
Love Triangle: The Prince, the Weredragon King and I

“I am simply extending my hospitality. I respected you as a princess of a neighboring kingdom. So I act civilized. It has never crossed my mind to treat you like a prisoner. But it seems I failed to humor your expectation.” Swiftly Alexander approached me. Before he could come near, I pushed the chair backward and retreated until my back was on the wall. Shoot! This is not what I have in mind. I turn my head to the side, calculating the distance. If I were to sprint now, I would’ve escaped from this room. But before I can even make the move, Alexander has his body pinning me to the wall. He leered at me. His stare shows lust and desire while his eyes narrow, and his tongue licks his lips. I have dug my own grave! In the enchanting realm of heaven, two princesses, Seraphina and Ariella, with exceptional talents, embark on a journey to human realms. Their path intertwines with Prince Alexander, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Eldoria. A tapestry of adventure, romance, and self-discovery unfolds as they face trials, encounter magical beings, and navigate their desires. The kingdom's stability is tested by monstrous creatures, forcing the prince and his allies to confront their inner strengths. Amidst battles and politics, the prince's yearning for a queen grows, leading him toward a destiny that intertwines with the princesses. That is the novel I once read in high school. And now I have transmigrated into it! The love triangle between the princesses and Prince Alexander would end in tragedy. I hated the male lead because of that. But I never imagined that the tragedy would shift to me! I was trapped in a love triangle between me and the villain, Aetherion, the King of Monsters, and Prince Alexander, who was obsessed with me and my gift. I have clearly chosen the villain as my love interest, but Alexander would not let me go. What should I do?

seraelya · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Temptress's Intrigue

As Prince Alexander, Gabriel, and Liam engaged in their lively conversation, their attention was abruptly captured by the arrival of a captivating woman. Her name was Isabella, a renowned courtesan known for her mesmerizing beauty and irresistible charm. Dressed in an elegant gown that accentuated her curves and adorned with jewels that shimmered with every movement, she exuded an aura of seduction that seemed to enchant the very air around her.

Isabella approached their table with a seductive sway of her hips, her gaze locked onto Prince Alexander. Her eyes, a deep shade of emerald, sparkled with mischief and allure. Her lips painted a tempting shade of crimson, curled into a tantalizing smile as she leaned closer to the prince.

Her voice was laced with a velvety sweetness. "My prince, I couldn't help but be drawn to the radiance that surrounds you. Your beauty is whispered throughout the kingdom, and I couldn't resist the temptation to see if it holds true."

Prince Alexander gave her an amused smile. "Ah, Isabella, renowned for your enchanting presence. It seems you've come seeking the allure you've heard so much about. Tell me, what brings you here tonight?"

Isabella trailing her finger along the rim of her wine glass. "I come seeking a taste of the forbidden, my prince. The forbidden fruit is said to possess the prowess of a warrior and the heart of a womanizer. Your reputation precedes you, and I wish to know if the tales speak true."

Leaning back, the prince's eyes gleamed with intrigue. "You flatter me, Isabella, but reputation often exaggerates reality. Tell me, what do you seek in this forbidden fruit you speak of?"

Isabella is leaning in closer, her voice a low whisper. "I seek the thrill of an adventure, my prince. A night that would be whispered among the stars, a dance of passion and desire that would leave me breathless. Will you be the one to grant me such a tale to tell?"

Prince Alexander smirks devilishly. His gaze locked with hers. "You are indeed a temptress of words. But I caution you, for beneath this façade of allure, I am still a prince entrusted with the welfare of my kingdom. My duties extend beyond the realm of forbidden trysts and fleeting pleasures."

Isabella becomes bold suddenly. She traces her finger along his jawline, daring to touch the prince without his consent. "Ah, but my prince, isn't it the allure of the forbidden that ignites the flames of desire? Shouldn't we seize the fleeting moments that make life truly exhilarating? Allow me to show you a world beyond the confines of duty and expectations."

Prince Alexander, closing the gap between them, leaning closer, his voice low and magnetic. "Your words weave a seductive spell, but even the most beautiful illusions fade with time. My responsibilities lie not only in the indulgence of passion but in the welfare of my people and the prosperity of my kingdom."

Isabella's gaze lingered on him seductively. "Such noble words, my prince, but I can offer you a taste of freedom from the weight of your crown. A moment of bliss that would make the world outside these walls cease to exist. Dare you to take a step into the unknown?"

Leaning back, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and resolve. "Your allure is undeniable, but my heart remains bound by duty. As much as I may be tempted, I must remain true to the kingdom and the responsibilities entrusted to me.

Isabella leaned away, disappointment flickering across her features. "It seems the prince of Eldoria is truly committed to his path. Farewell, my prince. Should you ever find a moment of weakness or yearning, know that Isabella awaits, ready to embrace the forbidden."

As Isabella turned away, her enchanting presence lingering in the air, Prince Alexander watched her depart with a mixture of fascination and restraint. The allure of the forbidden danced tantalizingly before him, but his unwavering commitment to his kingdom remained steadfast. And so, the prince and his friends returned to their conversation, the echoes of Isabella's seductive charm slowly fading into the background as they focused on matters of greater import.

As Prince Alexander made his way back to the palace, his mind and heart filled with a renewed sense of purpose. While the allure of Isabella's seduction lingered in his thoughts, a deeper yearning tugged at his soul—a longing to find a maiden who possessed not only beauty but also strength, wisdom, and the capacity to be his future queen.

In his heart's desire, the woman who captured Prince Alexander's imagination was a vision of grace and resilience. Her beauty was not just skin deep but radiated from within, reflecting her inner strength and noble character.

Physically, she possessed an ethereal allure, with cascading locks of hair that shone like spun gold and eyes that held a depth of wisdom and compassion. Her features were delicate yet held a strength that spoke of her spirit. Her presence commanded attention, drawing all eyes to her with an effortless elegance.

Beyond her physical attributes, she possessed a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge. She was well-versed in matters of state, with an understanding of politics and diplomacy that matched the prince's own. Her wisdom guided her decisions, and her words carried weight, commanding the respect of all who listened.

But what truly captured Prince Alexander's heart was her unwavering loyalty and dedication to the kingdom. She was a woman of honor, willing to stand by his side in times of triumph and adversity, ready to share the burdens of leadership and the joys of building a future together.

In his deepest desires, Prince Alexander sought a woman who would not only be his partner but his equal—a queen who could help him steer the kingdom of Eldoria toward greater heights, ensuring the welfare and prosperity of its people. He yearned for a love that would transcend the superficial and embrace the profound connection that could be forged between two souls bound by duty and passion.

With every step closer to the palace, the prince's determination grew stronger. He knew that his quest for a maiden worthy of his love and the crown of Eldoria would require patience, discernment, and perhaps a touch of destiny. But he was resolute in his desire to find a woman who embodied the qualities he sought—a woman who would not only be his queen but also his confidante, his advisor, and the companion of his heart.