
Lover x Lover

Rhyme and Holy Night have been rivals since they were kids, competing in everything from academics to sports. But when Moryn, their childhood friend since kindergarten, becomes the object of their affection, their rivalry takes a complicated turn. Holy Night is a homosexual woman, adding another layer of complexity to the love triangle. Moryn, unsure of how to handle the situation, finds herself torn between two people she cares deeply about. Despite Holy Night's efforts to surpass Rhyme and win Moryn's heart, Rhyme always seems to come out on top. As tensions rise and emotions run high, the trio faces the challenge of understanding and resolving their complex feelings in order to find a way forward.

Koi_Shiron_Mendoza · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



This is the first time I've been to the apartment of the president of the student council. We arrived earlier than her inside her apartment because she said she needed to park her car first. I couldn't believe that the child of the owner of Destine University lives in such a simple apartment. She's so humble, unlike her brother who is very arrogant and acts like he was born perfect.

The space is small, including the kitchen, living room, and where her bed is placed. It seems like this place is just right for her. There is no TV, but there is a PC placed on the desk next to the left side of her bed, while the window is on the right. The bed is against the wall, so every time she gets up, she can immediately see the outside of the window.

Moryn was talking on the phone, probably informing someone at their home. I was about to sit on the couch next to Moryn when I saw Rhyme heading to the kitchen with a brown paper bag full of groceries. I quickly ran towards him. However, when he placed it on the table, he immediately pulled it away from me. "Oops!" he started with a smile. "I forbid you to even touch all of these," he added.

""How am I supposed to cook this if you don't want to let me touch it?" I asked him while shrugging, still standing on the other side of the table facing him. "No. I will cook, not you. Okay?" He then took out the contents of the paper bag one by one.

I walked over to his side. "I already told you back when we were still in school that I will be the one to cook," I reminded him. He paused what he was doing and sighed. He faced me, leaned against the table sideways, and rested one arm on the surface.

He leaned forward to bring his face closer to mine. "Why are you so hard headed? Maybe when your mom was pregnant with you, she craved coconut shells," he said. After saying that, he continued with what he was doing. I scratched my head out of frustration.

"I already said that I will be the one to cook," I insisted. "Have you ever cooked before?" he asked. I paused at his question. I watched his every move as he took the cutting board and knife from the wall cabinet, along with other utensils that would be needed.

When he placed them on the table, he looked at me with raised eyebrows, as if waiting for my answer. Truth be told, I really don't know how to cook. But I'm willing to do anything just to be able to cook a meal for Moryn with the dish she wants.

"No," I replied, with a pout. Then I heard him chuckle. "And how about you? Do you know how to cook? For sure, you rely on the maids, especially for cooking," I said as he took the carrots and potatoes, approaching the sink to wash them.

"Since I was a kid, I always used to watch my step-mom cook, and she also taught me, and that's how I learned," he explained. It's frustrating. He always has an answer. "What if you're lying," I said, crossing my arms and leaning on the table while he was still at the sink.

"Then you can see for yourself. Once you taste my delicious cooking, you'll surely fall in love with me," he said. I couldn't understand what I was feeling after he said that. It was like a tingling sensation and it sent shivers down my spine. "Yuck!" I reacted, which made him laugh.

"Guys!" Leah called us as she entered. "Are you comfortable?" she asked, approaching us in the kitchen along with Moryn. "I should be the one cooking," I complained again.

"What if the two of you just work together?" Moryn suggested. "Yes, that's a good idea," Leah agreed. "What? No way!" Rhyme didn't agree with their suggestion. "I can completely do it on my own without anyone's assistance."

But in the end, the decision of Leah and Moryn prevailed. The two of us were forced to work together in cooking. "Guys, remember this. No arguing for now. You need to do it as a team because our dinner depends on you. If you don't want me to turn into a zombie and eat you alive, stand by that. Understand?" We both swallowed hard and nodded in response to Leah's scary and authoritative voice.

While Moryn and Leah were watching anime on the computer, we were busy preparing dinner. "Here. Cut this," he said, handing me onions and garlics while he prepared the cooking area. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly followed his instructions. After I finished doing that, I handed him a plate with chopped spices.

Upon receiving it, he suddenly furrowed his brow while his mouth hung open. "What the heck. What is this?" he asked, sounding puzzled. "Are you really the one who chopped this? Why does it look like it went through a food processor?" he added. "It's not supposed to be like this, Night! Make the slices bigger." I faced him with a frown. "Next time, make your instructions clearer!"

"Guys! Can you please hurry up? We're getting hungry, us princesses," Leah said. "Can you please wait? As if those worms in your stomach will suffer an ulcer!" Rhyme retorted to Leah, looking visibly annoyed.

After we finished dinner, we joined in watching anime. "Guys, your chicken curry was really delicious. You're really good at cooking," Leah commented. "Of course, sis. I'm really good," Rhyme replied. I gave him a side-eye and remained silent. I wasn't the one who cooked. I was just given orders. It's frustrating. I can say that he's really good at cooking though.

Until we were about to sleep, Rhyme helped Leah pull out the mattress from under her bed because the four of us couldn't fit on the bed. She got pillows and blankets for us, and even lent us some sleepwear. I was about to lie down next to Moryn, but Rhyme pulled my arm and tried to prevent me from getting on the bed next to Moryn. Disgusting! It seems like he wants to be the one next to Moryn.

Leah threw a pillow at Rhyme because of what he did, he let go of me. "Why did you do that!" Rhyme complained. "You're sleeping on the mattress next to me," Leah said, glaring at him. "Behave yourself, you pervert!" Leah added.

Rhyme frowned and remained silent. He adjusted his pillow and lay down at the end, turning away from Leah. Even though he had a pillow, he still rested his head on his arm. He looked like a sulking child.

While we were lying down, before falling asleep, the three of us were still talking, with Rhyme being quiet on the side. Moryn was lying close to the window, while I was on the side, occasionally peeking at Leah who was lying on the mattress at floor.

"Since it's Saturday tomorrow, what if we go to the amusement park?" Leah suggested. I glanced at Moryn when she suddenly sat up from lying down. "Great!" she exclaimed excitedly. She moved closer to me, trying to catch a glimpse of Leah who was on the mattress.

"I've been too busy these past few days, so I want to enjoy myself for now," she said. She's right. Lately, we haven't been talking to each other at school because she's been so busy. She hasn't been able to go home either. I wonder what their house looks like. Since we met in kindergarten, I've never been to Rhyme and Leah's house. I don't know why, but ever since the beginning, Uncle Edwin has always warned me not to go to the house of Dizon family.

"So, what now, lil bro? Are you in?" Leah turned to the person beside her who had been silent and facing away from her. Rhyme didn't respond and deliberately pretended to snore, pretending to be asleep. Leah moved closer to Rhyme and rested her leg on him.

"Get off!" Rhyme said in annoyance, pushing away Leah's foot. Instead of stopping, Leah moved more closer to her sibling and hugged him from behind while resting her leg on him again. She was really teasing Rhyme. "I said get off!" Rhyme tried to break free, but Leah tightened her grip on him.

"Oh come on. It's been a while since I hugged my dear little brother," Leah said. "Stop it! You're disgusting!" We laughed, Moryn and I, while watching the siblings.