
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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14 Chs

was it a dream?


when cupid woke up he saw cosmo beside him but there was someone else holding him

he turned and saw it was Malik-

he turned bright pink

what had happened?

when he get here?

everything that had happened felt like a crazy dream-

Cosmo had f*cked him again- but it was different than the first time

it was from the front- and he could be pregnant!

"are you alright cupe'?" cosmo asked

"I'm not alright- what the heck happened?!" He shouted

"did you forget?- you're the one who asked for it-" cosmo replied

"I-I- did?-I remember leaving you- after everything and it all started over- you reminded me of everything- and we kissed-

and then my brother appeared-

he hugged me and apologized-

I apologize too and kissed his cheek

then I went back to you and took you here

and then- we f*cked- did something happen after that?" he replied

"Well not really- Malik was just really worried about you-" Cosmo replied

"so he didn't interrupt us?" he replied

"Nope- he actually came in at the perfect time" Cosmo replied

"Oh well that's good- I was a little afraid that he did-" he replied

"he had himself occupied-" Cosmo replied

"Oh - what was he imagining?" he replied

"Satan who else? he's clearly in love with him-" cosmo replied

"Then why was he worried about me?" he replied

"he's a complicated fellow- he seems to care alot about you-and he was scared that you got hurt-" Cosmo replied

"can you get him to let go of me?" he replied

"Yeah I'm on it- anything for you cupe' " cosmo replied

Cosmo reached in slowly released cupid from his grip and quickly put two pillows between his arms

Cosmo pulled cupid into his arms

"is this better cupe'?" he replied

"mhm- I prefer you- I feel safe in your arms-" Cupid replied laying his head on his chest

Cosmo looked down at him and smiled

"ha ha-you're so adorable right now-you were so different before- I remember when you told me that you wanted a different fate- preferably without me- so I gave it to you- I thought you never come back- I was so scared that you hated me-" he replied

"um- I don't remember anything like that-but why would I want that? you're the only one who loves me-" Cupid replied

"ha ha you really are different-but I like this version of you cupe'- it's been so long since you loved me back-" he replied

"Well you have me now and forget about those other cupids- I'm not like that- I love you-" cupid replied

"that's easier said than done Cupe'-I know that you aren't the same- and I love you just as much but- I can't forget them- and I want to move on but it's hard-" he replied

"I can help you through this-focus on me the one in front of you- remember what we have now-and I'm pregnant-" cupid replied

he whispered those last words into his ear

cosmo turned bright red

"You're- Pregnant?!-" He shouted

"Yeah- why are you so surprised? you're the one who did it-" cupid replied

"I- know- but I didn't expect it to happen this fast-" he replied

"Well you were quite fast and I enjoyed it alot- I wouldn't mind if you did it again-" cupid replied

"but aren't you in pain?-you're pregnant right?" he replied

"it does hurt a little but it's not that bad-" cupid replied

"I'm glad you're alright-and tell me if the pain gets any worse-" he replied

"alright-Cos I love you-" cupid replied

"I love you too Cupe'- and I'll never forget you-" he replied

Cosmo closed his eyes and drifted off

Cupid's eyes widen

he never had seen him sleep

he thought he didn't

he wondered what he would dream of

well if he knew he wouldn't be happy

in the dream cupid appeared in front of him

but he was entirely different

he was taller and he had horns

he surely was a demon-

he never expected to seem him like this

but dam was he hot -

"cos- do you remember me?- I was the one who thought I would be happy without you-

but I was wrong about that-" demon cupid replied climbing on top of him

Cosmo turned a brighter shade of red

"you are the one who wanted a different fate

preferably without me- what changed your mind?" He replied

"Satan was a pain in the a** and I like you better-" demon cupid replied

Cosmo's eyes widen

"Satan?!- you seriously chose him?!-" He shouted

"why are you so jealous for? you have someone don't you?" demon cupid replied

"I- because- you were supposed to be mine-

and are you still with him?" he replied

"I'm never going back to him- after the deal we made- I'm no longer under his control-

