
Love you for the best

He was ruthless and aloof in her point of view but she was having steamy nights with her under the influence of alcohol. She decided she was going to take a stand but it lead to another alcoholic moment that she decided to refuse and asked for a divorce, he thought she was joking because he was handsome and had an outstanding career. Suddenly their world began to fall apart. Will their love bring them together as one true love or will life gets the best of them? note: Due to my own mistake. The novel is showing a different genre than it should, i apologize to the readers. I will contact someone to get it change, until then. Thank you for reading.

Naeyonce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

His lovely wife

He pleased himself watching her short videos. He kept looking at her pictures. He couldn't help the fact that she was smiling and it was not because of him. He liked her first posted picture and smile. He seem happy that he could see her even if she was not home with him, in his home.

His eyes closed as he began to drift off to dream land it is her that he find first found in this dream of his. But she was not his own is this dream. When the voice of another man called her name and her eyes lit up like the morning stars he wonder why? Soon notice her wedding bond but he was without one.

The gentleman appear and held her tightly "My love, please don't run off like that without me." He said to her though he could not see the man's face clearly... He felt that he knew this man. They turn away and began leaving. He suddenly grabs her by the arm. "Where- No, why are you going with him?" He questioned her.

As they turned around and face him with confusion. "Who are you?" She asked him as she pulls away from him. His heart sunk to the ground he's standing on. He could not believe the one he love would not only not recongnise him but also didn't know who he was. His eyes filled with tears as he watches her go without him.

He woke up crying the same tears from the dream he could not believe, this was happening to him. He sat up on the bed. It was just 3:00 AM in the morning he glance at his ringing phone. But it wasn't who he wanted to see calling, the name that was on the screen. He ignores and went back to laying down but the phone would not stop ringing.


He decide to take the call because he wanted it to just stop.

"Hello, I have been calling you but i realize why you wouldn't answer. I mean how will you face father after you end thing with his daughter."

He glance back at the phone screen after hearing what the person on the other end of the call had said.

"You are wrong... It was her who ended it! I already can not sleep please, don't my life worst than it is. But if you do see her, tell her am coming.... I'm coming for what belongs to me."

He said explaining that it wasn't him but her who left. He stated his misery and tell him what he would want her to know if he would to see her. By telling him that he is sure she will know that he has not given up on her just yet. He ended the called and lay face the ceiling. He didn't feel the pain anymore for he is sure that what happened in the dream he will never allow it in real time.

Morning arise and he was just kept laying there waiting and waiting. He kept waiting until the door was knocked on... That reminded him that she was not there. He closed his eyes and takes a deep breath afterwords he sat up and looked at his phone. He then went to her Instagram page and saw that it was now private and he wasn't on the following list.

He went to his home page and made a post. 'My wife has take matters much far that i expected. My Love I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me.' He then Tagged her and post it. Within second the post went viral. He was rich and handsome with an account followed by many but he had never made a post. He posted a picture of her on his status viewing.

Soon people was dying to see who she is, and what she looks like. Her account of 1.k Plus following suddenly is at 20.k and counting she couldn't understand why he would do something like that. But what was worst was that someone hacked her account and change it from private.


She scream on top of her lungs for as long as she could.

"I can't do this. He is such a bastard. How dare he? How dare he calls me his wife he has never touch me without alcohol, why?"

She said staring at her phone not knowing what to do, she refused to go to him because even after leaving she stills hold him dear to her heart. After questioning his blodness her mother enter the room and left but her friend whom they have called to speak to her, after finding out that it was her who walked away from her two years of marriage.

"Maybe he is afraid to disappoint you."

She said to her as she closed the door behind her entering her room. Tianie turned around immediately after hearing her best friends voice.

"Rinaea, when did you came?"

Tianie asked her and rushed into her arms.

"I'm just 23 years of age, i don't deserve this life. I thought i would be happy but he was just so cold to me, he would not eat what i cook, dislikes everything i do. He would have the maid redo it after me, he hates me so much how dare he now call me his love and his wife when he can't even stand me in public and at home. He even band me from entering his room. I hate it, I hate it so much. Please you have to help me, i don't want to have to go back there because i don't have that kind of wealth to make people do dirty work for me."

After hugging her friend she began to cry the tears she held in hiding. She didn't held back not once. She told her everything briefly mentioning his wealth and that she doesn't have any of which to make people do dirty work for her. Her mother who stood outside her room heard everything and left immediately.

"So... Did you listen to him? Did you stop cooking and cleaning? Did you stopped going into his room like he had banded you?"

Her friend pulls her back and wipe her tears as she began to question her on it because she knows her better than anyone in this world.

"No, i would go to his room while he showers and place three suits on the bed. Two, i think he would like and one that i think he would not like. I would still clean and cook. Why do you ask?"

She responded and tell her the truth but her face sadden more just by talking about it. But then she asked her why she wanted to know.

"Because i know you, and i know you would not listen to nobody not even yourself sometimes. I will ask you a few question and if you can tell me that you did these and believe was actually the reason then go ahead and tell me what you want and i will do anything to make it happen."

She told her why she asked and explain what she will do and if it works in her favor then she will do whatever, she Tianie wants her to do.