
Loved by the devil himself

When the Dark Age arrives, the devil with gain greater power than god, but this time, he will rule the Earth, and humanity will suffer doom. When The angels realized defeating the devil won't be easy, god created an angel from the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. She will be born as a human and powerful enough to defeat him, but when the devil falls in love with the angel, unaware of her mission to kill him and save humanity, she has to choose between her destined fate and her unforbidden love.

Leefanisha · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The Devil was originally the closest angel to God, but after turning against him, he was exiled from heaven. He desired respect and power as God, while the devil aimed to overthrow God and take over the throne of heaven. He failed to do so and instead built his kingdom to take vengeance on God.


Michael had been sent on a mission and had returned to heaven.

He overheard one of Lucifer's angels chatting as he went by the angels to visit God.

He turned to ask, "What you said, is that true?"

One of the angels responded, "Oh no! We're talking about impossible things."

Micheal smiled and walked away.

He entered and approached God, who was sitting on his throne.

He knelt before God and said, " I've done what you've asked, father."

God responded, "Thank you, Michael."

Micheal rose from his knee and glanced at Lucifer.

He was standing beside God's throne amongst the other cherubs.

God asked, "What is it, Micheal?'

Micheal responded, "It's just a random concept in my head; nothing significant; I'll leave now."

He smiled and exited.

Michael knew that the angels wouldn't make jokes if they weren't aware of them.

He approached Gabriel and Raphael, who awaited him by the gate of heaven.

Gabriel asked, "Micheal?

"Is something on your mind?"

Micheal responded, "No, in fact, yes."

Raphael asked him, "What is it?"

Micheal said, "I overheard Lucifer's angels discussing seizing the kingdom as I made my way to my father's throne."

Gabriel said, "If that's the case, don't you suppose father already knows?"

Micheal sat beside them and said, "I am aware, however, in this case, we're speaking about Lucifer, a mighty cherub.

"If the father doesn't command us to do something, what can an Arcangel like us do?

Raphael said, "The greatest Michael is worrying over Lucifer?

"Lucifer doesn't stand a chance against Father."

Gabriel said, "I agree with Raphael.

"Let's not worry about unnecessary things.

"Father is the creator of us all.

"If we have to choose, It's always going to be him."

Micheal sighed and said, "Indeed.

"I'll go gather some berries from the sacred tree."

Michael flew away from them and stopped at the sacred tree in the garden.

He was gathering berries from the tree when Lucifer appeared behind him.

"What are you doing here Lucifer? Shouldn't you be beside father?" Micheal asked.

Lucifer responded, "He asked me to check on you after seeing something was on your mind earlier."

Michael looked at him and said, "Why would father send you to ask me that instead of calling me?

"Anyway, It was something the angels said."

"What is it?

"They don't believe the father is real?

"I can't blame them, he does nothing but sits on his throne and pass orders, yet they praise him," Lucifer responded.

Micheal gathered a basket of berries to return as he replied, "Why say such Illness about father?

"Have you no respect, Lucian?"

Lucifer laughed and said, "You will call me lucifer.

"I'm not Lucian."

Michael responded, "Enough.

"I sensed father is calling you."

As Micheal went back to Gabriel and Raphael, Lucifer took off.

They sat and ate a few berries.

The other angels arrived to retrieve theirs.

Michael said, "Who would ever believe we get our abilities and strength from a tiny berry."

They laughed as Lucifer appeared, and everyone cleared a path for him to pass.

He asked, "What's so funny Micheal?"

Michael responded, "We were talking about the berries."

After gathering a few, Lucifer smiled and left.

Raphael said, "He seems to be acting a bit off.

"It's like he has changed these days."

Gabriel said, "I'm starting to wonder if what Micheal heard was true."

Micheal responded, "I must inform father about this and the gossip."

He got up and headed to God.

He knelt and asked, "Father, there's a request I must ask.

"It's a secret I was asked to tell."

Lucifer responded, "There's not one secret that father isn't aware of."

God said, "Enough Lucifer.

"Micheal, you shall speak."

God gave the order for Lucifer and the angels to go.

Michael got closer and said, "Father, I heard the angels speak Ill things of lucifer."

God smiled and said, "Micheal, what can be so worrying to have you inform me of this?"

Michael said, "Father, I've heard he wants to take the throne.

"He wants to rule heaven and have your powers.

"You can't let that happen, lucifer has changed.

"We've seen it."

God responded, "That is nothing for you to worry about Micheal.

"I know.

"I know what he's planning to do.

"I've heard everything, but what I have planned is even better."

Michael asked, "Father, why would he want to go against you?

"No one has ever thought of battling you or disobeying you."

God replied, "This is where you'll learn, Micheal.

"When the time shall come for me to create more, you'll learn that they are not what they seem to be."

Micheal asked, "Father, why can't you stop it before it happens?"

God stood up and approached Michael.

He rose from his knee.

God said to him, "Walk with me, Micheal."

They walked around the room.

"While I am aware of Lucifer's plans, I must allow them to unfold so everyone can gain knowledge and learn," God added.

As they walked around and talked, Lucifer entered the room.

He noticed God wasn't on the throne and decided it was the best opportunity to take over the throne and heaven.

The throne has god's powers, and whoever occupies it will rule heaven with great authority.