I can choose my own fate- and I wanted to see you again- you're just like I remember-" demon cupid replied

he began to play with his nipples

"Ah- f*ck Cupe' - stop playing with me-" he replied

"hmm- No- and don't call me that- you can call me fae'-" demon cupid replied

"Fae' ? is it sort for something?" He replied

"it's just Fate without the T- and I prefer that-

and I want you to perfer to me as a God-" Fae' replied

"but you're clearly a devil- though- it's not a bad look either- you're hot as hell- and I want you to- f*ck me- so badly-" he replied

Fae' smirked at him

"I'm a little Offended but I'll gladly f*ck you-"

Fae' replied

Fae' got off him and turned him around

Fae' pulled up his own tunic and pulled down his underwear both of them

Fae' wears two pairs-

Fae' pulled up cosmo's tunic

Fae's eyes widen

"so you're giving me free access?- have you never worn underwear?" Fae' replied

"I don't really see any point in it- and it makes it easier to f*ck -" he replied

"You could protect yourself from predators like me-" Fae' replied

"Well- my hole- is very needy- and I don't mind if a predator like you were to come in-" he replied

"Oh~ you really want me badly don't you?" Fae' replied

"Yeah F*ck me already- I want it badly- come inside me now" he replied

"as you wish- you're going to enjoy this-" Fae replied

Fae' slipped in and began to rock against him

Cosmo rolled his eyes back

he never expected this kinda of thrill-

from having an alter ego of cupid f*cking him

Fae released and he let out a moan

"did you enjoy that babe?-" Fae' replied

"Ah- F*ck yeah- you were amazing- I don't think cupe' could measure up to you-" he replied

"Oh~ that's sweet but remember I once was cupe' so don't underestimate him-" Fae replied

"right- then you know my relationship with him?" he replied

"of course I do I was him once - you gave him the ring didn't you?" Fae replied

"Yeah- oh F*ck does this count as cheating?" he replied

"Well the deed has already been done- so there's nothing you can do now- just don't tell your wife-" Fae replied

with that Fae' disappeared and Cosmo woke up

his face was completely red

"um Cos what were you dreaming of?" cupid asked

his eyes widen

f*ck - don't tell your wife repeated in his head

"I dreamed about you-" he replied

that wasn't entirely a lie

it was a demon version of you-

"so what did I do in this dream?" Cupid asked

Cosmo became bright pink

"um- you- you- F*cked me-" he replied

also not a lie- a different version of you

"so you want me to f*ck you?" Cupid replied

"Yeah- but not now- you're pregnant remember?" he replied

at least he could save his self for now

"Yeah you're right and I could get you pregnant too-" Cupid replied

Cosmo became a brighter shade of red

would that apply to this cupid too?!

of course it did they once were the same

F*ck he hoped he wasn't pregnant

"ha ha- that's not happening- ok?" he replied

"so you don't want me to f*ck you?" Cupid replied

"I just don't want you to get me pregnant- you can f*ck me though- and have some sort of protection please-" he replied

"so you want me to wear a condom? where would we get something like that?-

the only thing here is this bed - the rest is white space-" cupid replied

"did you forget I'm a God and I control this place- I could summon whatever we needed-" he replied

"I didn't know that- I mean I know you're a God

but I didn't know you could control this place-" Cupid replied

"how do you think this bed got here? because of me- and I can get anything you need or want just let me know-" he replied

"I'm good for now-and tell me if anything is bothering you-" Cupid replied

Cosmo felt his heart pick up

"nothing- is bothering me- and you're the one who I need to worry about- I'm perfectly fine" he replied

*internal screaming *

"Cos don't be like this- something is bothering you- you can tell me-" Cupid replied

"I- ok- what if I ment a past you and they f*cked me would that count as cheating?" he asked

cupid's eyes widen

"a past me F*cked you?!" cupid shouted

"Yeah- but I won't expose them-" he replied

"you just did- it was the one who asked for a fate preferably without you- and they changed their mind didn't they?" cupid replied

Cosmo's eyes widen

"F*ck-yes- please don't kill me-" he replied

"did you forget who you are? You're a fricking God for f*ck sake! how could I kill you?!" cupid shouted

"You're mad though right?-" he replied

"hmm- well- I'm perfectly happy- I already got what I wanted- and if you don't want this then that's fine-" cupid replied

"No cupe' I do want this- I want us to be happy together-and- there's some needs you can't provide- but you fill most of it- and I truly love you-" he replied

