
Lover x Lover

Rhyme and Holy Night have been rivals since they were kids, competing in everything from academics to sports. But when Moryn, their childhood friend since kindergarten, becomes the object of their affection, their rivalry takes a complicated turn. Holy Night is a homosexual woman, adding another layer of complexity to the love triangle. Moryn, unsure of how to handle the situation, finds herself torn between two people she cares deeply about. Despite Holy Night's efforts to surpass Rhyme and win Moryn's heart, Rhyme always seems to come out on top. As tensions rise and emotions run high, the trio faces the challenge of understanding and resolving their complex feelings in order to find a way forward.

Koi_Shiron_Mendoza · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



I helped Night stand up with the assistance of Moryn. I noticed that she had a wound on her arm and her knees were shaking. Moryn told me that Night fell while running. Her right hand was also bleeding because he punched the ground earlier.

I didn't bring Night to the clinic because I personally asked the assigned nurse for a first aid kit. I left the two of them in the Student Council office for the meantime.

Daddy suddenly called me and asked how his beloved youngest child is doing. If he wanted to check on Rhyme, why didn't he call him directly? That's exactly what I'm saying. It makes my little brother think that dad doesn't care about him.

When I was about to return to the SSG office with the first aid kit, my younger brother, Rhyme, caught my eyes. While we were both walking in the hallway, he didn't notice me coming because her gaze was focused on the floor.

We were supposed to cross paths, but he turned left. I quickened my pace to catch a glimpse of him. My guess is that he was heading towards the private lockers. The lockers of other students are different from ours and those of the children of the admins and deans of Destine University.

I followed him, and I was not mistaken. He was still wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue jogging pants, which is one of the PE uniforms. I entered the room where our lockers are located.

After entering, I placed the first aid kit on the side of the door. He didn't notice that I was behind him. Even when I opened and closed the door, he still didn't pay any attention. It seems like this kid is oblivious to the world or maybe he thinks I'm just one of the students with a locker here and he doesn't care about it. I leaned against the wall while observing him as he retrieved something from his locker.

"What a pain," I said as he stopped what he was doing, but he still had his back turned to me. "If you're here to scold me, well, I'm not in the mood to listen to it," he said and closed the locker.

"You're 18 years old now, and yet you raced against a 16-year-old, and a girl. You're brutal," I said as I took a step closer to him. He sighed and rubbed his neck while scowling.

I took the car key from my pocket and handed it to him. It was the key to the car he took from our driver the other day, which I haven't returned yet.

"Mommy Vanessa said to just use it," He said. He didn't accept the key. I didn't want to bring the car anyway since I can commute, take a taxi, or ride the train. "Well, if you really don't want it, then it's mine."

Because of what he said, I immediately changed my mind. If I give it to him, he might end up crashing it again somewhere. "Now give it to me," he said while grinning.

"No. I changed my mind," I said, and he frowned. "The last time you were given a car, you crashed it because you wanted to impress Moryn." That's the reason why Dad forbids him from driving. He has already crashed several cars. Mommy Vanessa is also worried about what might happen to him.

"Oh, come on. I'm not a minor anymore. I'm 18 now. I don't need a driver," he complained. I approached him closer, causing him to lean against the locker. It was evident from his facial expression that he was starting to feel scared. I raised my hand and pushed his head using my index finger.

"That's what I've been wondering. You're already 18, but you still have a childish mindset. And you're so easily irritated," he started to get annoyed again and removed my hand, which made me laugh. Sometimes, no matter how intelligent a person is, their behavior doesn't always align with their age. I walked back to the door and grabbed the first aid kit.

"Come on. Make it up to the two girls you made cry," I said before finally stepping out. After he changed, he followed me to the food court, and I treated them an ice cream to help ease the tension between the three of them.

I treated Night's wound at the food court since there weren't many students around at this time, but mostly college students attending evening classes.

While I was treating Night, it felt like it was just Moryn and me talking, and Rhyme remained quiet beside Moryn while we sat in front of them. I noticed that their aura seemed lifeless, as if they had lost a cat.

I positioned our chairs facing each other so that I could properly treat Night's wounds. Even though Night and Rhyme were sitting on opposite sides, Night still had a reason to avoid looking at Rhyme. I glanced at Rhyme and gestured for him to speak

Well, he cleared his throat before saying anything, so I thought he was going to apologize. "Next time, Night, do your very best so that you won't lose!" Rhyme said irritably. I wanted to facepalm at the foolishness of my brother.

I wanted him to talk to Night, but not in that way. He's really stupid. What a pain. Night immediately confronted Rhyme, her face turning red with anger, and even stood up, causing me to pause in putting the bandage on her hand.

