
love story of Lucia and George

Two teenagers Lucia and George who are bestie suddenly start to fall in love with each other,before that George was only teaching Lucia to be bold enough to fight and stand for her self . lucia dad on the other hand starts to plan for her arranged marriage with a guy. will Lucia get married to the one who she loves or the unknown guy?? join along and read to find out.

adaobi_maryann3678 · Teen
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Lucia,Lucia wake up it morning,you have to get school early ,you know it your first time in school , Lucia smiles while stretching her body,

good morning Mom ,I remember it my first day,let me go freshen up ,

yes baby,let me prepare you breakfast,

ok ,Lucia ran into the bathroom to take her bathe.

when she was done she came down to take her Breakfast ,mom this is really yummy ,

yes I know you would love it,here is your lunchpack ,have it during break and stay far away from trouble ,listen attentively so you could grab everything they are teaching ,did you hear me?

yes mom.

Noziya are u ready so we can start going?

yes dad ,come with me then,

kiaan I don't like Lucia outfit it really awkward to go to school ,she is no longer in Indian ,I prefer she put on an English outfit than wearing her native wear to school,

Beatrice stop spoiling noziya's mind ,she looks really pretty with this outfit ,and perhaps she is comfortable with it or are you not?

yes dad I am,

please let go now am late to work ,bye Beatrice,

bye kiaan,

mom bye,bye darling.

kiaan drops Noziya in the school ,my princess stay safe ,go to the principal office so she can direct you to your class,

okdad bye.

Lucia stands in front of the big gigantic school building starring ,wow such a big school am finally at school,she walks in went to the principal office,

good morning Mrs caro,

good morning Lucia,you in school today and you can't go in the class alone so I will let miss Jane lead you to class as a new student,

ok ma,

have a sit ,let me give her a call,

ok ma thank you.

hello Miss Jane,hello ma,come to my office I have a new student in my office come and direct her to her class,ok ma am on my way.

Miss Jane came in ,good morning Mrs caro,

Good morning Miss Jane ,she is Lucia , please direct her to her class and introduce her to the class,

ok ma,Lucia come , follow me,

ok ma ,

how are you doing Lucia ?

fine ma,

hope you like the environment and your new school?

yes I do,

ok that great ,here is your class let go in,ok ma

Class arise and greet miss Jane,good morning Miss Jane,

good morning class,you all sit down,we have a new student today with us ,her name is Noziya Lucia, please make her feel welcome and please no hating .

most of the students started laughing,then Isabella stood up and said ,oh I didn't get her name ,I think you said nose, every one laughed ,oh am sorry I meant you said her name is nostrils right?

would you sit down Isabella,I said no hating or mocking ,make her feel comfortable with you guys.

Isabella sat down ,she is smelling and gross , the students laughed again .

Lucia felt very bad about to cry,when one of Isabella friends said she such a flat ass girl, everyone continues laughing,

miss Jane then spoke out,rina why would you use such words on her?,do you want me to report you to Mrs caro?

No ma am sorry with a disrespectful facial expression,

listen Isabella the next time you and your friends repeat this attitude I will make sure you punised,Lucia go sit down where you want and she leaves the class.

Lucia works really slowly to choose a perfect position as she wants to stay near a student ,the students stamps her hand on the locker,this already taken and she leaves to sit near another person ,the student said u smelling don't you wear a perfume?,she looks at she and went to sit another place and the guy there said what is this you putting on?

Lucia was now really confused went to the last chair and sat there bent her head on the locker and felt like crying but to aviod disgrace endured.

good morning Mr Boniface,good morning class ,you can all sit down,bring out your mathematics text book ,open page 54 ,today we be looking at algebra ,mr Boniface was explaining till he noticed a new face ,hey you at the back are you a new student ?

yes sir she stood up ,

ok what your name?

am Lucia Noziya,

Isabella smilled saying nostrils, student start laughing again,

Isabella leave my class now,

sir what did I do?,

don't make me lose my temper ,out now,

Isabella stood up leaving , what ever I just get back to you nostrils,

Lucia Noziya don't mind her , she is Always like that, anyway seems you a mix breed ,

sir I don't understand,

I mean your mom and dad are from different places right ,your outfit show you from India right?

yes sir ,am from India ,and my mom uk,

yes you don't look purely like Indian ,that why I said you a mix breed ,are you understanding what am explaining?

yes I am ,

ok come out and solve number five example,

some students are whispering I know she won't be able to solve it,

Lucia solved it wonderfully ,mr Boniface was impressed ,

wow,nice one ,you smart and I love that.

thank you sir.

