
Loved by the devil himself

When the Dark Age arrives, the devil with gain greater power than god, but this time, he will rule the Earth, and humanity will suffer doom. When The angels realized defeating the devil won't be easy, god created an angel from the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. She will be born as a human and powerful enough to defeat him, but when the devil falls in love with the angel, unaware of her mission to kill him and save humanity, she has to choose between her destined fate and her unforbidden love.

Leefanisha · Fantasy
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Angels and the Creation.

After many years had passed since God had created humans, Lucifer, now known as Satan, who continues to seek out ways to hurt and antagonize god while harboring resentment over his defeat, decided to lead humans astray because they were permitted to enter heaven after death, while he, an angel, wasn't allowed.

He manipulated their thoughts and made them do things they knew were wrong to disobey God.

God foresaw Lucifer's continued attempts to take vengeance on him as the human race expanded through the years.

God knew there would come a moment when the angels wouldn't be able to stop him since he was powerful and the creator of evil.

As a result, he resolved that when the day came when Lucifer would reign the Earth and turn humans against him to worship himself, he would create an angel from his mighty archangels who would be born as a mortal to oppose Lucifer and preserve the Earth and humanity.


God gathered his three mighty Archangels for the creation process and took a feather from each angel's wing.

He then combined them, containing the power of each angel.

It was the moment to look for a woman ready to conceive.

Gabriel had to guard the child's parents until she was born.

Gabriel surrounded the mother's home when she was pregnant by disguising himself as a butterfly.

Gabriel returned to heaven nine months after the baby was born to inform God of the good news.

Micheal: What must we do, father?

God: We await. We'll leave that to the humans for the time being. When it's time for her to awaken, I'll give her the last power.

Gabriel: Father, I believe if I remain with the child until she is old enough.

Since Lucifer doesn't know of her existence, what will happen if he does?

I have no confidence in humans since they are vulnerable and are unaware that they are carrying an angel child who will destroy Lucifer and save the Earth.

God: I see Gabriel.

I'll send you down temporarily if you don't mind; you'll return when it is time to resume your duties here.

Gabriel: As you desire, father.

Gabriel went to Earth, where he had to watch after and safeguard the child's mother, father, and child.

To be close to the family, he disguised himself as a human.

He had moved into the home next door, and things were going well.

He would frequently babysit the child, which he had to learn to do.

Gabriel had grown closer to the family over the years.

Raphael had come down one day to inform Gabriel that he needed to return.

Gabriel was sad that he had to leave after getting close to the child.

He went to inform the family that he would return because his vacation was over.

The family was sad, but they realized he had to do what he had to do.

Gabriel approached God after returning to heaven.

Gabriel: Father, I've returned.

God: Gabriel, how has life been serving you on Earth?

Gabriel: I've learned a lot about the human way of life.

I've met some of Lucifer's misled people. It's strange how they all live together.

God: What can we expect now that there is a fight between good and evil?

Gabriel: I understand, father; I'm still concerned about the child.

God: You don't need to be worried; I will create an angle to guard her while you adhere to your duties.

Gabriel: Okay, father, I need to speak with Michael.

He departed and looked for Michael throughout the kingdom.

They strolled around and spoke when he found him.

Micheal: What is it?

Gabriel: I've seen and heard about other fathers hasn't been created. They have powers too.

Micheal: What? How is that possible?

Gabriel: Most of them are cursed by witches.

Micheal: It must be part of Lucifer's evil doings.

Gabriel: That's what I thought too.

Micheal: Father will likely look into that, so we should focus on our responsibilities.

They strolled, then resumed their duties.

As the guardian angel of the child on Earth, God created an angel and named him Macyrus.

He sent him to Earth to look after and protect the child as she grows.

Macyrus watched over her and mingled with the humans to safeguard her physically.

He had acquired knowledge of human existence and made adjustments throughout the years because he had an infinite amount of time on Earth before the angel ascended, and he hid his true nature.

She was unaware of what was going on until one day when someone tried to bully her and he showed up in time to stop the bully. Before that, he had stopped all human attempts to hurt her.

Since then, he has gotten to know the Angel and has been watching out for her.