
Loveless Marriage to my Boss

"It's about Miss Reyes. She's plotting against you." "What the hell are you talking about? Why speak such blasphemy against my fiance? Are you bent on losing your job or something?" He asked me, his face red in anger. In the corridors of power, where ambition meets deceit, Rosie, the unsung heroine, unleashes a storm when she exposes the conniving ways of her boss's gold-digging fiancée. David Crest, her longtime employer, finds himself not only in awe of Rosie's courage but also entranced by her quiet strength. As their professional bond deepens into an unexpected love, they're thrust into a whirlwind of betrayal and greed. With a vindictive ex-fiancée and a long-lost, avaricious twin brother emerging from the shadows, David and Rosie must navigate treacherous waters to protect their budding romance. But can their love withstand the tempest of lies and deceit that threatens to tear them apart?

MayAmelia · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Strange Feelings

David's POV 

I handed her an envelope I had prepared earlier. She took the envelope from my hand with a confused look on her face.

"May I ask what's in this envelope, Mr Crest?" She asked innocently.

"It's right there in your hands. Why don't you open it up and see what's in it?" I replied.

I watched her as she opened the envelope, looking unsure about what to expect. Immediately, she pulled out the letter that was in the envelope and began to read, I watched as her eyes widened in shock.

"Mr Crest, is this a joke, or is it real?" She asked me.

"Everything in that letter is 100% real. I am not pulling your legs on anything," I answered with a smile on my face.

"You're planning to give me a raise in my salary?" She asked unbelievably. 

"Of course," I said with a smile, which suddenly disappeared when I saw the expression on her face.

For someone who was getting a raise in the salary, she did not look excited.

"You don't like the raise in salary?" I asked her.

"Who wouldn't like a raise in salary? This is something every employee wants to hear and I wish I could say I was happy about it because this is one of the things I've always wanted but I feel like the only reason you're doing this is because you feel guilty and because you feel like you owe me something for helping you expose Sofia's evil plans. I don't feel like I deserve this raise," she said.

I was shocked after she finished speaking. She was different, unlike any other woman or any other person I have ever met. Who would be sad because they received a raise in salary? Her reaction and her words made me realize that she was a unique individual and that she wasn't just after the money. This made me respect her even more.

"That is where you're wrong, Rosie. I am giving you this raise in salary, not because you helped me to expose Sofia but because you deserve it. Over the past few years that you've worked for me, I never really acknowledged you for the good work you were doing. Now that I realized that you're actually doing a very wonderful job and you also give great business advices and ideas that can help grow the company, I fell like you're being underpaid which is why I decided to do this. So please, stop thinking that you do not deserve this raise and just accept it," I said.

She looked into the letter in a hand again and back at me, this time a smile appearing on her face. There was something about us smile that seemed to warm my heart. I felt my heart beating fast. I was having a strange feeling within me. Was she doing destiny, or is my body just reacting to something? I thought. I had to take my eyes off her for a second.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Crest. I'm so happy you are giving me this raise, and I promise to work harder so that you do not regret this decision you've made," She said.

I nodded my head with a smile and replied,

"It's no problem. You can get back to work now."

She thanked me once again before making her way ⁰out of my office. As the days passed, I found myself always smiling when I was talking to her, always thinking about her, always wanting her to be around me. I tried to stop myself, but it seemed really hard. 

I knew I had to stop myself from feeling whatever I was feeling towards her because she was my secretary and it would be a very big scandal if anyone found out that anything was going on between me and my secretary. The more I tried to stop myself from liking her, the more I found myself drawn to her like a magnet. Trying to avoid her hurts like hell, and I knew there was no avoiding her. I just had to accept the fact that I liked her and then trade carefully so that nobody would know about my feelings for her. 

One evening, Rosie and I were working late at the office. It was probably just the two of us in the entire building because it was past working hours but there was an important meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow and we were trying to round up with things that would be essential for the meeting. 

I was behind my desk, tapping away on my laptop when I had a knock on the door. Before I could say come in, the door was already opened. Rosie walked into my office, holding a steaming cup of what I assumed was coffee. I felt my heart skip a beat as she approached my table with a gorgeous smile on her face. 

"A coffee for you, Mr. Crest,"she said as she dropped the cup on my table.

"Thank you so much, Rosie. I really needed this," I answered with a smile on my face.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence before she spoke again,

"I will just get back to my office and finish up with work."

"You can leave when you're done," I said.

"Uhhh, it's raining cats and dogs outside, Mr. Crest," she answered.

I looked out my glass wall and noticed the rain pouring. How come I hadn't noticed it earlier, I thought in confusion.

"Oh okay, when you're done with your work, let me know so I can take you home," he said.

"That's won't be necessary, Mr. Crest," she said.

"I insist, and that's final," I said.

She smiled and said,

"Okay, sir. Thank you."

With that, she left my office. Not long after she walked out, there was a loud thunderclap that shook the room. Suddenly, someone barged into my office with urgency.

"Miss Johnson?"