
Lovely Rival - I fell in love with my Rival.

Andrea Gray is a very well known model and also the successor of the highest company in the fashion industry. Grays clothesline is very famous due to it's modern designs and beautiful models. But one day all of that changes after the sudden blow up of the clothes made by SKY a another clothing company. Greed eats up Andrea's Father, Bernard. He always wanted to be the highest person and he thinks that losing means your weak. He ordered his only daughter to seduce the great successor of the SKY company. Is Andrea willing to do everything to keep her father company on the top Or she will rather choose love and let her father's company go to waste.

Scarlet_Love14 · Teen
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11 Chs

She's Back

*5 years later.*


Andrea's P.O.V

As I arrive at the airport in my home town

-Los Angeles, California.- All of the people's camera starts to flash.

I became one of the worlds top model while I was in japan. I won the last pageant I joined and Now, I went back to California to spend my time with my family. "Ms. Gray is it true that you and Tanaka Riku are dating?" One of the reporters said. The more I become famous the more rumors I got. I ignore the reporters and walk straight to the car with my manager. The driver opened the car and I jumped in. "Welcome home Ms. Gray." He said. I smiled at him and said. "Thank you, How's Mom and Dad doing?" "They're doing great." "I'm excited to meet them again, After 5 years." "So they are." He said. "Andrea, You can have your 1 week vacation from now until next week's monday and then after that you will going to have a press conference for the new product you've been endorsing." My manager said. "Okay, Just tell me everything after my vacation, I don't want this week to be more stressful." I said and look outside.


Spencer's P.O.V

I turned on the TV and sit on the couch. "The country's Top model Andrea Gray is back in California after 5 years of competing in Japan." She's back. -I like you Andrea." "Ew! Get away from me, I will never like a loser like you."-

It's been 5 years buy I still cannot forget about her. My feelings is still the same. I like her, Until now. "Spencer! Dad is looking for you!" I heared my sister Yasmine said. I went downstairs and saw many bussiness man and women at the living room. I pulled my sister and asked. "What's happening here?" "Dad is telling everyone on this party that you will going to be his successor." "What? I didn't even agree to it." "Just fix your face, Also, Kayla is coming home tomorrow" "Really?" "Yeah.. she told me this morning, Please don't tell our parents about it, She wanted to surprise them." "Gotcha." I said and fixes my hair and clothes. "My son, Spencer, There you are!" I heard my father said. He walk up to me and all the attention is on ours. "Everyone! I want to introduce to you my son, Who is also my successor, And your future CEO, Spencer Spade." I saw everybody clap and awkwardness eats me up. "Son, would you like to say something?" "M-me? U-uhm.. I would like to say that... If i became the CEO of our company, I will bring more sophisticated and fresh modern design to fit the trend and I will not forget to get the most beautiful model to endorse our product." "Well said son." My dad said as everybody nod their head. "Is their any Models that comes to your mind to endorse our products?" One of the businessman asked. "For now.. I actually don't think about any of that, I wanted to finish the clothes first before finding a model for it. Because no matter what clothes it is all beautiful models can wear it confidently." "Your right, But we actually wanted to work with our country's top model, Andrea Gray. Do you think were able to do that?" I mind went blank after hearing her name. "Spencer. Spencer!" My father slightly tap my shoulders. "Oh.. uhm.. Yes, I'll do everything so that we can work with her." I said. After a few minutes of talking to them, I was finally able to go to my room.


Andrea's P.O.V

After an hour we finally arrive at our house. I entered it and saw my Parents arranging the dinner table. "Mom, Dad I'm home." They both look at me with a shock face. "Darling finally!" They went to me and hug me. "I missed you." "We missed you too, Princess." My mother said. "I'm so proud of you my daughter, Your finally the top model of our country." "Thank you dad." "Come on, let's eat." They lead me to the kitchen and I motioned my manager to come with me. "Can my manager eat with us?" They look at her. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Gray I'm Sasha Monroe, Your daughter's Manager." "Hi there, dear, Come eat with us." My mother sweetly said. She sat beside me infront of my parents. "So.. Dad how's the company?" "Very good! Our current designs became the trend this year." "Really? That's great." "It is darling, Our company is currently doing a new design and I want you to handle it." "What am I going to do?" "Approve or Disapprove the design. I want our company's next summer collection to be the biggest hit, So.. Choose well." He said to me. I thought if I come back here, I will be stress free from all the works and stuffs that I've done for 5 years, But I guess that's the opposite of what's gonna happen.