
love story of Lucia and George

Two teenagers Lucia and George who are bestie suddenly start to fall in love with each other,before that George was only teaching Lucia to be bold enough to fight and stand for her self . lucia dad on the other hand starts to plan for her arranged marriage with a guy. will Lucia get married to the one who she loves or the unknown guy?? join along and read to find out.

adaobi_maryann3678 · Teen
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9 Chs


Lucia arrives uk,she look around observing the new environment ,and says mom ,here is amazingly beautiful unlike our village.

Beatrice smiles ,yes Lucia uk is beautiful but let me remind you there are beautiful places in Indian like Mumbai, Delhi and others.

Lucia smiles but I have never been to any of that place you mentioned ,yes Lucia you can't go everywhere ,true mom she replied.

kiaan waited with his wife and daughter in the airport for boss to send some to come pick him and his family up toshow them their new house ,so they waited peacefully.

A white man is approaching towards kiaan ,hey "good morning sir bringing out his right hand forwards and kiaan accepted the hand shake ,am Mr Thomas and I think you Mr kiaan ?

yes, yes am Mr kiaan

ok and you coming all the way from Indian rght?yes,

I was sent by Mr bright to pick you up from the airport to show you your new house and guide you here for sometime before you get use to things.

ok that good said kiaan.

Mr Thomas brought out his card from his pocket and handed it over to kiaan,read what it says carefully if you not fully convinced with what I said I work in the same company you got a job at or better still call Mr bright so he can tell you he sent me.

kiaan smilled no need for that am already convinced

ok so can we go ahead and move ?

yes we can

Mr thomas walked them towards his car as they entered he started a conversation with them ,so Mr kiaan are they your family?

yes they are my family ,this is my wife Beatrice and my daughter Noziya .

ok that good to know , Beatrice and Noziya a very big welcome to uk ,hope you like the environment??

Beatrice smiles ,yes I do i grew up so I love here we'll enough,

wow that good to know ,so how about you nozii,nozzi,nozi what again I didn't grab the name?

it fine sir just call me Lucia i think it will be more easier for you to call out,

ok Lucia hope you don't feel bad I couldn't pronounce your name ?

No, no not atall it my native name so I don't expect everyone to be able to pronounce ,

ok Lucia ,how old are you?

she was silent for sometime as Mr Thomas interrupted i won't mind if you don't answer the question ,not everyone like telling people their age he said while still driving his car,

No Sir i don't mind ,am fourteen year old,

Thomas said ok dearie I have a daughter of your age to ,

wow I would really like to meet her.

Thomas stop his car for a moment and faced back everyone was wondering why

Beatrice asked thomas is everything ok?

He said yes then he told Lucia I promise you won't like to meet her atall ,her name is Isabella ,she is really mean and rude I and her mom had tried our best to stop and remove those bad behavior but to no avail,I wish she was like you,

lucia felt touched awnn sorry for that sir,

no need Lucia,I know everything will be okay ,it just her teen age that showing in her negatively.

Thomas parked his car , everyone came down and her opened the gate to Me kiaan new house,he showed them In and out of the house and as he was about to leave he handed the keys to Kiaan and waved them goodbye.

Mom did you hear what Mr Thomas said about his daughter?

yes I did ,

so why is she behaving like that?

I told you before children here are more exposed ,it just lyk a normal attitude most kid develops here ,Lucia am not justifying her attitude right because alot of children still have good manners here .

ok mom,I want to start school as soon as possible,

really?yes Mom ,it really boring here ,yes but u can watch TV u know,

you know dad don't like me watching television even when we where still at indian,am not sure he would approve of it?

Lucia you can watch the television now since he is not around,

ok mom .

Lucia let me go rest in my room ,enjoy the television series ok,she left to her room lay on the bed ,

Gosh it been long I drank nor smoke ,let me go get a liquor to drink,she sneaked through the back doors went to a cool bar and got her favorite brand of liquor and went back home.