"You're so arrogant!" Night shouted. Rhyme looked up at Night, and that's when I noticed the gradual disappearance of the dullness in his expression, unlike earlier.

Rhyme suddenly burst into loud laughter, occasionally clutching his stomach. In that moment, I understood why he seemed dull earlier. Moryn and I exchanged glances and joined in Rhyme's laughter. "What? Why are you all laughing at me! What's so funny!" Night became even more irritated.

"Let's stay overnight at my apartment. That was my suggestion to the three of them when we were on our way to the underground parking garage. I was about to drop them off at their house. After all, I am the only one who's living alone in my apartment and I missed their playfulness. I saw the quick sparkle in Moryn's eyes. It's obvious that she is excited about my idea. Well, they agreed.

Before I opened the car, I faced them. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked. "Japanese chicken curry!" Moryn enthusiastically shouted. Great. I also wanted to eat that. Actually, I ordered curry roux cubes online, but I didn't know what to do with them. It feels like they've been sitting there for a century. Sometimes, it's exciting to buy something, but then you realize you don't actually use it.

"Wait. Who's going to cook?" I asked again. I do cook in my apartment, but only for simple dishes that I'm familiar with. Honestly, I don't even know how to cook the aforementioned dish.

"I will!" Night said eagerly, but both Night and Rhyme raised their hands at the same time. "I will cook because it's obvious that I'm better at everything," Rhyme said, emphasizing each word to imply that he was better than everyone else at everything.

Night's face darkened as she turned to Rhyme beside her. "Oh. So, you think you're the only one here that can do cooking?" Night said. With crossed arms, Rhyme also faced her "Certainly," Rhyme said confidently.

"Alright guys! Let's go to the grocery store first," I said, finding a way to stop their impending argument. "We need to hurry because it's getting late." As they were about to get into the car, Rhyme and Night started arguing again about who would sit next to Moryn. In frustration, I pulled Rhyme and made him sit next to the driver's seat, beside me. My goodness! These two are really stressful.

We went to a mall to do our grocery shopping. Before heading home, I went to the second floor to browse through some clothes, and they accompanied me as well. Because of my busy schedule, I wasn't able to go shopping.

Less than a minute later, Rhyme and Night started arguing again not far from where I was. I quickly approached them and saw that Moryn was also trying to stop them. "What's going on here?" I asked, with a puzzled expression. "I'm the first one who grabbed the dress!" Night shouted. "What do you mean? It was me!" Rhyme retorted. They seemed to be fighting over a blue off-shoulder dress that's above the knee. Rhyme had the dress in his hand, raising it so that Night couldn't reach and snatch it.

"What are you going to do with that? You're a guy!" Night asked, his brow furrowed. "And you? What are you going to do with this? You think you're a real man in the first place, right?" Rhyme responded. I didn't quite like what Rhyme said, so I gave him a light slap on the head. "Ouch!" he exclaimed while holding his head.

I took the dress from Rhyme and raised it up to see if it looked good. If this suits me, it's better that I take it so these two won't have a reason to argue. But then I glanced at Night and suddenly had an idea. I approached her with the clothes to see if they suited her. Moryn also turned to face Night, intrigued.

"Night, it looks good on you. I swear!" Moryn commented with sparkling eyes. "Exactly! You should try it!" I said. However, Night took a step back and raised his hand slightly, forcing a smile.

"I just want to show Moryn this clothing, maybe she'll like it," she said while scratching her head. "Well, I also plan to buy that to give it to Moryn!" Rhyme exclaimed. I gave my brother a stern look, causing him to immediately close his mouth and avert his gaze out of fear.

"Come on! Try it on!" Moryn pulled Night towards the fitting room, and I couldn't help but laugh as Night reluctantly followed. While Night was inside, we excitedly waited for her outside the fitting room. Rhyme sat on the bench in front of the fitting room, arms crossed and a frown on his face.

When Night emerged from the fitting room, we were both amazed and stunned. The color of the dress suited her fair and smooth skin, and the style accentuated her curves in all the right places. I had no idea she could look this attractive.

Moryn and I immediately approached her. "Oh my gosh! I'm speechless!" I exclaimed. She forced a smile, clearly lacking confidence in her outfit. "It made her look even uglier," I heard Rhyme mutter. I glanced at Rhyme when I heard his whisper. His voice was low, and he deliberately avoided eye contact.

"How can you say it's ugly when you didn't even look?" I retorted, but he only tisked and continued to avoid facing us. "I'm gonna wait outside," he said calmly. Then he stood up and walked away. "What is the matter with that man?" I said, shaking my head.