will happen between them? Will Andrews plan work? Will Jennifer ever open her heart for love again? Find out in Andrews and Jennifer's story.

Blackberry1234_ · Urban
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13 Chs

Meeting Mr. Andrews


I woke up with excitements on my face. I could hardly sleep last night as I prayed so hard for morning to come. Today, one of the biggest and richest men in London will be coming to talk about investment deals with my company. And I'm talking Andrews Zander in the flesh.

Jane had forwarded the email she got from his secretary last week, and it talked about him wanting to sign a contract with my company and he was going to come personally to oversee things.

I have never seen him before as I wasn't a fan of social media and I hardly attended social gatherings, if they were very important I'd sent my secretary to represent me. I only heard about him when I tune up the radio in my car, or when Jane becomes loquacious as usual and talks about all his life activities. Ranging from awards he has won, to his ranking in the business world and most importantly the scandals he had with women. I heard he takes pride in that.

I still wonder why he wants to sign with us because I didn't for one day send in a proposal. Either way, I was happy because it seemed like my hard work was finally paying off. My Dad had handed the company down to me and I've worked really hard for it to get to where it is today.

I put in double effort in dressing up for work. I wore a navy blue trousers suit. I wore a pair of white heels and decided on carrying a white bag. I had made sure my makeup was simple and flawless.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, proud of the woman I was. I'm going to do my possible best to impress Mr. Andrews today.


I arrived work at 9:45am and was already fussing because of how late I was. The meeting was to start in 15 minutes but I was yet to reach my office and settle down.

As soon as I enter the building greetings filled the air, employees working stopped to give their greetings but I couldn't care less. It took my willpower not running to my office. I quickly located the closest elevator as it will take some time to get to the VIP own.

I had barely gotten into the elevator before the doors closed. I took deep breaths and sighed in relieve. I checked my phone for time and it read 9:55am. I had just five minutes left.

"Uhm excuse me, you didn't press the floor you are going to" A deep voice came from behind.

"Thanks, I had completely forgotten" I reached forward and pressed the tenth floor.

"You're welcome" The voice sounded really familiar and I looked back only to see the guy I had met at the club. I scoffed loudly at him only for other people in the elevator to gasp in surprise. What's their problem?

"Are you now stalking me? I thought I made myself clear that night" I turned to face him fully while folding my arms together. It's been a few weeks since that night but just the thought of it now was enough to make me flush with anger. I still can't believe he thought I was that easy.

"Look, I'm sorry about that..." I quickly held my hand to his face cutting him off.

"You can spare me the fake apology, because I know you don't mean it. I don't know what you came to do in my company, but stay out of my sight" The woman beside him chuckled a bit. It wasn't even funny.

The elevator got the the ninth floor and stopped. The doors opened, he and others got off leaving me behind. Seems like he came for a business meeting with one of the departments.

I got off at the tenth floor and made way to my office. I saw Jane typing furiously on her laptop behind the desk.

"Hey" she jolted in shock holding her chest. I rolled my eyes at her reaction, I wasn't even that loud.

"Good morning ma'am, you're late" she said in a disapproving voice. Typical Jane.

"Traffic. What are you working on?" I nodded towards her laptop.

"I was making last changes for the meeting with Seth hotels. They cancelled the lunch meeting they were to have with you today and said they will notify us a new date."

"Okay. What about Mr. Andrews? Is he here already?"

"He hasn't come in yet....." A call came in on the landline and I left Jane to answer it. I got into my office, sat down, closed my eyes and took in a few breaths to calm my nerves. He wasn't going to cancel right? It was already few minutes past 10.

"Ma'am, they are here" I opened my eyes to see Jane standing in my office. I quickly stood up and left the office with Jane.

We got inside the elevator and Jane pressed the ninth floor. That's where all meeting offices were located. I hope I won't run into that jerk face.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little. It's Andrews Zander we're talking about here, who wouldn't be nervous."

"Don't let him faze you. Show him that strong and confident woman you are. You've got this" I smiled at her attempt to encourage me me.

The doors opened and we got off. We made way to the first meeting room, where very important meetings were held. I took in a deep breath and put on a big smile before Jane opened the door.

They got up when they noticed us entering, well except one person. The guy I met at the club. My smile fell, I thought he came for another meeting. Why was he here? He didn't even stand to show some respect. Some arrogant jerk he is.

"Good morning ladies and gents" I took a seat opposite them while they sat down.

"It's such an honour having you here, Mr. Andrews" I stood up and brought out my hand to shake a guy sitting next to the jerk face.

"What are you doing ma'am? That's not Mr. Andrews" Jane stood up poking my sides with her finger, whispering in my ears.

"Wait! If he's not Mr. Andrews, then who is?" She stylishly pointed at the jerk's face.

I gasped loudly covering my mouth with my hands. He is Mr. Andrews? As in Andrews Zander? He looked at me sensing my dilemma and smirked.

I was officially doomed.