Mr Boniface continued teaching ,and when he was done he left.

The Isabella cane in sat on Lucia's locker, and said nose,oh sorry nostrils or whatever you call your self ,don't try messing with me in this school do you understand me Lucia kept quiet naively,

Isabella repeated didn't you understand me,

she was still quiet then Rina came forward with two other of her friends ,trica and Katie,trica added I think she best understand this language then she gave her a hot slap,Lucia got up and left the class with speed about to cry.

one male student called max ,went up to Isabella and her friends ,why do you girls keeping bullying and mocking her ,it not proper ,let her be,

Katie pushed max ,stay off our matters before we come after you ,do you get,?

you girls are just bunch of bitches,fuck you all.

while Lucia was walking with speed looking for a perfect place to cry ,she mistakenly hit a guy on his shoulder ,she looked at him ,oh sorry while tears had already started coming out of her eyes as she was about leaving,he held her hands,I can see you looking out for a perfect spot to cry ,come let me direct you,

Lucia removed her hands from his,

he smiled sorry I was only joking you

know,what wrong why you crying?

Lucia just nodded her heads , saying nothing,he held her hands and took her to the back of the school where no one would see her,sit down here ,Lucia sat down,now tell me what happened,

Lucia still crying ,he stood up and clean her eyes ,cool down and explain,

Lucia spoke out still feeling sobber,some girls in my class are just after me I don't know what I did to them,most of my class mate keep mocking me,

but why ,what did they tell you?

miss Jane started by introducing me to them,

and so what happened?

she told them my name is Noziya Lucia,and they all started calling me ,nose or nostrils,

he fell on the floor and laugh out loud,

Lucia stood up an said what funny,?

oh am sorry just a funny name miss nose, nostrils,

Lucia wiped her tears out ,am leaving everyone is the same here,

he held her hand, am sorry I didn't mean to get you angry,

ok,and can you imagined ,one of Isabella friends said am such a flat ass girl,

he started looking at her ass,but they didn't lie or Maybe your outfit covers it all,

Lucia stood up bye,you making things worst ,

he tried stopping her,hey ,hey am sorry please come back but Lucia left.


Lucia entered back the class,was going to sit down then Katie set her leg out so she can fall ,Lucia fell on the floor,and laughter and different abusive words where used on her,dirty pig and many others,

Isabella clapped her hands,oh dearie nose , nostrils what fell you down seems you got no stamina,her friends laugh out loud again,max came over stood her up ,

sorry, this bitches are such a nuisance,don't let them get to you,

trica , replied max,you know what max?you such a dog ,I think we should start calling him maxy ,it suits him since he is always ready to come protect Lucia anytime she is in problem,let me make this clear to you,she will be our slave till we leave this school,she is a good for nothing trash,

you girls should be ashamed of yourself ,you got nothing upstairs and still showcasing you self,it is said an empty vessel make the loudest noise,he helped Lucia to her sit,

while they said oh maxy dog, mocking him.

school dismissed while Lucia was waiting for her mom to come pick her up,soon enough her mom arrived she tried smiling but it was looking to fake,what wrong my angel? nothing mom am fine ,

did you get a tough time in school?

no mom ,am just feeling really tired and nothing more, ok then let get home then so you can rest or do you prefer to go to a restaurant so we could first eat your favorite?

no mom let go home am not hungry ,I just want to rest please,

ok baby your wish is my command.

when they got home ,Lucia quickly entered her room and started crying again ,I hate my school her mom had what she said because she was coming from behind you hate what?

nothing mom ,she wiped her tears before her mom arrived where she was,

but I heard you saying you hate your school,

no mom,

what eating you up tell me?

mom am fine ,am just weak,

ok change your clothe and come eat.

ok mom.