
Lovelorn Princess

"I won't rest until I own you" ********************************* Xeraphina Luna-Nyx Astaseul is the fourth and last princess of Jennosia . Born into the world at night only to be hated by her father. The silver haired princess is later remembered as a burden and then married off to the last pince of Antronia who is rumoured to be the 'Re-incarnated Devil' Lukyan Indulf Desai the last prince of the power greedy king Lionel. Rumoured to be the 'Re-incarnated Devil' because of the blood bath he has with his enemies. Under the hard crust of danger, love glitters in him as he sets his eyes on Xeraphina. ------------ "There are only two creatures that would be allowed to live and you very well know what I mean"

Brenis · Fantasy
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22 Chs

You did this.

Nyx's POV

I stared into the blazing gold eyes of Lukyan. His eyes were magnetic, I had never seen eyes like them. What kind of eyes are those? The gold eyes were like a furnace, burning with high flames. I mentally shook my head clearing my thoughts and then, focusing on the most logic question.

Why was he here?

"My Lord?" I asked, my voice quivered a little.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes training themselves on me.

I should be asking the same.

"It's my boudoir" I say, expecting him to understand.

"Why aren't you in the room and sleeping there?"

I turned mute. Maybe, because I don't want to stay near you. Or, because I find you dangerous.

"Nyx, can't you talk?"

"I can, My Lord"

"Lukyan, call me Lukyan"

"Lukyan, I want to sleep here"

There was silence for sometime.

"Okay, goodnight"

I shut the door immediately and went to the bed. I shut my eyes and curled myself under the blanket. Meeting that man, does things to me I don't understand.


My eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the light coming from the sun through the windows. How long did I sleep?

I got up and went to the bathroom in my boudoir and saw that my bath was ready. I took a bath and got ready for the day.

I got out of the room and walked into the bedroom. I saw Lukyan at the dressing table with a maid behind him, brushing his hair.

Her hands were all over his shoulders and Lukyan didn't seem to care. All his attention seemed to be on the book, he had on his right hand.

She was indirectly touching him with a smile on her face, it is clear that she definitely has something for my husband.

Why isn't he doing something? Is he enjoying her touch? He most have her as a mistress or something, but the very thought annoyed me.

The thought brought a certain anger to my insides.

He was a very handsome man, the most handsome I have seen and he must have a lot of mistresses but, the feeling is unsettling.

I wish she could just start screaming, a cat suddenly scratches her face and he would send her out.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud scream breaking me out of my crazy imagination. I looked at the maid and saw a cat on her face. The cat was white and flawless and it was inflicting scratches on the maid's face.

Where did it come from?!?

Hold up! That's exactly what I wished for. What just happened? I'm causing this? It can't be me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Came the maid's loud scream.

Lukyan got up immediately and helped her. The cat was removed from her face while I watched in pure shock. Her face was filled with red scratches, blood was dripping from her cheeks, forehead and her injured eyes.

Oh no! Did I really cause this?

Am I dangerous?

Lukyan sent her away with a guard and then he turned to me. His eyes were staring at me as if looking directly at my soul, his eyes bored into mine.

Does he know? He can't possibly know.

"Nyx, did you so this?"

My breath hitched. He suspected me. But I'm surprised as he is, the appearance of a cat that flawless and inflicting pain on someone is anything but usual.

The cat was even sitting on the floor next to me, all the more pointing me as the culprit.


"Yes, you"

"I can't cast spells so, how did I do it?"

There's no way I'm taking the blame for that. I just wished for something crazy and that same thing happened. It's not like I have a godmother granting wishes or do I?

I couldn't help but turn around and search with my eyes looking for something unusual.

"What are you looking for?" He asked me.


"Did you wish for something?" He asked me.

How did such a question come up? I wanted to lie but then, I couldn't for some reason.

I looked him in the eye and saw a flash of red like the last time. My breath hitched. He is a vampire, but.... vampires don't exist. This is confusing.


"What was it?" He asked cautiously.

"I wished that a cat would appear from nowhere and start scratching the maid's face and she would start screaming and...you would send her out." I ended my little monologue.

What would probably be on his mind is, why? Why I would wish for something so absurd, so abstract, so crazy.

"You did this"