
Loveless Marriage to my Boss

"It's about Miss Reyes. She's plotting against you." "What the hell are you talking about? Why speak such blasphemy against my fiance? Are you bent on losing your job or something?" He asked me, his face red in anger. In the corridors of power, where ambition meets deceit, Rosie, the unsung heroine, unleashes a storm when she exposes the conniving ways of her boss's gold-digging fiancée. David Crest, her longtime employer, finds himself not only in awe of Rosie's courage but also entranced by her quiet strength. As their professional bond deepens into an unexpected love, they're thrust into a whirlwind of betrayal and greed. With a vindictive ex-fiancée and a long-lost, avaricious twin brother emerging from the shadows, David and Rosie must navigate treacherous waters to protect their budding romance. But can their love withstand the tempest of lies and deceit that threatens to tear them apart?

MayAmelia · Teen
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12 Chs

A Kiss and More

Rosie's POV 

Ever since Mr. Crest returned back to work, he had been acting really nice to me. I used to enjoy doing my job before now, but with his new behaviour, I was enjoying it even more. The days that followed his return were very busy, and most times, we had to work late into the night to get some stuff done before the next day. I did not mind working late into the night because I knew that I would be appreciated for my good work.

Suddenly, I found myself beginning to like Mr Crest. At first, I thought it was just me being happy about his new behaviour towards me, but little did I know that it was more than that. Over time, as I continued spending time with him, especially late into the night working, I felt those feelings gradually growing, and it did not end there.

I found myself dreaming about kissing Mr Crest. I found myself staring at him and smiling hard at the office. I couldn't understand these feelings, so I spoke to Jessica, my best friend about it. 

"You like your boss?" She said with a gasp after I told her. 

"Of course, I like my boss. These past few days, he's really changed since his break-up with his ex-fiance. He's nicer to me now," I replied.

"That's not what I mean, dummy. I mean, you are in love with your boss," She said.

There was a brief moment of silence before I burst into laughter.

"In love? With my boss? Oh, please, Jess, stop making jokes like that," I said.

"I am not joking, Rosie. Believe it or not, I think you are falling in love with your boss. All the symptoms of explained to make just now clearly prove that," she concluded with a serious look on her face. 

I couldn't believe it. The same man I had hated so much passion some months back is the same man I am beginning to fall in love with. At the office, I tried to avoid him but I couldn't. I tried to stop the feelings from growing by reminding myself of the terrible things he had done to me in the past, but the feelings only grew stronger

I decided that since I couldn't get rid of the feelings, then I should probably keep them secret because there is no way on earth. Mr Crest was ever going to look at me in that manner. And beside he is my boss; nothing can ever happen between us. One night, we were working late, and I decided to prepare him for a hot cup of coffee because it was raining cats and dogs outside.

After taking the coffee to him, there was this brief moment of awkward silence, and for a brief moment, I thought I saw him look at me with desire. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts because it was never going to happen. A few seconds after I walked out of his office and returned back to my desk, the striking of lightning and clapping of thunder scared me back into his office. 

"Miss Johnson?" Mr. Crest called my name.

He was probably scared about how I barged into his office.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"I'm...I'm sorry for barging in, Mr Crest," I apologized, still shaking in fear.

"What's the problem?" He asked me.

Before I could reply, there was another lightning followed by a loud thunderclap. This made me scream, covering my ears with my hands as I fell to the ground. Mr. Crest rushed over to my side.

"Miss Johnson, are you okay?" He asked me, worry evident in his voice.

"I...I...I'm scared," I managed to say. 

Without saying any more words, he helped me up and led me to the sofa inside his office. He made me lie down on the sofa and said, 

"Give me a minute."

He roamed about the office looking for what I didn't know before grabbing his suit on the head of his executive chair and the cup of coffee on his desk.

"Here, have this. I haven't taken a sip yet," he said, handing me the cup.

He wrapped his suit around me and continued,

"This should make you warmer."

"Th....thank you," I stammered.

I couldn't believe I had an episode in front of my boss, the man I was beginning to fall in love with. What would he be thinking by now? He's probably thinking that I'm just some weird little lady who's afraid of thunderstorms, but he wouldn't know that it's more than. Just when en I thought he was going to go back to his desk and continue his work, he sat in front of me.

"Scarlett?" He called, tapping me gently. 

"Yes???" I replied. 

"Where's your mind at? I've been trying to get your attention for a while now," he said.

"It's...I'm sorry, Mr. Crest," I said.

He looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

"You're sorry? About what?" He asked.

Is he kidding, or is he trying to mock me? I wondered. After what had happened, how could he ask me that? Yet I still answered.

"I'm sorry for barging into your office like that and... and ....and for the little action I displayed," I said, bowing my head trying to avoid eye contact.

"It's fine. I believe that there's something going on with you to make you react like that. I'm going to leave you for a while to calm down, and then you're going to talk to me about what's going on with you," he said.

He got up and went back to his desk, only to return about 20 minutes later, after I had calmed down a bit. The rain had just begun to reduce. He sat on the sofa in front of me again and asked,

"How do you feel now?"

"I'm getting better, I guess," I replied.

There was a brief moment of silence before he continued.

"So, are you ready to tell me why you're so afraid of thunderstorms? I know you're not the only one scared of thunderstorms. There are other people who are scared of it, but the little display you gave showed that it's just more than being scared of the lightening and thunderclap," he said.

I looked at him. He was right. There was more to my reaction to the thunderstorm. I looked at him, tears brewing in my eyes as I contemplated on whether to tell him about that past that hurts me so much or not. 

"C'mon, tell me. I'm all ears," He said. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and when I opened my eyes, my lips also parted to speak.

"This happened 17 years ago..." I began.