
Love Triangle: The Prince, the Weredragon King and I

“I am simply extending my hospitality. I respected you as a princess of a neighboring kingdom. So I act civilized. It has never crossed my mind to treat you like a prisoner. But it seems I failed to humor your expectation.” Swiftly Alexander approached me. Before he could come near, I pushed the chair backward and retreated until my back was on the wall. Shoot! This is not what I have in mind. I turn my head to the side, calculating the distance. If I were to sprint now, I would’ve escaped from this room. But before I can even make the move, Alexander has his body pinning me to the wall. He leered at me. His stare shows lust and desire while his eyes narrow, and his tongue licks his lips. I have dug my own grave! In the enchanting realm of heaven, two princesses, Seraphina and Ariella, with exceptional talents, embark on a journey to human realms. Their path intertwines with Prince Alexander, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Eldoria. A tapestry of adventure, romance, and self-discovery unfolds as they face trials, encounter magical beings, and navigate their desires. The kingdom's stability is tested by monstrous creatures, forcing the prince and his allies to confront their inner strengths. Amidst battles and politics, the prince's yearning for a queen grows, leading him toward a destiny that intertwines with the princesses. That is the novel I once read in high school. And now I have transmigrated into it! The love triangle between the princesses and Prince Alexander would end in tragedy. I hated the male lead because of that. But I never imagined that the tragedy would shift to me! I was trapped in a love triangle between me and the villain, Aetherion, the King of Monsters, and Prince Alexander, who was obsessed with me and my gift. I have clearly chosen the villain as my love interest, but Alexander would not let me go. What should I do?

seraelya · Fantasy
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35 Chs

A Taste of Mastery

Ariella stood before the Grand Witch, her hands tingling with anticipation. The moment had arrived for her trial, a test of knowledge and expertise in culinary arts. The Grand Witch, a paragon of ancient wisdom, regarded her with scrutiny and encouragement.

"Princess Ariella, daughter of Celestia, your trial shall unfold within the Culinary Chamber of Mastery. Here, you shall face a series of challenges that will test your ability to create dishes with transformative properties, harnessing the essence of celestial ingredients."

The doors to the Culinary Chamber of Mastery swung open, revealing a vast kitchen with gleaming utensils and an abundance of celestial produce. Aromatic scents of herbs and spices permeated the air, inviting Ariella to step inside and embark on her gastronomic journey.

"Your task is to prepare a feast that heals not only the body but also the spirit. Each course must showcase your expertise in crafting dishes with transformative properties, providing sustenance and rejuvenation to those who partake."

As Ariella entered the kitchen, she surveyed the array of celestial ingredients that lay before her. A gleaming golden fruit said to bestow vitality. A delicate blue flower, rumored to soothe troubled minds. And a shimmering silver herb whispered to possess healing properties.

Her first challenge presented itself as a tray of withered, wilting leaves—a symbol of ailing vitality. Ariella's expertise in transforming ingredients into culinary masterpieces would be put to the test.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Ariella selected the golden fruit, known as the Essence of Vitality. She infused it with the energy of the sun, extracting its vibrant essence and infusing it into a medley of succulent dishes. The fruit's transformative properties revived the wilted leaves, restoring their vitality and crispness.

The second challenge awaited Ariella with a table adorned with troubled minds—a representation of emotional unrest. Her culinary prowess would be tasked with bringing solace and tranquility.

Drawing upon her knowledge of the delicate blue flower, the Serenity Blossom, Ariella carefully incorporated its essence into a series of dishes. Its subtle fragrance calmed the turbulent minds, instilling a sense of serenity and peace. As the troubled souls partook of the feast, their tensions melted away, replaced with newfound tranquility.

Finally, the third challenge revealed itself—a selection of ailments burdened the body. Ariella's expertise in concocting remedies through her culinary artistry would be put to the ultimate test.

Taking hold of the shimmering silver herb known as the Remedyleaf, Ariella combined it with a symphony of ingredients. With each dish, she harnessed the herb's healing essence, addressing various ailments that had plagued the guests. A savory broth infused with the herb's restorative properties rejuvenated weary bodies, while a delicate dessert eased digestive discomfort.

As Ariella unveiled her final creation, the room fell into a reverent silence. The guests who had partaken of her feast stood before her, their expressions transformed, their bodies revitalized.

The Grand Witch stepped forward, a smile of approval gracing her face.

"Princess Ariella, you have demonstrated your mastery of culinary arts with finesse and skill. Your transformative feast has not only nourished the body but also uplifted the spirit. You are ready to embark on the journey that awaits you beyond Celestia."

Ariella's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she bowed before the Grand Witch.

"Thank you, Grand Witch, for the opportunity to harness the essence of celestial ingredients and create dishes that heal and rejuvenate. I shall carry the knowledge and expertise of the Culinary Chamber of Mastery within me as I venture forth."

The Grand Witch extended a hand, placing it gently upon Ariella's shoulder.

"May the culinary mastery you have attained guide you, princess, as you craft remedies for body and soul beyond Celestia's embrace. Remember, the ingredients you encounter hold hidden potential. Remain attuned, and may your culinary artistry bring nourishment and solace to those who need it.

With her complete trial and the knowledge of the Culinary Chamber of Mastery, Ariella's heart swelled with confidence and pride. She had proven herself a maestro of flavors, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited her on the journey ahead.