
Lovers passion

This story begins with a poor girl Cindy, she's smart talented and beautiful, she strive to advance her education. her parents being poor couldn't help. One day their Dad left without a word, and this made them more suspicious of him. her ambition is to become a medical doctor, she promise to work hard and fulfil her dream, she seek for different variety of jobs but wasn't lucky to be accepted being a hardworking girl without giving up she still didn't give up and that made her to get what she wish for. she got a maud job in organs mansion where she confidently met an arrogant guy whose love seems destined by fate.

nnashe · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Next morning Cindy woke up exactly 10:am, she feels so tired because of the shopping they went to yesterday.

She took her bath tidy the room and brought out her make up kit to do some makeup since today is Saturday she's visiting her mom when she was about to put on lipstick she recalled what happened last night and quickly shake her head not to recall it again.

Then she put on her lipstick, she hang her small size bag on her shoulder. When she went out of her room she keep watching everywhere so that she won't see Edward or bump into him.

She keeps watching every side of her, someone drag her by her wrist and she was totally scared, she saw Edward and she was like very shy and about to run but he held her tight to the wall and she closed her eyes.

"It seems like you're closing your eyes just because you don't want to see me for what happened yesterday, am so sorry for that it my fault I dragged you first, now you can open your eyes sweetheart"

Cindy was very shy and couldn't open her eyes, she told him that he can leave first before she open her eyes

"Alright sweetheart you don't need to worry am off"

Edward being the smart guy just hid by the side of a laundry room, when Cindy opened her eyes she didn't see Edward and head to the laundry room side because it the way out of the mansion.

She arrived at the way out but saw Edward standing by the door, she was surprised and turn to go back inside, but Edward stopped her.... " hey beauty where are you going.

He went closer to where Cindy is standing and dragged her to himself.

Edward what are you trying to do, let go of me.

"Sweetheart u put on makeup, you look beautiful, where are you going that you put on so much make up,I can take you there with my car"

She pushed him to leave but he brought her back and pinned her to the wall in the sense that he feels her breath. Cindy was angry about that and she closed her eyes.

"Beauty let me ask you for the last time where are you going, if you don't tell me, then I have no choice than to do what I did yesterday".....he was about to gorge his lips with her, then she uttered that she's visiting her mom"

"Alright sweetheart, I will drop you off"


Cindy was sad and felt her heart is beating fast when he held her hand and they left together, he was driving and stirring at her through the front mirror. Cindy kept frowning and glancing at the window not bothering if he's stirring at her.

She saw him packed at a plaza and ask him...." Why are we here instead of my house"

"U didn't tell me the address so I had to buy some things for your mom"

"Oh thank you there's no need to do that"

" I have to. Now come out so that we can buy some things for her"

"Thank you no need, you can go by yourself. Since you insist Just buy her something simple"

"Alright sweetheart"

Cindy was thinking about what Edward did to her earlier at hime. Why has he changed entirely to someone else he has change from arrogant Edward to nice Edward.

These days he seems to be caring for her and today he has shown her that she's his sweetheart but wait why did he just kissed her yesterday and show his emotion and feelings to her without being embarrassed. Something came into her mind in her inner thought that.....cindy when someone is in love he doesn't feel embarrassed he go for what he wants, and ask yourself do you feel happy when he does that to you or not, definitely I feel happy.

After she's done thinking in her inner thought took a glance outside the car to check if Edward is coming back, she saw him coming with a big shopping bags. He came with the shopping bags and lay some at the back sit.

He start the engine and Cindy told him the a dress to their house, he arrived at their house. She came out and help him pack the bags.

They went in and he saw her mom and brother. He exchanged greetings with them and they welcomed him though they don't know who he is, till when cindy's mom ask her, and she said he's the son of Mrs Elizabeth mansion where she works.

Her mom was happy and delighted that Cindy came with someone even though she doesn't know their relationship.

Her mom fetched Edward some refreshment. She asked Cindy to prepare him some pepper chicken with salad. After Cindy was done she served him as instructed by her mom.

Eyes where on Edward when he's eating and he couldn't eat anymore, and cindy's mom realized it so she ask them to leave him to eat except Cindy who is to stay with him, she even ask him if his not still comfortable Cindy can also come after them inside, but Edward said it okay Cindy can stay.

Cindy was playing with her fingers while Edward is eating. After he's done she showed him the rest room, her mom came out they chat for a while and he left.

When he left her mom bombard Cindy with a lot of questions, asking her is he her boyfriend?

Cindy said they are not in any relationship he just insist that he must drop her off at home he's just pitying her on how they are poor he wants to help the needy

Her mom was angry about that and was not contented with the words Cindy tells her she knew Cindy is not telling her the truth but she will find out very soon

"Cindy I don't think you're telling me the truth but I will find out my self very soon"

"Mom I don't know how to explain to your say we're just colleagues"

"How can you be colleagues when you're in the same house*

" Mom it's not that I don't want to tell you the truth, the problem here is that I don't want to be in a relationship I will regret later, they're rich people we can't compare our selves, with them secondly his mom might not approve our relationship, you know rich people don't want their son to mingle with a poor people like us"

"Stop calling your self poor Cindy. We're not poor, at least I hustle and you all look for job and take care of the family,

" Alright mom were not poor I understand, I will tell you the truth since the day I started working at the morgan's mansion I started having feelings for Edward and now it time for me to leave the house, his sister Jessica wasn't happy about me leaving.

She plead with me to please stay until I finish my medical school, that she will find me a job at a highly paid hospital, and I said until I talk to you.

"What she said is right I approve of you staying in morgans mansion as far is they don't have any problem with you, you finish your medical school and have a job"

"Alright Mom I will concede with that"

Cindy took took out the things Edward bought for her mom, she saw 2 beautiful dresses and a black purse, her mom was grateful to Edward she told her daughter that it hard to find such a nice rich people like Edward.

Cindy went inside the kitchen to prepare some lunch, it been long since she made them lunch, because at morgan's mansion she's no more a maid and food is different kind of dishes is being served.

Cindy made a pie and mash which is

A classic comfort food, pie served with a pile of creamy mashed potatoes and lashings. Cindy know how to cook a so many varieties of dishes because she have learn a lot and have work at a restaurant.

When she was done she served it to them and, everyone was like wow it been long since we taste your cooking. Her mom and brother complimented her cooking.

Violet came back home from her fashion school and saw them eating she join them by serving her self.

"The pie is yummy, it been long since I taste your food Cindy" violet complemented.

"Add more, you need to be eating alot, you look skinny"

"Sis you're teasing me, you know I don't want to be fat, I can wear a beautiful dress looking fat, but now my body looks skinny and that's how I love it"

"Alright fashionista bayb, what have you got today from the fashion school, I mean what yiou've learn so far"

"I learn a lot of things today, such as stitching a dress on a manique doll and making sweat pants for both ladies and men"

"That's was amazing keep it up"

Cindy stay for her weekend at her moms house and went back to Morgan's mansion Sunday evening.