
Lovely Rival - I fell in love with my Rival.

Andrea Gray is a very well known model and also the successor of the highest company in the fashion industry. Grays clothesline is very famous due to it's modern designs and beautiful models. But one day all of that changes after the sudden blow up of the clothes made by SKY a another clothing company. Greed eats up Andrea's Father, Bernard. He always wanted to be the highest person and he thinks that losing means your weak. He ordered his only daughter to seduce the great successor of the SKY company. Is Andrea willing to do everything to keep her father company on the top Or she will rather choose love and let her father's company go to waste.

Scarlet_Love14 · Teen
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11 Chs

Help me, I need you.

Andrea's P.O.V

At the middle of my beauty sleep I got woken up by the sound of glass breaking. I sit up immediately and look at the clock. "8:30, I hate waking up this early." I get up and go to where the sound is coming and it takes me to the kitchen. "Mom! What happened?" I said as I ran to her. I look at my mother's bleeding finger and the broken glass on the floor. "The glass accidentally slip off of my hands while I was washing them." She said. I went to get the first aid immediately and clean the deep cut that was made by the glass. "There you go, It's all clean." I said and smile at her. "Why do you look so worried mom? Does it still hurt?" "No.. but.. Breaking a things especially glass means that something bad might happen." I put my arm around my mom's shoulder and said. "Don't worry mom nothing bad will happen." I assured her. She smile back at me. "Before anything else let me clean this mess first." I said and was about to take 1 piece of the broken glass, When my mom stopped me. "Honey, Please Step away from it, I don't want my Model daughter to get scars on her body." She said placing me behind her and clean the floor. "I could've done it mom." "It's okay Darling, Just help me cook breakfast for us, Let's have again our Mother and daughter bonding after 5 years." She said and I nod at her cutely. I like this. I like it when i can spend time with my family without thinking about anything that contains work. If not only for my father, I'm not a model right now. Maybe I'm just a regular successor of the company. How am i gonna handle 2 works at once. Being a future CEO is very pressuring. Walking around as a Model is tiring. I don't like all of it. But I have to, For my Father.


Spencer's P.O.V

I was woken up by something poking on me. I look around and see.. "Kayla!" "Shhh! Don't scream, Mom and Dad doesn't know yet." She said covering my mouth. I pull out a thumbs up and then she finally calms down. "Hey, Welcome home. How is it?" "How is what?" "How's New york?" "Good, I enjoyed my self there, I learned many designing techniques." "Really? Then.. After your surprise thingy to our parents, Let's talk about something, Business related." "Sure, Mr.CEO." "Stop it, Its hard imagining my self for that position." I said and then suddenly our younger sister yasmine bust inside. "Hey, What's happening in here?!" I yelled silently. "quiet! I heard Mom looking for me right now, And when she came to your room she will see the two of us then after a few seconds Kayla will pop out of your closet." "what kind of plan is that?" "Just see. Act like were talking." I watch as Kayla hide on the closet and Yasmine plop her self beside me. After a few minutes we can now hear our mom yelling, looking for Yasmine. -Knock Knock- "Spencer." "Come in!" She went inside and said. "Yasmine, there you are, I've been looking for you around the house, Come on help me with the dishes." "I don't wanna do it mom~" She acts stubborn. Our sister Kayla, Pops out of my closet as they planned and hugged our mom. "Kayla, You didn't tell me your arriving today." "I wanted it to be surprise mom, Where's dad?""He is at work, By the way Spencer, Your dad wants you to go to his office after lunch, He has something to talk to you." "Okay mom." I said. The three of them leave my room and I start to get ready, I went to the bathroom and freshen up my self. After that, As I was looking for something to wear, I heard something fall. I look around and saw the bracelet. I pick it up. "Its finally the time, You have to go back to your owner." I put it on my pocket and wear one of my Polo.


Andrea's P.O.V

I was on my way to visit my father and also to observe the nature of our company. I wore mask and sunglasses, but still many people have recognize me. I really hate the fact that once you became famous, you will have a small amount of privacy not like when I was still a high school student who just spend all of my money on everything. Well, It all changes. When one person told me that I can't buy everything with money. especially love. But now, Love can ruin my career, The career that my father is proud of. The career that makes me leave all the things I love, It also makes me hurt the person who helped me face the reality and taught me many things in just 1 day. I didn't even get to know his name. I want to have someone like him in my life, Without hurting him.

As I was walking I felt an hand on my arm. I look at it and I saw some creep looking guy. "Come with me!" "No! get your hands off of me." I felt a pointy thing on my waist. Its a knife. "N-no please no." Everybody's eyes are on us. The man is threatening all the people that if they go close to us, He will kill me. Tears starting to fall from my eyes, Silently hoping that theres one person who is brave enough to save me.