
Love Triangle: The Prince, the Weredragon King and I

“I am simply extending my hospitality. I respected you as a princess of a neighboring kingdom. So I act civilized. It has never crossed my mind to treat you like a prisoner. But it seems I failed to humor your expectation.” Swiftly Alexander approached me. Before he could come near, I pushed the chair backward and retreated until my back was on the wall. Shoot! This is not what I have in mind. I turn my head to the side, calculating the distance. If I were to sprint now, I would’ve escaped from this room. But before I can even make the move, Alexander has his body pinning me to the wall. He leered at me. His stare shows lust and desire while his eyes narrow, and his tongue licks his lips. I have dug my own grave! In the enchanting realm of heaven, two princesses, Seraphina and Ariella, with exceptional talents, embark on a journey to human realms. Their path intertwines with Prince Alexander, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Eldoria. A tapestry of adventure, romance, and self-discovery unfolds as they face trials, encounter magical beings, and navigate their desires. The kingdom's stability is tested by monstrous creatures, forcing the prince and his allies to confront their inner strengths. Amidst battles and politics, the prince's yearning for a queen grows, leading him toward a destiny that intertwines with the princesses. That is the novel I once read in high school. And now I have transmigrated into it! The love triangle between the princesses and Prince Alexander would end in tragedy. I hated the male lead because of that. But I never imagined that the tragedy would shift to me! I was trapped in a love triangle between me and the villain, Aetherion, the King of Monsters, and Prince Alexander, who was obsessed with me and my gift. I have clearly chosen the villain as my love interest, but Alexander would not let me go. What should I do?

seraelya · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Dreamt Encounters

As Prince Alexander retired to his chamber in the palace, weariness weighed upon him, a result of both his eventful evening and the weight of his responsibilities. He laid himself upon the plush bed, drifting into a slumber that held the potential for extraordinary revelations.

In his dreamscape, he found himself in a celestial realm, bathed in a soft ethereal glow. Two figures emerged from the luminous mist—Princess Seraphina and Princess Ariella, the very embodiments of the heavenly realms he had never encountered.

Princess Seraphina stood before him, her presence exuding grace and serenity. Her delicate features were illuminated by a celestial light, and her eyes held an all-knowing wisdom.

Prince Alexander was awe-struck. "Princess Seraphina, the weaver of celestial tapestries. Your artistry has captured the hearts of many, and I have heard tales of your beauty and talent. Tell me, what lies within your heart, beyond the celestial threads?"

A gentle smile graced Seraphina's lips. "Prince Alexander, your curiosity warms my heart. Within my heart lies a love for the delicate beauty of creation and a yearning to weave threads that tell stories of hope and enchantment. But beyond that, I am a seeker of truth and a guardian of the celestial realms, offering a touch of magic to those who seek solace within the tapestries of life."

As Princess Seraphina's presence began to fade, Princess Ariella stepped forward, radiating an aura of vivacity and charm. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous twinkle, and her laughter echoed through the dream realm.

Her sudden presence makes Prince Alexander grin. "Princess Ariella, the culinary enchantress. Your talents are said to possess healing properties and tantalize even the most discerning palates. Share with me what drives your passion beyond the realm of gastronomy."

"Ah, Prince Alexander, you have a hunger for knowledge that matches your hunger for flavors! Beyond my culinary exploits, my heart beats with a desire to bring nourishment and vitality to those around me. I believe that through the art of cooking, we can nourish not only the body but also the soul, creating connections and weaving bonds of unity," she said playfully.

As the dream world faded, Prince Alexander's consciousness returned to the realm of wakefulness. A bittersweet longing lingered within him as he recalled the encounters with the two princesses from his dreams. He yearned for those connections to be more than mere illusions, for their presence to manifest in his waking reality.

Yet, the weight of the kingdom's affairs weighed heavily upon him. Prince Alexander recognized that his duty as the future king demanded his utmost attention, prioritizing the welfare of his people and the prosperity of Eldoria. The dreams were a tantalizing glimpse into another world, but for now, they remained suspended within the realm of slumber.

With a heavy sigh, he resolved to tuck away the vivid images and enchanting conversations in the depths of his heart, focusing on the matters at hand. The kingdom required his unwavering dedication, and his desire to uncover the truth behind the dreams would have to be set aside for the time being.

