

R18+ - Mature Content. ********* Cassie falls for the baddest boy in town , Blaze Bloom. He's a rockstar and a typical bad boy , while she's just a regular teenage girl. Things between them get hot and steamy till it all turns sour. Cassie gets heartbroken and thinks her world is over until she met him... The trillionaire CEO. ************ This book is currently ongoing for the Webnovel Spirity Awards. Your votes , comments and gifts will be highly appreciated.

Megan_Immanuella · Urban
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16 Chs

8_ Trying to Make Sense of Things.

Blaze couldn't sleep a wink. It was now the full reality of what he had done weighed on him. He had taken her. Nothing was wrong with that because it was consensual but what was the fact that he couldn't deny was that he had been her first.

He had had sex with a lot of girls, all happy to accept that their relationship with him was nothing than a crazy one night stand that they were likely to forget about. But nothing was compared to what happened a few hours before .

It felt different , strange perhaps. The feeling of being the first guy she had ever been intimate with in that sort of way , making him exultant and confused at the same time. Usually by now if it was any other woman , he would have flung on his shirt , gotten in his car , and be halfway to Miami.

Feeling the need to sort himself out, Blaze eased out of the bed , careful not to rouse the girl beside him . He put on his jeans and shirt and slipped out the room. He made his way to the bar and Lounge. Getting there , he saw an empty bar stool where he sat emptily , downing glass after glass of Whiskey that the barkeeper doled out to him mindlessly.

Cassie opened her eyes fully once she saw Blaze leave the room. She couldn't still believe what she had just done. Given herself to a man she just met days ago. Her mind and morals told her no....

But her heart and body were shouting "YES!"

She examined herself. Once his emotion had been triggered, his passion had been mindless. Her breasts were still sore from all the affection they had been showered. He had given her a number of bruise marks during the movement of his sexy lips all over her body. Blaze had touched her wild side , her body had given into his touch, orgasming out of control, Needing more and more from him.

His touch , his taste, his everything But now seeing the look on his face, a look of confusion and of possible regret, Cassie realized that she had just made the biggest mistake of her life .

He was a rock star. They were the bad boys your mom didn't want you to bring home , the guys who said all kind of dirty words , one with the tattoos and the rad haircuts . The kind of girls that went around the world with a number of ladies waiting to throw them selves at his feet.

He wasn't the type of guy to stick around.

She had seen people in movies give into their wild , tempting passions even though the consequences to come were dire. But then she had thought it all to be cliches, nothing more than a fantasy to amuse one. But now that she had had sex with an almost total stranger that she was potentially never going to see again...

Boy , did she feel stupid.

She hurriedly clasped on her bra and wriggled into her dress. Smoothing down her hair , her eyes caught the blood stained sheets and she recoiled once more. Putting on her coat , she was out of the room and went down to reception . Taking out her phone , she wanted to call for Fay to come pick her up but she suddenly stopped herself. She was in a mess and it wouldn't take long for her best friend to put hickeys and whisker burns around her lips together to know that she had sex with Blaze.

Instead she called for a cab and waited impatiently , hoping that Blaze wouldn't see her and intercept her. Having to confront him would be the most embarrassing it being that she was lying flat on her back , buck naked and legs open for him hours ago. Whatever Blaze had wanted to do to her , she let him.

Let him? , Cassie scoffed at herself .

She had actively participated and climaxed more times than she could remember.

Cassie sighed in relief as the cab arrived and she jumped in. Cassie watched as the hotel disappeared from her view , remembering the passionate ride she and Blaze had. Those flourishing touches , his mouth gently sucking against her nipples giving her the most wonderful sensation, the feel of him inside of her and he groaned in ecstasy.

She brushed these thoughts off her mind as she watched the streetlights of Crystal Lake come into view.

She was home now.

Nothing else mattered.
