

love is something that we can't control, it comes by itself if nurture stays or else leaves just like time which is important to everyone but very few gives it an importance like bhaskar who is a successfull buisnessman, he was guided by ryan in one of the universe.

"Immerse yourself in the service, sir! It's convenient and streamlined, reducing the need for excessive labor....!"

Bhaskar looked intrigued as he listened to the enthusiastic presentation. The speaker's words seemed to echo in the spacious conference room, where the air hummed with potential.

"Your product shows promise; I'll certainly consider establishing a dealership with your company...!"

The exchange was punctuated by the clinking of glasses and the low hum of conversation. Bhaskar's eyes flicked around the room, observing the interplay between his colleagues and the visiting business representatives.

"Very well, sir."

With a slight nod, Bhaskar acknowledged the response, his thoughts already churning with possibilities.

"Don't misconstrue my contemplation; my thoughts indicate interest, not rejection...!"

As he spoke, Bhaskar's tone was measured, his gaze steady. He knew the weight of his words could sway the direction of the conversation, potentially shaping the future.

"Thank you, sir...!"

The gratitude in the speaker's voice was palpable, and Bhaskar's smile was warm as he acknowledged the appreciation. He understood the impact his decisions could have on others.

Meanwhile, a sumptuous lunch unfolded in the elegant dining hall. Despite the culinary excellence showcased by top chefs, Bhaskar remained unsettled. His eyes darted restlessly, as if searching for an elusive sweetness in the cuisine, transcending mere dishes.

The soft clinking of cutlery against plates and the murmurs of contented diners provided an ambient backdrop to Bhaskar's contemplation. The ornate surroundings contrasted with his internal restlessness.

He refrained from eating, his fingers lightly tracing the rim of his glass as he gazed out of the window. He embarked on a solitary walk afterward, striding purposefully toward his fleet of luxury cars. The sunlight bathed the sleek vehicles in a golden glow, mirroring the opulence that surrounded him.

Alone in his spacious office, Bhaskar leaned against the window, gazing at the city skyline. He grappled with a perplexing thought that seemed to linger in the air, like an unsolved puzzle demanding his attention.

Perhaps, he contemplated, a novel drone-based venture could deliver his restaurant's exquisite cuisine directly to customers' homes. The idea sparked his imagination, and he envisioned a future where technological innovation could seamlessly intertwine with culinary excellence.

Ryan's innovative idea resonated with him—an embodiment of authenticity and forward thinking. The juxtaposition of technology and tradition was a concept that ignited his passion.

Suddenly, a familiar presence materialized: Bhaskar smiled, recognizing the visitor. "And what does this signify...?"

The ethereal quality of the moment hung in the air as the figure stepped forward, the room illuminated by an otherworldly glow.

"Stay composed for the answer..."

Bhaskar's heartbeat quickened, a mix of anticipation and curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Oh, I see..."

The enigmatic response left Bhaskar even more intrigued, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Skipping meals won't unravel your quandary."

The words were delivered with a blend of reassurance and mystery, leaving Bhaskar momentarily lost in thought.

"Agreed, but now that you're here..."

His voice held a touch of vulnerability, as if seeking guidance from a source he held in high regard.

"I won't always be around to provide answers."

The figure's words were imbued with a sense of inevitability, a reminder of the transient nature of their encounters.

"That's not entirely true."

Bhaskar's retort was filled with a mixture of defiance and affection, a reflection of the unique bond they shared.

"Regardless, this time, you must navigate on your own..."

The figure's gaze held a mixture of encouragement and expectation, challenging Bhaskar to embrace his own agency.

"Alright... maybe tomorrow..."

The hesitation in Bhaskar's voice was palpable, as if he were grappling with the weight of his responsibilities.

"Actually, now."

The figure's assertion was firm, leaving no room for further delay.

"What? How can I possibly...? You know this entire empire is yours, and I struggle to make decisions..."

Bhaskar's voice wavered, a glimpse of vulnerability breaking through his normally composed demeanor.

"Sure, go ahead..." he interrupted.

Bhaskar's frustration momentarily flared, but he acquiesced, realizing the importance of the conversation.

"Let me finish!" Bhaskar's voice rose, asserting his presence and his right to articulate his thoughts.

"Okay, continue..."

The figure's patience was unwavering, a silent encouragement to voice his uncertainties.

"I seem to have forgotten..."

Bhaskar's frustration transformed into a wry smile, acknowledging the fleeting nature of human memory.

"Let's see..."

