
Love you for the best

He was ruthless and aloof in her point of view but she was having steamy nights with her under the influence of alcohol. She decided she was going to take a stand but it lead to another alcoholic moment that she decided to refuse and asked for a divorce, he thought she was joking because he was handsome and had an outstanding career. Suddenly their world began to fall apart. Will their love bring them together as one true love or will life gets the best of them? note: Due to my own mistake. The novel is showing a different genre than it should, i apologize to the readers. I will contact someone to get it change, until then. Thank you for reading.

Naeyonce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Even love can be lost

Everyone sat in confusion as to why he let her go. Her mother thought she had been the same as always and made Henrick feel like he had all right to let her do as she pleased. Meanwhile! Tiania entered the coffee where she found Alex seated waiting for her. Her phone was there on the table. It was then she realized that she had left it behind.

"We..." Tiania barely got what she wanted to say out of her mouth. The moment she said 'we' and he turned to see her, just then she fainted. Tiania was taken to the hospital.

Meanwhile no one was aware that she was in the hospital. She began to wake up when she overheard Alex was on the phone when she woke up completely. She sat up on the bed but what next hear completely shocked her to her core.

''How can i marry someone who is married to someone else and even worse. Mom, she cannot benefit me in any kind of way, she doesn't even know the first thing about running a company. I'm just using her for the fact that she's his weakness. He has been loving her since the accident in college. Soon after she disappeared I didn't even get the chance to say sorry for making her fall that day. A month after that I heard she was going to marry him, I'm just trying to take him down by using her. Moreover I don't want a woman to marry who is carrying someone else's child."

Tiania lays down after hearing him explain over the phone to someone who turns out to be his mother. Shocked at the fact she has feelings for the person she thought saved her. But it was actually the opposite for the other person. The man she thought was actually a friend is just using her.

Then he said she was carrying someone else's baby, she didn't believe it but seeing as she was in the hospital. What can she do but accept it even if she doesn't ? She sat up making herself awake. Suddenly Alex came to her with a smile on his face. She returned the smile but she slowly allowed her smile to fade.

"Can I borrow your phone and ask you for a moment alone, please." Tiania said and he handed her his phone and stepped away just then a doctor approached her and she put up a finger addicting she needed a minute.

"Hello!" Henrick answered the phone in a cold tone of voice.

"I think... Wait, let me ask him so you can hear. Doctor, I just heard that I was pregnant. Is this true?" She said and paused for a moment then said to him, she then questioned the doctor. Shocking Henrick who stood up immediately and walked back to the hall where everyone was.

"She's in the hospital." He said and everyone began gathering themselves to go to her, she signed loudly looking at the confused doctor.

"No, Mrs. Freeman you are not. However, your health is at risk so I made a list of things for you to eat. If there are any issues with the food on the list please, be sure to eat on time. And if these are not what you are used to please go back to eating slowly. If not and they caused you harm return to me personally. Mr. Freeman, I will inform him you're here." The doctor said to her. Then he told her what was at risk and explained if it upset her stomach she should return to him. He then told her he was going to inform her husband.

"It is not necessary that he is on the phone." She said to him and he proceeded to take the phone.

"Sorry, but are you finished?" Alex returned and asked just then Henrick ended the call and stormed out of the house. She made him feel reassured but in a split second she took it back.

Time skipped!

They arrived at the hospital and rushed in looking for her. Henrick was the first to get to her and he was not pleased that Alex was there! The man he hated in college to this day and not many are aware of the reason.

"I would like for you to take me home. I left my phone-"

"I will get you a new one." Henrick said cutting her off and taking her up into his arms bridal styling. He didn't realize that he was leaving with her while she's still on IV, the doctor quickly takes it and follows him. He placed her into the car and turned around. The doctor stood before him' he glanced at him up and down and noticed the IV and took it from him.

"She will finish it at home and you will be there to ensure she's without harm. I suggest you go on with getting your things needed because if she coughs badly... You will lose your profession for life."

Henrick said after putting the IV Drip into the car. He gives his full intentions to him when he is told to get his things. He paused and leaned into his ears and whispered. The doctor flinches and finds himself unable to blink even after Henrick met his gaze once more.

"I will be going." The doctor left in fear when saw Alex.

He stood in surprise and stared at him, wondering how he and Tiania became so close. He decided not to question it and go on his way. The afternoon went by and they were all at his house but all he cared about was her well-being.

He paced back and forth waiting for the doctor to come from their bedroom and say something about her condition. Time went on for some more time and he finally opened the door and came out from the room.

"I am sorry for keeping everyone waiting but she's fine. She just has a lot to take in today. If I may, can I ask what kind of situation led her into that kind of stress?" The doctor came and spoke for everyone to hear and calm down. However, he got curious as to what caused her to be so stressed out that she fainted. Henrick signs and looks at everyone.

"So, who told her I was dead!?" When Henrick asked his question everyone went from being worried to silent and frustrated.

"It was the only way." Her brother said.

"She didn't want to have anything to do with you." Rinaea answered him, her husband nodded in agreement.

"I told them that you were not taking calls, and that your phone was untraceable. I was telling the truth. I am sorry they might get the idea from me that something happened to you." She responded to him explaining that it was her fault they think that way because he was unreachable.

Her sorry looking face and the fact that she is doing so much that she shouldn't. One of those too many is trying to make the world think he's not alone because she is like a mother to him, from the day the one who gave birth to him died. He sighs and walks away from them and returns.

"What if I was happier without her? Maybe seeing her happy with someone who can give her all the time she needs, actually makes me happy? What if when all this is over and she is better off if she wants to go, tell me? Do you think I should stop her? Alex Gray is someone she would be happy with, it's so obvious. She never picks my phone even if it was her mother calling but she took his and called for help. I have signed the paperwork. After she signs it we are divorce and please... don't force her to stay with me. I don't want to be a burden to her."

Henrick asked in the beliefs of what ifs. What if he is happy and what if her happiness is more important than his, that he is willing to watch her go and be happy with someone else. Someone who is his enemy. Tiania stood at the end of the stairs listening to him. She couldn't believe she heard him say Alex was a better person than him, by claiming she would be happy with him.

She stood still to hear him out but she couldn't take it. It was too much just when she turned and began to walk back to the room she heard him say; he signed the divorce papers. She stumbled and fell, but luckily she was able to hide herself by entering the room quickly.

She prayed and hoped no one saw her but before she could stand up properly. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and she tried to turn around but it was too late. She began to bend down to take up the IV drip bag when someone handed it to her. She was surprised to see that it was her father and not Henrick.

"Father, I'm so sorry for what I have done. I didn't know. I swear that the truth was kept from me. And now, I just want to go home and become your little girl." She whispered to her father in tears. She didn't know why it suddenly hurt to know that he was giving her what she wanted. So much so she wishes to go home but hoping she could go back in time.