When God and Michael were preoccupied, Lucifer decided to approach the throne. Michael intervened before Lucifer could even get that near to the throne.

"What do you think you're doing?" Micheal inquired.

"Get out of my way Micheal," Lucifer responded.

Michael said to him, "You attempt to defy father and do something that no one has ever dared to do,

"How dare you.

"Ha, you, the brave and might cherub."

As Lucifer became enraged, he attempted to strike Michael but was blocked from doing so by Michael.

"You are a vile, weak Angel, Michael, and you believe you can beat me!?" Lucifer asked.

"If it means I have to kill you, I will," Micheal responded.

Grabbing a sword and laughing, Lucifer attempts to stab Michael once again but fails.

God said to Micheal, "Michael, this is not your battle yet."

Micheal replied, "Father, He is the enemy.

"He went against your rules

"How can I allow him to betray you and do nothing?"

God smiled and approached them.

He said to lucifer, "I believed you to be a trustworthy friend who was honest with me."

Lucifer responded, "You thought wrong.

"Why might heaven consider you to be its most significant individual? Why shouldn't I be?

"I can shift into different things and fly.

"I have the strength, and I have beauty.

"I matter just as much as you do.

"Never again will I follow your orders?

"I shall fight you and have Heaven for mine!"

God responded, "Lucifer if that's what you desire, it shall be."

Lucifer exited the room.

God said to Micheal, "This is where it begins."

God waited for Lucifer to come back while seated on his throne.

Raphael and Gabriel entered the room where God and Michael were as soon as Lucifer traveled around heaven and gathered an army of other Angels who likewise did not want to be less significant than God.

To battle God, Lucifer amassed a large army of angels.

They said to God,

"We are as Important as You!

"Why should You be the King of Heaven?

"Why aren't we as unique as you?

"We are Strong, Proud, and Beautiful, and we will fight You for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Angels were given free will by God.

This implied that the angels had the freedom to choose whether or not to submit to God.

Because angels had free choice, Lucifer decided to defy God.

God looked at them; then He said, "Lucifer, You had my trust because I believed you to be a friend, and I used that trust to lead and comfort you.

"Be sensible now.

"Think about what you are doing."

"I have thought, and I'd rather not be in Heaven at all than to have You for my King, and neither of us!" Lucifer responded.

Behind him, all the Rebel Angels shouted, "We will follow Lucifer!

"Long live Lucifer!

"Let him reign over us in Heaven!

"We shall not submit to rule and accept orders.

"You don't own us.

"We are not slaves.


"Very well, if you don't want Me, you don't have to have Me.

"Yet, if you want to battle for Heaven, you can if you believe it will be worthwhile," God responded.

Then, God summoned Michael the Archangel, and ordered him to assemble a powerful army of angels who were on his side.

During the battle between Lucifer and his rebellious angels and Michael and his angels, Lucifer appeared before Michael.

They then engaged in combat.

As they fought, he said to Michael, "When I win this battle, and I am the leader of heaven, I will make you suffer."

Micheal responded, "We shall see the result."

They battled until Lucifer's angels were defeated one by one, and just as Lucifer was about to win, Michael managed to strike him in the side.

Lucifer was shocked as all the angels drew back

Micheal said to them, "Is this what you want?

"A man who wants to be God and is nothing but a weak and filthy angel?

"How can you all be so naive?

"Nothing except comfort, vitality, and a place so peaceful that we all dwell in has been Father's gifts to us.

"With all given to us, we must have responsibilities to carry out, and you're all upset because you were given a task to complete?

"You are fools to believe Lucifer, will not have you under him."

God stepped down from his throne.

He said to them, "You are all my children, and I forgive you, but today, a lesson had been thought.

"Trust has both life-saving and life-ending effects."

He turned to Lucifer and said, "You deceived me, Lucifer, and perhaps for that, I would have forgiven you, but the fact that you organized an army to oppose me, brought about corruption in my kingdom, and engaged in battle with my angels to control a place that is available to all of you is beyond betrayal.

"As a result, you and your rebel angels are never again allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven.

God cast him out of heaven along with his followers down to earth.

After being cast to the earth, Micheal asked God, "Father, why put them on earth when you will have another creation placed there?

God said to him, "For him, there is a location underneath.

"I threw him there because when he is filled with hatred and wrath, he and his supporters will fall beneath."

After losing to God, Lucifer became enraged and addressed his people, "Now that we're in this strange place, I am your god."

The angels looked at him in fear.

"Why have you changed?

"You're no longer beautiful!"

A lake was behind him, and as he turned around, he noticed he was transforming.

The angels also began transforming.

When God and Micheal finally emerged, their once-glowy skin had become dull and their wings had turned black.

Lucifer, who was enraged, asked, "What have you done to me?"

God responded, "You've made yourself become who you are based on your intentions, hatred, pride, and sins."

You will not own earth nor the heavens and for that, I shall send you down to a place beneath my earth.

"You will dwell and own there along with your angels.

"You'll finally have what you wanted, a kingdom."

The earth split open as Lucifer and his angels fell to the bottom.

God and Michael then left the earth and went back to heaven.

From that day, Lucifer had been the ruler of his kingdom in Hell and held a grudge against God for casting him out of heaven.