And so, Prince Alexander rose from his bed, carrying with him the echoes of the dreamt encounters—seeds of possibility planted within his consciousness. But for now, the affairs of the kingdom beckoned, and the dreamt encounters with Princess Seraphina and Princess Ariella would remain a cherished memory, patiently awaiting the time when their paths would intertwine in the realm of reality.

As the sun ascended in the sky, casting its golden rays upon the kingdom of Eldoria, Prince Alexander prepared himself for the council meeting, his mind still lingering on the dreamt encounters from the night before. However, his musings were interrupted by the urgent report from the Commander of the Army, General Lucius, who delivered troubling news of monsters plaguing the lands near Verdura.

In the grand council chamber, King Leopold sat upon his ornate throne, a solemn expression etched upon his regal features. Prince Alexander, dressed in his armor, stood beside his father, the king. His eyes filled with determination and a sense of duty.

With a voice filled with urgency, General Lucius bowed his head before the king. "Your Majesty the King, Your Highness Prince Alexander, I bring grave news from the frontlines. Monstrous creatures, unlike anything we have faced before, have emerged near Verdura. They are relentless and powerful, posing a grave threat to the surrounding villages and our lands."

King Leopold's brows furrowed. "What manner of monsters are we dealing with, O Great General Lucius? Describe these creatures that dare to encroach upon our kingdom."

General Lucius hesitated for a moment. He is taking a deep breath before speaking again with a voice filled with gravity. "Your Majesty, we have identified three distinct types of monsters. The first is known as the Glacial Behemoth, a towering creature covered in frosty armor. It possesses immense strength and wields icy powers, freezing everything in its path."

Prince Alexander's grip tightened on his sword. Impatiently, he asks, "And what of the second monster, General Lucius?"

General Lucius's gaze meets the prince's. "The second is the Venomous Viperid, a serpentine creature with deadly venom coursing through its fangs. Its agility and venomous attacks make it a formidable foe, striking fear into the hearts of our soldiers."

King Leopold's voice is firm. "And the third monster, General?"

But General Lucius replied in a somber tone. "The third is the Lurking Shadowfiend, a sinister being that lurks in the darkness, shrouded in an impenetrable cloak. Its stealth and ability to drain the life force from its victims make it a cunning and relentless adversary."

Prince Alexander drew a deep breath. "These creatures sound formidable, indeed. We cannot allow them to terrorize our lands and endanger our people. General Lucius, what is the current state of the army's efforts to subdue these monsters?"

"Your Highness, despite our best efforts, the monsters have proven formidable opponents. Our soldiers have engaged them in battle, but their strength and unique abilities have overwhelmed us thus far. We need your assistance on the battlefield, alongside the army, to turn the tide in our favor." General Lucius's voice tinged with frustration.

"I stand ready to face these creatures, Father!" Prince Alexander nodded with determination, and he turned to look at the King. "We cannot allow fear to rule our hearts. Verdura and its surrounding villages must be protected. We will rally our forces and face these monsters head-on."

King Leopold's eyes filled with pride and concern. "My son, my only prince and the sole heir of the throne, you are a beacon of strength and courage. Take with you the blessings of the kingdom and the guidance of our ancestors. May your sword strike true and your heart remain steadfast."

With the council's resolve set, Prince Alexander and General Lucius departed from the grand chamber, their sights now set on Verdura, and the daunting battle that awaited them. The Glacial Behemoth, Venomous Viperid, and Lurking Shadowfiend loomed like shadows over their minds, their physical attributes etched in their thoughts, a testament to the great danger that lay ahead.

The Glacial Behemoth stood like a towering fortress, its icy armor glistening under the sunlight, a chilling aura emanating from its colossal form. The Venomous Viperid slithered with deadly grace, its scales gleaming with a toxic sheen and its eyes burning with insidious malice. The Lurking Shadowfiend concealed itself within the darkness, its presence a mere whisper, its ethereal figure blending seamlessly with the shadows.

As Prince Alexander and General Lucius readied their forces for the imminent battle, their minds brimmed with apprehension and determination. The fate of Verdura and the lives of countless villagers hinged upon their ability to overcome these monstrous adversaries. United in purpose, they set forth, their hearts resolute in the face of a perilous fight that would test their mettle and the very fabric of their kingdom.