
Love You to the Moon and Back

Fate brought two hearts together. He saved her once and she too, saved him once. Through the unexpected meeting after meeting, the two became closer to each other. Together they uncovered the secrets that might caused them their lives. Could love prevail between the love birds? Does it strong enough for them to go through the turbulent and chaos?

NateJac · Urban
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

She's My Wife

His fists clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white. What came to his line of sight was a man trying to defile her. She was totally exposed with only her bra and black panty on, she was frighten. The man was almost had his way with her that made his blood rushed and he dashed forward and kicked him to the side.

Devon Luke. This name had secured his top most wanted list. Damn! I'm going to kill you Devon Luke. I don't care about the law, but once you lay your hand on my people, brace yourself for the consequence. You can't blame others for what will be fallen onto you. You really messed up with the wrong person! He cursed inwardly.

His heart tightening upon looking at the way her body bruised. When she was placed on the bed earlier, the way she tightened her grab on his shirt made his heart cried out for her.

"Uncle, what exactly happen to my lady boss? I thought you guys went for a dinner with the elders." Jeremy inquired. He was curious. Samuel, who heard him astounded. Dinner with the elders? Something fishy was happening… And of course his gossipy heart ignited!

But Jude didn't say anything. He went and pour himself a glass of whisky before gulped it in one go. He then dialed Tony's number and spoke a few words before he hung up. Samuel put his hand in his pocket and cleared his throat. Squinting his eyes at Jude.

"Anyway, as I checked her pulse just now, I realized that her previous condition has been cured." He casually commented while his heart was full of curiosity as what on earth is happening. And oh, he emphasized on 'previous condition'. Oh well, he was hundred percent sure that Jude has got something to do with the current situation. He studied Jude's expression. Stoic, expressionless as usual.

Jude who heard him, dismissed the rest, except for Jeremy who insisted to stay, saying that Rose was his boss, so it is his responsibility to take care of her. Jude sighed.

"So, what exactly happened?" Samuel couldn't wait any longer to dig out the secret from Jude himself. His eyes shone and moved closer to Jude. Jude looked askance at him. Ignoring the gossipy doctor, he went to the bed and sat next to Rose. Rose, though her eyes closed, by instinct she wrapped her hands around his waist, tight, as if her life was depending dearly on him with her head on his lap. Seeing how difficult it was for her to hug him in the awkward position, Jude changed his position in a lightning speed. Leaning against the headboard, he wrapped his arms around her waist while Rose rested her head on his firmed and muscular chest. Eyes still closed.

"Rose and I love each other. Although we have yet to register our marriage, she is my wife." His voice vibrated with firm yet gentle and love that sent a wave of admiration to the three people in the room: Jeremy, Samuel and Tony, who was just arrived.

Samuel blinked his eyes numerous times as he tried to discern the news that he heard directly from Jude Townshend. She is his wife? Since when? So the rumour is true after all?! They were indeed dating each other? Is that the case?

Jeremy moved to his side and flung his arm on his shoulder before sighed. "They were having their first night last night." He whispered to his ears that made Samuel to become even more petrified by the news! Goodness! This is an explosive news!

Samuel looked at Tony, since Tony was Jude's assistant and close confidante, he was hoping to be able to dig out few secrets, hence, he sent a few gestures of inquiring of the matter discussed through his eyes. But judging the nonchalant and expressionless Tony, he deduced he was the only one that left behind to know the explosive news after all. He sighed.

It was no wonder when he checked her pulse earlier, it seemed pretty normal. They had done the deed. Oh my! Jude had finally found his woman! If only others knew about their relationship, he sure the women out there definitely having a hard time to accept the fact that they were defeated by a twenty odd years young woman.

"Since my job here is done, then, I should get going." Samuel gathered his medical apparatus and after bowing slightly to the house owner, Jude, he swiftly left them.

"Let me send you," Jeremy offered himself to send him off. This time Tony stepped inside the room and passed an envelope to Jude. Jude gently placed Rose's head on the pillow before he took the envelope and took out the content. He frowned after reading all the reports.

"I want to see their stocks value drop by end of this week. You know what should be done." Jude instructed him which Tony complied immediately. He quickly left the room.

For the whole fifteen minutes Jude watched intently at Rose who had her eyes closed. At first she was sleeping soundly. But the next moment made Jude became anxious. She breathed haggardly, forehead scrunched into tens wrinkles, lips parted and sweat began to pour out profusely and her chest heaved. Jude swiftly hugged her and kissed her frown, hoped it will help her calm down.

But things did not went as he hoped it would be. Rose jerked awake all of sudden. She brutally pushed Jude to the side and rushed to the bathroom, leaving Jude astounded.

Bang! The door was slammed shut from within. Jude swiftly ran towards the bathroom and knocked on the door anxiously.

"Honey… Are you okay? Open the door please…" Jude begged her to open the door for him. He continuously knocking on the door, but Rose won't opened it for him.

Rose knelt down and leaned against the bathtub, her shoulder shook uncontrollably as foreign images rushed in her head that almost drove her insane. It was definitely not the images from the earlier scene, this was different. She became confused herself. The only image that she could faintly discern was her younger version. The eighteen-years-old Rose.

What on earth is happening to me? Why do I have those images? She was confused and scared. She looked at her current sorry state – she was covered in purplish skin. She stood abruptly and went near the mirror and looked at herself. Bruises, hickeys overlapped on her chest. The sudden pain shot her arms and her back that made her grimaced. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Although it might saddened her to see her back, she did it anyway. There she saw her backside totally bluish with two distinguish patches due to impact that she had when Devon pushed her to the wall. Her knees shook and gave way that she plopped down on the floor. She pulled her knees close to her chest, wrapped them in her arms, and rested her head on her kneecaps. She cried to her heart content and totally ignored Jude's pleads from outside the room. She just kept quiet.

Jude didn't give up and continuously persuaded Rose to open the door for him. He anxiously knocking on the door as he could hear her sobs and his heart was clenched so tight that he found it hard to breathe properly. He sprinted to his study room, looking for the key. Once he found it, he rushed back to his room and unlocked the door.

He felt a pang of anguish looking at her state. He rushed to her and pulled her into his embrace, hoping to share the burden with her. Rose was momentarily stiff in his hug. Her fist clenched that her finger nails almost dug into her flesh.