Beatrice closed her room door opened the liquor and drank it till it was half lay down on her bed and slept.

It was already late in the night kiaan asked Lucia about her mom and she said she is sleeping in the room.

ok let me go check on her,kiaan knocked and knocked on the door ,but Beatrice didn't open up,Lucia knock on the door with her dad bought no reply.

Lucia started crying ,dad is everything fine with mom?

I should be asking you ,are you sure your mom is inside ?

yes very sure dad.

They both continued knocking till Beatrice woke up ,she was having a light headache and feeling really light,she quickly stood up ,

oh my gosh it already late ,what should I do?,she hid the liquor under her bed went inside the bathroom washed her face and rainse her mouth .

Now Beatrice open the door ,wow why are all of you knocking in my door did anything happen?

kiaan looked into Beatrice eye and how she was looking and said ,Noziya leave I want to talk to your mom.

kiaan closed the door and dragged Beatrice to her bed and sat her down,

so how many did you drink?

Me ,drink what,

shh placing his finger on her mouth,you are not good at lieng,I thought you decided to quite drinking after we got married ?

yes baby buh I d..,stop lieng bae,where did you hid the drink? ,he stood up searching then check on the bed and found it,wow you got your favorite brand,you already know a suitable bar to get your favorite?why are u speechless?

Am not speechless ,

you aware we have a young teenage daughter and you need to act very responsible even though you back to uk,and u didn't find anywhere else to hid the liquor it was under your bed ,the same place you normally hid your liquor from your mom when we where dating,nice try.

But bae it been long I drank not that I do that always ,I just wanted to feel the taste that all.

kiaan was already leaving her tlroom when she said that so he turned back and look at her I don't want to know the reason we have a daughter we training and that all then he left.

Beatrice started hitting her hand on the bed saying fuck,fuck ,fuck ,so I can't enjoy my self for a little moment because of we training our daughter not as if she knows I smoke or drink , mtcheww she lay back on her bed what wrong with my head this head ache should stop then Lucia entered the room sat near her mom,

mom are you alright?yes I am

why where you not responding then ?

I was at a deep sleep love .

Beatrice quickly change the topic Lucia, would you like to go see my mom and dad?

yes Mom I would,where do they stay?

In the capital of uk, London,I know it been long they saw you last since you where four year old ,am not sure they will recognize you again,

so mom when are we going ?I would make out time for us to go one-day we chanced

ok mom.

let me prepare dinner for us,sure you hungry,yes Mom.

Beatrice prepared and served every one,then started a conversation with kiaan

kiaan what do you think about Lucia enrolling in a school soon?

it a good idea ,I had already talk to my friend Thomas about it and he said I should enroll Noziya in the same school his daughter attends ,I have already gone to the school it nice,so tommorow we would go and enroll you there,ok dad .

so can we enjoy our meal now?

Lucia and her mom chuckled ,yes we can.

The next day ,they all went to the principal office to get Lucia registered ,Lucia haven't seen such a big school like that before ,she was surprised at the beautiful learning condition,big fields and decoration ,wow the school is so beautiful.

yes it is ,the name of the school is Beverley highschool,they entered the principal office .

The principal of Beverley school is an elderly woman,Mrs caro she saw Lucia and smiled so beautiful what is your name?

I am Noziya Lucia .

ok how old are you?

I am fourteen ma,

you will take a test before you can continue your registration so we can be sure you got for the next class,which is junior secondary three.

Mrs caro set the text for her and Lucia passed the text wonderfully.wow what a sharp brain you are great ,you passed so you can fully start class after your payment ,kiaan paid the fees and congrated Lucia.

My daughter let go home tommorow you resume ,go home rest and prepare for tommorow do you understand my daughter?

yes dad , Beatrice take our daughter home and stay safe am of to work.

Beatrice took Lucia to a restaurant so they could eat ,they ate there and came backk home.

Lucia was so excited that she will soon resume school ,mom that school is really lovely can't wait to resume school,Lucia baby cool down you will soon start tommorow ,rest baby.