"so- this is how are relationship will go?" cupid replied

"Yes- I'm sorry if you don't want to stay- I still love you deep down-" he replied

cupid looked up at him

"I'm not going anywhere Cos- I promised I stay by yourside no matter what- and I'm not mad-

as long as I'm the only one you f*ck- Malik could f*ck you for all I care-" Cupid replied

"Cupid- No- I'm not letting him f*ck me-" he replied

only Fae'

"and what about me?" Cupid asked

"Yeah- you can- but not yet- I'll tell you when I wanted you to do it-" he replied

"that's going to take awhile isn't it?" cupid replied

Malik woke up hearing these two arguing

"What the heck happened? what you fighting about? you seemed so lovey dovey before- what's going on?" he replied

"he won't let me f*ck him but he let another version of me do it what's the difference?!" Cupid shouted

"Ok well as a past veteran of the multiverse-

it could be the fact that this version of you is stronger and more mature- and probably hot as heck-" he replied

"how do I become them?" Cupid replied

"um-well - I mean I have been other mes and lived their lives- but you should just be you-

It's not the same- their life is completely different from yours- I would stay with Satan-

so you should stay with him-" He replied

"I wonder if you still ended up with Satan in that universe-" cosmo replied

"I doubt it- I was never meant to be with him in the first place-" he replied

"I know- that was the rules but we both broke it for the one we love -" cosmo replied

"so you do still love me?" Cupid asked

"Of course I do- you're my soulmate-" he replied

"what if I wasn't? what if you were meant for someone else?" Cupid asked

"I still go after you- or you would find me-

I don't care how impossible it seems-

I believe we'll always find eachother-" he replied

"because fate is not what it seems-" Malik replied

"I knew I heard it from somewhere!" cupid shouted

"so- that's where you were sent? inside that book?" he replied

"Yeah and I'm not from this world either-" Malik replied

"You're not- I should have realized that sooner-" he replied

"um- if you're not from here then how do you know me?" cupid asked

"I knew as soon as I saw you- and I have memories of another Malik- I thought it was from this world- but maybe I was wrong-" he replied

"then maybe I'm from that universe too- that's why things are different for me-" cupid replied

"so you really aren't my cupid?" cosmo replied

"I still have his memories but he did truly leave you- I'm here to love you in his place-" cupid replied

"ha ha ha ha ha ha - you always say that-

but you always end up leaving me-

how can I trust you this time?" He replied

"because I made a promise and I am going to keep it- I'm not going anywhere Cos- I love you-" cupid replied

"ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you said that the last time too and you left me- what did I do to deserve that?- at least this time you have a solid reason-" he replied

"I'm not going to leave you because of that-

if there was another version of you- I let it happen too-" Cupid replied

"I would kill him- only I can have you not other mes-" he replied

"You're so possessive- I'm ok with it - why aren't you?" cupid replied

"because- their isn't any me better than me-" he replied

"You're a narcissist too?-" cupid replied

"I still love you- and only I can- no one else-" he replied

"please tell me you wouldn't kill Malik-" cupid replied

"I've wanted to since he's appeared-

he keeps taking you from me-" he replied

"Well I'm not you can have him-" Malik replied

he's definitely Callus-

"you won't? but that's what you were doing before-" he replied

"I was just protecting him- and I know you won't hurt him- you love him alot- and you need him more than anything- how much suffering had you gone through?

how many years did you have to wait for him

for him to just reject you every time?

I once went through that- with Satan too-

but I was the one who rejected him-

I didn't have a choice- I wanted to go after him but I couldn't- I had to follow fate- I f*cking hated it-but I was able to change it- and if you accept him then it will change-" Malik finished

"I- accept- of course I accept him- he's my wife after all-" he replied

"then stop this pointless fight and love him" Malik replied

Cosmo reached down and grabbed cupid's hand and intertwined his hand with his

cupid looked up at him and smiled

"bend down will you? you're so freaking tall-" he replied

Cosmo bended down putting their faces an inch away from eachother

"You're just short- and that's why you can't f*ck me -" he replied

cupid leaned in and kissed him pushing his tongue back and forth

Cosmo rolled his eyes back

Malik silently clapped in the background

at least he was able to help these two

and able to see it happened

he wondered if Xavier and Cal could have a ending like this- but you know what they say fate is not what it seems