
Love You to the Moon and Back

Fate brought two hearts together. He saved her once and she too, saved him once. Through the unexpected meeting after meeting, the two became closer to each other. Together they uncovered the secrets that might caused them their lives. Could love prevail between the love birds? Does it strong enough for them to go through the turbulent and chaos?

NateJac · Urban
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69 Chs

Lost the Chance

"I want to go home…" Rose mumbled to his ear which caused Jude to be taken aback slightly at her request. He took a step back and gazed into her eyes. There was worried and love in those eyes. But unfortunately, Rose couldn't see them clearly at the moment. Instead, her head began to become dizzy, her eyes hazy, her soul listless and her heart hollowed. What's more pathetic than this?

"Please…" she was practically begged him. Jude sighed and slowly nodded his head, agreed with her request. But deep within, he didn't want to leave her alone. Her place is next to him. He set his heart to take care of her since the first time he saw her and saved her. He wanted to share the happiness and sadness together with her. But how about her? What did she really feel and think about it? Nevertheless, he would give her some time to adapt to his presence. Sooner or later, she will definitely his, for life.

One hand on her waist while another holding her hand, Jude brought her to the bed and knelt before her.

"Honey, you have to remember that you have me. Please let me take care of you."

"He touched me... He..." her chest evidently rise and fall rhythmically, her fair hands clutched the edge of the bed, and her shoulders slumped. The tears won't stop rolling down her cheeks.

"Shh... It's okay darling. I'm here for you honey... Please stop crying." he wrapped her in his arms and gently kissed her forehead. How could he not feel the despair building within his own heart let alone Rose who had to go through the pain? By thinking of it made him to really find it difficult to breathe.

" He almost have his way... I feel disgusted with myself... He touched me... I never let him touch me all this time, yet, tonight he had touched me... Don't you feel disgusted with me?" Rose mustered all her senses and blabbered between her sobs in his arms. Jude sighed heavily and gently rubbed her hair. He didn't say anything, lest it made her go berserk.

He didn't know how long it had been they were in the same position until he could hear the faint snores from his arms. He tilted his head to the side and gazed at the sleeping beauty.

"Uncle, here's hot milk. How is she?" Jeremy knocked on the door with a mug of hot milk in his left hand. He quickly walked to the side table and placed the mug on top of it before walked towards the two people.

"She's not fine." He sighed. "Tomorrow you'll need to help her with her gallery. And tell Leah that she will not come." he added.

"Understood boss!" Jeremy saluted him before he walked away.


Meanwhile, in the mansion of Luke…

Pap! The sound was too loud and those who presented were dumbstruck. It was the first time they witnessed Mr. Mark Luke slapped his only son. His wife could only looked on and didn't even try to stop her husband to punish their only son.

The slap definitely stung and Devon could only held his cheek. It was not only once but twice! For God's sake, his father slapped him twice that night! The palm print was evidently printed on his cheek, thanks to the force that his dad had exerted on him.

"Who told you to harass Rose Smith?! Do you know how much I have to spend to bail you out?! You useless son! Always giving me headache!" he bellowed in fury that the veins were visible to the naked eyes and it was not exaggerating to say that it could explode.

"Daddy! I just want to teach her some lesson!" Devon refuted him. For all his life, his father never used any physical punishments on him. This was the first time.

"What did you say?! Teach her some lesson?! Why don't you leave the house, leave all the luxury lives that you have, and try to find your own means to survive, then you can teach her some lesson!" Mr Mark Luke yelled at him. Devon was aghast hearing what his father had said a moment ago. Leave the house? The luxury? No way! I won't survive without the Luke's name. No… No… I can't…

"If you keep on being so recklessly. You will jeopardize all my plans!" This time Mr Mark Luke's became stern than ever. Why? He had everything planned. For five years, he had waited for five years to reap the fruits. But his son was so dumb that he almost jeopardized his well-plan scheme!

With his eyes squinted, while his hand still rubbed his pained-cheek, he studied his solemn-faced father. He had never saw his father became so serious and anxious at the same time as if one mistake would end his life. He was bewildered by what his father meant by all the words he blurted earlier. What plan?

"Daddy, what do you mean? What it has to do me to teach that arrogant bitch some lesson?" he questioned his father. Mr Mark Luke dismissed his subordinates before he turned to his only son, wearing the same solemn expression. It might be best if he share with his son his real intention to have Smith's daughter to be part of their family. Only then his good-for-nothing son would understand the crucial issues at hand.

"You might not know, but all these while Dad is trying to provide you with the endless luxuries. One way is to married into Smith's family. Since I have no daughters, so it has to be you to marry into their family. You might not aware, but Smith's family has vast assets within the country and overseas. They are only second the Townshend's. If you are married to Rose Smith, you'll have bounties luxurious life. But look at you! How dare you tried to harass to the extend of intention to rape her? What are you thinking?!" His father hissed at him. Devon lowered his head, face reddened.

"I wonder in what way does Rose related to Jude Townshend? They seem to be intimately close. Do you know anything about their relationship?" Mr Mark Luke looked at his son. Devon Luke drew a deep breath before answering his father nonchalantly, "They were rumoured to be dating each other. It's all over the social media and even in printed media."

"Look at you! Useless! You give others the chances to gain her affection!" Mr Mark Luke glared deathly at his own son.

"Because of you, we lost our best chance to take over Smith's assets. All my plans are ruined. Thanks to you!" Devon Luke blinked his eyes, confused by what his father had said.

"Dad, what do you mean?" He eyed his father, with thousand questions popped into his head. He really clueless as to what his father meant by all plans ruined? What have I done? Is it serious? Thinking about how he might lost his luxurious life, he began to doubt his capability.

"Who do you think will take over Smith's Corporation after George was dead?" Mr Mark Luke asked him instead of answering him directly. It was then it dawned to Devon Luke. Gosh! Why am I so stupid? He inwardly cursed himself when he realized that once George dead, Rose will become the new CEO of Smith Corporation and he had presented the opportunity to that bastard Jude! Damn!

"You just lost your chance when you tried to rape the soon-to-be CEO of Smith Corporation! Now, tell me, what should you do?" Mr Mark Luke questioned him sternly. Devon could only lowered his head in defeated.

"For five years I have planned everything. Supposedly by now, I would sit comfortably as the CEO of Smith Corporation! But you, ruined everything! Hhmmh! Useless!" with that he stormed upstairs and slammed shut the door wit loud bang.

Devon who was left alone in the living room, stupefied. What I've done? Damn! Rose Smith, just you wait. I'll claim you back. How could I forget that you are the next in line to become Smith Corporation? Damn! He cursed aloud. But when he recall the fair and supple skin, his adrenaline pumped all of sudden. Damn! I almost have her there. That bastard Jude Townshend was really a nuisance and kept spoiling his plan! He clenched his fists in frustrated.