
Love Triangle: The Prince, the Weredragon King and I

“I am simply extending my hospitality. I respected you as a princess of a neighboring kingdom. So I act civilized. It has never crossed my mind to treat you like a prisoner. But it seems I failed to humor your expectation.” Swiftly Alexander approached me. Before he could come near, I pushed the chair backward and retreated until my back was on the wall. Shoot! This is not what I have in mind. I turn my head to the side, calculating the distance. If I were to sprint now, I would’ve escaped from this room. But before I can even make the move, Alexander has his body pinning me to the wall. He leered at me. His stare shows lust and desire while his eyes narrow, and his tongue licks his lips. I have dug my own grave! In the enchanting realm of heaven, two princesses, Seraphina and Ariella, with exceptional talents, embark on a journey to human realms. Their path intertwines with Prince Alexander, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Eldoria. A tapestry of adventure, romance, and self-discovery unfolds as they face trials, encounter magical beings, and navigate their desires. The kingdom's stability is tested by monstrous creatures, forcing the prince and his allies to confront their inner strengths. Amidst battles and politics, the prince's yearning for a queen grows, leading him toward a destiny that intertwines with the princesses. That is the novel I once read in high school. And now I have transmigrated into it! The love triangle between the princesses and Prince Alexander would end in tragedy. I hated the male lead because of that. But I never imagined that the tragedy would shift to me! I was trapped in a love triangle between me and the villain, Aetherion, the King of Monsters, and Prince Alexander, who was obsessed with me and my gift. I have clearly chosen the villain as my love interest, but Alexander would not let me go. What should I do?

seraelya · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Threads of Wisdom

Seraphina stood before the Grand Witch, her heart pulsating with anticipation and trepidation. The time had come for her trial, a test of wisdom and strength that would determine her readiness to embark on her journey beyond Celestia. The Grand Witch, a beacon of ancient knowledge, observed her with eyes that held scrutiny and encouragement.

"Princess Seraphina, daughter of Celestia, your trial shall unfold within the sacred Library of Wisdom. Here, you shall be challenged to seek answers, unravel mysteries, and demonstrate the depths of your insight."

The doors to the Library of Wisdom swung open, revealing a vast expanse of shelves lined with countless scrolls and tomes, their spines adorned with intricate symbols and runes. Soft beams of celestial light cascaded through the stained glass windows, bathing the chamber in an ethereal glow.

"Your task is to find the Book of Forgotten Truths—a tome hidden amidst the vast labyrinth of knowledge. Its wisdom holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the realms beyond. But be warned, for the path to this sacred text is not without obstacles."

As Seraphina stepped into the library, the towering shelves seemed to shift and rearrange themselves, forming an intricate maze. The air crackled with an energy that sparked her curiosity and fueled her determination.

Seraphina took a deep breath, centering herself amidst the challenge ahead. She focused on the first shelf, where a riddle was inscribed upon a glowing scroll.

"I am a key that unlocks the door,

A symbol of knowledge forevermore.

I carry the weight of ancient lore,

Yet I am light enough to soar."

Seraphina pondered the riddle, her mind weaving through possibilities. After reflection, she reached out to a small feather resting atop the shelf. Its lightness and symbolic connection to the heavens whispered the answer to her.

"The answer is a feather. It carries the weight of knowledge yet floats upon the wind, representing the boundless reach of wisdom."

The shelf shifted aside as she spoke the words, revealing a hidden passage. Seraphina stepped through, her heart quickening with each new challenge she encountered.

In the depths of the library, Seraphina faced obstacles that tested her understanding of the celestial realms. She deciphered intricate codes, discerned patterns within ancient texts, and interpreted cryptic symbols. Her embroidery skills proved invaluable as she examined intricately woven tapestries, uncovering hidden messages within their threads.

Hours turned into days as Seraphina traversed the labyrinthine paths, her determination unwavering. She confronted riddles that probed the depths of her wisdom, challenges that pushed the boundaries of her understanding. With each triumph, her confidence grew, as did her appreciation for the boundless knowledge held within the library's hallowed walls.

Finally, after days of relentless pursuit, Seraphina arrived at the heart of the Library of Wisdom. There, bathed in a radiant glow, rested the Book of Forgotten Truths. It emanated a palpable energy, its ancient pages filled with wisdom waiting to be uncovered.

As Seraphina reached out to grasp the book, the Grand Witch appeared beside her, a smile of approval gracing her face.

"Princess Seraphina, you have proven yourself worthy. Your keen intellect, perseverance, and respect for knowledge have guided you through the trials of wisdom. You are ready to embark on the journey that awaits you beyond the borders of Celestia.

Seraphina's eyes shone with pride and gratitude as she bowed before the Grand Witch.

"Thank you, Grand Witch, for this opportunity to delve into the depths of knowledge and understanding. I shall carry the wisdom of the Book of Forgotten Truths within me as I venture forth."

The Grand Witch extended a hand, placing it gently upon Seraphina's shoulder.

"May the wisdom you have gained guide you, princess, as you weave your destiny beyond Celestia's embrace. Remember, the threads of knowledge are vast and interconnected. Remain steadfast, and may the Book of Forgotten Truths illuminate your path."

With her trial complete and the Book of Forgotten Truths in her possession, Seraphina's heart brimmed with newfound wisdom and confidence. She had proven capable of navigating the intricate tapestry of knowledge, ready to face the challenges and mysteries that awaited her on the journey ahead.