
Love you for the best

He was ruthless and aloof in her point of view but she was having steamy nights with her under the influence of alcohol. She decided she was going to take a stand but it lead to another alcoholic moment that she decided to refuse and asked for a divorce, he thought she was joking because he was handsome and had an outstanding career. Suddenly their world began to fall apart. Will their love bring them together as one true love or will life gets the best of them? note: Due to my own mistake. The novel is showing a different genre than it should, i apologize to the readers. I will contact someone to get it change, until then. Thank you for reading.

Naeyonce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Lost without you

The following morning she was nowhere to be found inside the house. He wanted to give the paperwork and let her know well enough he will not be signing it. But what come next shocked him.

"Mr. Freeman, Ms. Vessel is gone. She said that i should inform you that she have informed her family and you should send the paperwork yo them instead."

Claire the house maid inform him of the message left behind by his wife. However, after hearing it he was not happy.

"So she left! Is that what you are trying to tell me?"

He asked her below his normal tone of voice.

"Yes, sir."

She responded to him trying to keep calm.

"When did she leaves?--- The message that she had told you to tell me!"

He asked her, trying to make sense of himself he then explain what he is asking about

"It was around midnight sir, i'm not sure. She enter my room with tears in her eyes and though she refuses to tell me why she cries. The matter seem to be something she doesn't want to talk about. She finally then told me the message and then left."

She explain to him the best she could without giving herself away on the fact that she know exactly when she left the house.

"She left!"

He stared and went upstairs. He went to his room where he then went to the bathroom, after taking a shower he came and stood before the bed where he just stared at the bed. Though she was a publicity wife, she did her best to be the perfect wife as possible.

She would have had his suit out on the bed. It wasn't there today and he felt lost. He went to get it himself but for the first time. He was feeling jealous. Jealous of himself when she was there doing the things he does now for himself with his own hands. After getting dressed he went downstairs but breakfast was not ready like it used to for him.

"Madam had told me before hand that you wouldn't eat. She also said that i would be making breakfast for myself. I decided that i was going to make breakfast in case. You had pretended not to like what she did and act as if you wouldn't eat what she prepared but would eat after her back is turned. I'm sorry, but it will be just me from now on."

She explained to him how his wife had been ahead of him even after she's gone. She shared with him a memory of what he would do to her. But he couldn't admitted to it even when she's gone. He sat there looking at the food before he began to eat and in silence.

After breakfast, he stood up and leaves the table. On his way out he stopped at the door and looked behind glancing up at the staircase where he would see her before leaving for working. He only has yesterdays memories with him.

"She really left me! Did she not hear the words she said to me in vows of our relationship?"

He said looking around the space within his eyes reach. He then question whether she meant what she said or not! Everything was in place but it was different. The wind blows and the chills wasn't just chills he felt lonely.

He took a deep breath and leave for work! The day went by and he return home. He seems to be expecting her to be there however... She was nowhere in sight in each room he entered.

"How could she leaves without telling me."

He said to himself. He slammed the door shut after entering his room, where it felt absolutely new to him. His home and room felt new to him. The night was rough for him. He turned and turned but still he could not sleep.

"She would never sleep with me unless i'm drunk. I don't remember her sleeping with me while i was not drunk. How could i feel so lonely and alone in this my very own bed without her."

He spoke about her not sleeping with him, remembering her the way he does while laying down in his bed unable to sleep. Now it feels like she was someone, he would spent every night in his life with from the day they meet and got married.

The following morning it was one of the worst day for him, he did not eat, not to mention the sleep was nothing he would ever imagine. He leaves the house and soon arrived at work where he was lost in everything he does all he could do was think about her and try to concentrated.

Everything else he thinks of he would get distracted by her, an image of her would pops in his mind, he would hear her laughter across the room but when he looks up she was not there, he would hear her speaking to him. But all this was just memories.

The day continues to haunt him like a plague. He decided that he could not take it. He leave the company in the hands of others and went home. There someone awaits him on the sofa.... After arriving home he entered the house and the scent of fresh roses perfume fills his nose.

He immediately he went to see if it was her but once again he was disappointed. It was not her and his eyes fell to the ground he took a deep breathe softly. After one last look he turn his head away not wanting to see the person who is seated waiting on him patiently waited on him.

"Henrick, explain to me why is she not in this house?"

Henrick stood in surprised to see that the person was actually his mother. Who was seated on the sofa. Her question is yet to connect to his brain as he now wonder why she's there.

"What are you doing here?"

He question her deep within his demanding and sharp tone of voice. She stood to her feet immediately. She walked over to him, then she slapped him across the face twice

"How dare you speak to me like that yet to question me in such a manner."

She could now smell the alcohol on him now that she was closer to him. She glance him up and down staring at like she was looking at Christmas ghost of the past.

"Have you been drinking? You have, haven't you?"

She question him with the same question twice, as she narrowed her eyebrows at him. She looks him up and down once more.

"I may not be the one who gave birth to you, Henrick. All i now sees when i look at you is the man you swear that you don't want to become. I'm looking right at your father right this moment."

She said to him explain who she may no be but she know what he is becoming even though he swear not to become him. Her eyes filled with tears of disappointment as she walked away from him and leaves the house.

Henrick went to his room and sat on the bed looking down at his phone screen there was the photo of him and her on their wedding day. He smile at her smilely eyes and face he could not believe she was gone.

Suddenly he receive a navigation he checks it and see that it's from Instagram. It's Tiania Vessel. He sat up properly and decided to check the account out and he was pleased to see that it was actually her.