
Love you seven times

Feng Xiaoyi is the fairy princess who fell in love with a handsome boy she saved. When war came, Feng Xiaoyi got to know that Lu Yi, the boy she saved was a devil and only met her because he wanted to infiltrate their kingdom. Feng Xiaoyi was torn because love and betrayal. Lu Yi infiltrate the fairy kingdom as a spy but fell in love with the fairy princess. It was a forbidden love but he couldn't stop it. Which choice will Feng Xiaoyi choose, to forgive or to revenge. Read to find out.

adeola_ajagbe · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 9 The Goddess

"Lu Yi, are you okay, Xiaoyi asked worriedly.

What Xiaoyi said reminded Lu Yi of someone but that person has become increasingly blurry in his mind.

Almost immediately, Lu Yi felt a very familiar scene appearing in his mind.

He was wearing an armour and he pointed his sword at a lady in red whose face was so blurry.

Lu Yi quickly regained his senses and asked, What's wrong.

"Thanks goodness you came out. I would love to create another sword, can you help me, Xiaoyi asked the bewildered Lu Yi.

"Why did you need my help, Lu Yi asked.

"You were able to know I made a mistake after watching me a few times so please help me this time, alright, Xiaoyi asked making a puppy face at Lu Yi.

''Then create another one, why did you need my help, Lu Yi asked.

"You can practice with me and guide me, Xiaoyi said.

''It won't feel so boring since am practicing with someone, Xiaoyi added tugging at Lu Yi's dress.

"Ok, where is the chart, Lu Yi asked.

"I knew you would agree, Xiaoyi said grinning widely.

Xiaoyi and Lu Yi begin to practice.

Xiaoyi was not able to create another sword so was Lu Yi.

"Why can't I create another sword, Lu Yi asked Xiaoyi.

"Maybe because you are destined with this sword, Xiaoyi said and immediately focused on staring at her hand.

"Wow, what a nice a jade pendant you have, Xiaoyi said trying to change the topic.

Lu Yi's expression changed slightly when Xiaoyi mentioned the pendant and he subconsciously touched it as if a feeling of warmth evolved him which made him smile.

"You look more handsome when you smile, Xiaoyi exclaimed causing Lu Yi's smile to shrink.

"Why did you stop smiling, am just complimenting you, Xiaoyi said and smile as well.

"Why is Li Yan so wary of me, Lu Yi asked.

He has been wondering why Li Yan insisted on sparing with him.

"I don't know, Xiaoyi commented with a simple reply.

"Right, you suggested using martial art to compete, does it means you are good in martial arts, Xiaoyi asked curiously.

"Yes, just a bit, Lu Yi replied making it as simple as ever.

"Then, show me, Xiaoyi requested.

Lu Yi hesitated making Xiaoyi brows furrow.

"You were not hesitant when Senior Li wanted to spar with you just now. Why are you reluctant to show me, Xiaoyi said staring deep into those silver eyes.

Lu Yi summoned his sword and demonstrated a few moves which made Xiaoyi stood in awe.

"This was what he meant by just a bit, Xiaoyi thought.

Finally, Lu Yi ended with just one move making the flower fall which made the scene so beautiful.

Xiaoyi could not help but exclaim, So beautiful.

Lu Yi suddenly fell to the ground when Xiaoyi was dancing in the pool of falling flower.

Lu Yi managed to walk back to his room on his own when Xiaoyi finally noticed.

Liu Jin helped Lu Yi to settle down while Lu Yi immediately started to stabilise his power.

Xiaoyi immediately came knocking at the door making Liu Jin startled.

Lu Yi was a devil to start with, it was a surprise that he could cultivate Fairy cultivation.

When he cultivated just now, he developed another spiritual essence which was made of purity while his spiritual essence before was made from impurity. The two spiritual essence was in a battle of which was going to stay or they were going to destroy each other. At first Lu Yi thought his impure spiritual essence should be stronger than that of his pure spiritual essence but it seems he was wrong. He was like a vessel of power between the two.

"Are you okay, Young Lord, Liu Jin asked almost whispering.

"Lu Yi, are you in, Xiaoyi asked.

"I..., Lu Yi couldn't finish his statement.

His face was extremely pale as if he has been drained of all his strength.

Lu Yi was finally able to stabilise the spiritual essence temporarily.

Liu Jin opened the door for the annoyed Xiaoyi.

"What took you so long, Xiaoyi asked Liu Jin who continue to smile awkwardly.

Xiaoyi was quick to notice Lu Yi and immediately ran to his side.

"What's wrong with him, Xiaoyi asked as she cupped his face with her two hands while Lu Yi just ignored her. He really needed to rest right now.

"It seems I can't hide it any longer, Liu Jin said and fell on his knees while both Lu Yi and Xiaoyi chorused, Ah with a perplexed look.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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