The figure's response held a touch of playfulness, as if engaging in a shared game of recollection.

"This was your brainchild—a restaurant—and my involvement has been minimal. Thus, this decision is yours..."

The weight of the words settled in the room, a reminder of Bhaskar's autonomy and the power he held to shape his own path.

"Fine, I forgive you. I believe you should reject that deal; it would compromise employment and erode our sense of community."

The exchange was marked by a pause, the gravity of the decision sinking in as Bhaskar deliberated.

"What do you mean by 'sense of community'?"

Bhaskar's curiosity was piqued, his desire for clarity evident.

"Would we welcome teenagers or groups of friends?"

The figure's question hung in the air, a philosophical challenge that transcended the immediate conversation.

"Absolutely not."

Bhaskar's response was immediate, a reflection of his deep-seated values and priorities.

"Because our focus is on families. I bear no animosity toward friend groups, but in this context, home food delivery contradicts our mission..."

The words held a touch of sadness, as if Bhaskar grappled with the tension between innovation and tradition.


Bhaskar's admiration was evident, a testament to the wisdom he sought in his interactions with the figure.

"You're adept at making swift, substantial decisions. Rejecting a lucrative deal was a prudent choice..."

The words were delivered with a blend of respect and approval, acknowledging Bhaskar's growth and discernment.

"I'm not always that composed..."

Bhaskar's admission was candid, a glimpse into the challenges he faced on his journey.

"Yet, decision-making is a skill you must develop..."

The figure's words were a gentle reminder, a call to continue evolving and honing his abilities.


Bhaskar's response held a mix of determination and vulnerability, a commitment to his own growth.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, Bhaskar and the figure proceeded to order food from their own restaurant. The clinking of cutlery and the soft laughter that filled the room created a sense of camaraderie.


"You know, it often takes just one blow, one stroke, one note, one variable to make a difference. That's the distinction between you and me." Ryan threw it in air as observation lingered in the air, a reminder of the nuances that set individuals apart.

"But I didn't ask about that..." Bhaskar added

Ryan's response was tinged with curiosity, a desire to delve deeper into the figure's insights.

"True, but it answers your query."

"Now, which new color has been discovered? I simply inquired about the hue to paint the sky for a cinematic effect."

Bhaskar's question held a touch of whimsy, a desire to infuse creativity into the ordinary.

"Am I your encyclopedia?"

The Ryan's playful retort was met with a chuckle from Ryan, a shared moment of levity.

"I advise focusing on your artwork, or else..."

The Bhaskar's response was cryptic, a gentle reminder to channel his energies into his creative endeavors.

"Ah, he's quite obtuse, such a big fat pig nothing more nothing less..." Ryan said

"Who? What pig?" Isika inquired.

Isika's curiosity was evident, her interruption injecting a sense of lightheartedness into the conversation.

"He's referring to our sir..."

The explanation carried a note of amusement, a shared joke among those present.

"Never mind... it's nothing."

Ryan's attempt to dismiss the topic only piqued Isika's curiosity further.

"Tell me na..."

Isika's insistence was met with a chuckle, a willingness to indulge her curiosity.

"Fine, I'll tell him. He thinks our sir is a pig."

The confession was met with laughter, a shared moment of embroil

"Why? Such comments..."

Isika's perplexity was evident, a mix of surprise and intrigue.

"Allow me to clarify..."

Ryan's response held a touch of mischief, as if he relished the opportunity to explain the whimsical comparison.

"What's your point?"

Isika's curiosity was palpable, her desire for understanding genuine.

"Imagine a pig, often covered in mud. Similarly, our sir is always immersed in colors..."

Ryan's analogy was met with laughter, the comparison drawing smiles from those present.

"Impressive analogy..."

Isika's compliment was sincere, an acknowledgement of Ryan's ability to intertwine creativity and insight.

"I had no idea you possessed such wit," he whispered.

Bhaskar whispered admission held a note of surprise, an appreciation for Isika's unexpected perspective.



"Oh, he rarely answers on short calls."

The observation carried a hint of amusement, a shared acknowledgment of Ryan's penchant for lengthy conversations.

"Could you suggest a color palette for a cinematic sky?"

Isika's question held a touch of whimsy, a return to their earlier imaginative exchange.

"I propose shades of red resembling dusk."

As the conversation wound down, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow through the window.

At that moment, the bell rang,


The bell's resonance marked the conclusion of their time together, leaving the room filled with the echo of their interactions and the promise of future dialogues.